Deleted Tweets From Lauren Witzke, R-Del.
Lauren Witzke's accounts: LaurenWitzkeDE
Tracked Between: May 23, 2020-November 07, 2020
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
While the Democrats are holding the wackiest DNC in American History- We held a #savethechildren rally in front of the Biden institute. It was evening to take a stand against human trafficking and pedophillia. #netde #SaveOurChildrenWorldwide #SAVEOURCHILDEN #AmericaFirst
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @charliekirk11: Darius Sessoms—a black man, went up to Cannon Hinnant, a 5 year old white boy and murdered him in cold blood in fro…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @PeckPolitics: You won't get empathy or compassion from Biden/Harris. You'll get a bloody return to liberal interventionism abroad and n… QT @amyklobuchar: Empathy and compassion: they’re on the ballot this November.)
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @JacobCLloyd: Homeschool
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
The Democrats have remained silent, as evidence of pedophilia and sex trafficking has been unfolding. We are calling on our government officials to investigate and hold ALL those affiliated accountable. See you tomorrow in front of the Biden Institute! #netde @MatthewCBittle
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @pdabrosca: When we win, never forget these people want you dead, broke, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny. QT @ArtWellesley: @thehill Anyone else have the feeling that. somewhere in hell,Satan snapped his fingers and realized “Shit, I got the wrong brother”)
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
Hundreds of #Delaware boaters showed up for @realDonaldTrump today! So much enthusiasum for our beloved President’s re-election. The tide is certainly changing- and in Joe Biden’s home state, of all places! #4MoreYears #Trump2020 #boatersfortrump #AmericaFirst
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @BraveTheWorld: Instead of shooting poor people and encouraging them to abort their kids, enable them to learn trades jobs through…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @ThatOldSheepDog: Darius Sessoms walked up to his neighbors kids who were riding bikes outside their home, placed a gun to this 5 yea…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
I’ll be going live tonight to discuss Witzke Campaign updates, as well as @ChrisCoons’ #S386 and radical gun legislation. Be sure to tune in! #AmericaFirst YouTube Chanel➡️
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
“Georgetown Man” Charged With Stabbing, Threatening To Kill Victim, Released On Unsecured Bond. As long as he was released *Legally*
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
As long as he was released *legally*
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
Big Win: @realDonaldTrump’s EOs are truly America First. @TheDemocrats are mad he didn’t pass it through Congress first, well he tried-But Dems demanded we free all the illegal aliens and violent criminals first. Enough is enough. You lose!
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
@Gettin2knowupod Lol 69th episode. Nice.
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
#Andy2020 QT @DanielleMuscato: I was just threatened w/assault at @kroger in Louisville because I asked another customer to wear a mask, and she r…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
Important to mention: These lazers leave you permanently blind. This is Terrorism. QT @ColumbiaBugle: If this is what they do to armed and uniformed police officers, imagine what these terrorists will do to you when t…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @JadenPMcNeil: Seems about right.. QT @genzgoporg: excited to announce that elle kalisz (@gjkalisz) is joining our team as our deputy communications director!…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @Rocman30: Catch @LaurenWitzkeDE On The Weekly Briefing with @christina_bobb this Saturday and Sunday 2pm est!! Only on @OANN
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @realDonaldTrump: How can voters be sending in Ballots starting, in some cases, one month before the First Presidential Debate. Move…