Deleted Tweets From Russ Carnahan, D-Mo.
Russ Carnahan's accounts: RepCarnahan
Tracked Between: November 21, 2011-February 01, 2013
RepCarnahan (D-Mo.)
RT @sarahannsparks: As a member of @hfacdemocrats, @repcarnahan promotes intl. women's rights. #thankyouruss
RepCarnahan (D-Mo.)
@GRoggeman All insurance co's req'd 2 spend 80% of revenue on real medical care. Anything less=rebate from co's, not taxpayers, 2 customers.
RepCarnahan (D-Mo.)
@UN MT: Today is World #Refuge Day. You can follow @Refugees for updates from #UNHCR all year:
RepCarnahan (D-Mo.)
What a great crowd at the town hall! Glad to connect with so many folks back home tonight.
RepCarnahan (D-Mo.)
NFL players got nuthin' on me. Just signed my first publishing contract. Salon is actually paying me for a story. Going to the Superbowl!
RepCarnahan (D-Mo.)
I took these photos at my Women's Small Biz Form this past Tuesday:
RepCarnahan (D-Mo.)
10:45 a.m. CT -- tune in to NPR at 90.7 FM for my interview w/ Don Marsh and Pat Brown-Dixon of SBA about women leadership in business.