Deleted Tweets From Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.
Steve Cohen's accounts: RepCohen, ReElectCohen
Tracking Since: July 14, 2010
RT @RepCohen: Watching #Trump press conference. Feel like I’m watching an Orson Welles or Frederico Fellini movie.He is off the r…
RT @RepCohen: Trump betrayed the American people by abusing the powers of the presidency for his personal political gain. By pres…
RT @AdamParkhomenko: We need to know exactly what was said between Trump and Putin during every single conversation that has ever taken place.
RT @RepCohen: Trump will get worse ‘as he sees the noose coming around his neck’: Judiciary Democrat | Raw Story via rawstory
RT @RepCohen: I called for #Impeachment in Fall of 2017. At that time, I was fighting upstream. Now, I am proud to stand with the…
RT @RepCohen: I commend @SpeakerPelosi for opening an #ImpeachmentInquiry. It’s the right time. It’s the right issue. Trump’s con…
RT @RepCohen: When the President won’t follow the law or abide by the #Constitution, #Impeachment is the only path. Trump won’t a…
RT @RepCohen: Senate Republicans are so scared of the #NRA they won’t even support funding #GunViolence research. The idea that s…
RT @RepCohen: news: #whistleblower possibly/probably about #Trump #Putin phone call. Since Helsinki &in every meeting btwn the tw…
Today at around 9:00 am CT/ 10:00 am ET, Corey Lewandowski will testify before @HouseJudiciary. Trump asked Lewandowski twice to have Jeff Sessions limit the #MuellerInvestigation. #ImpeachmentInvestigation Watch live here ⬇️
RT @RepCohen: "But I do believe that an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon,or needed for the defense of a home,"-Form…
RT @Gwaynedowdy: @RepCohen rarely have we seen such brave leadership from a government official. I am proud you are my representative.
RT @RepCohen: Trump is “Individual One” in Michael Cohen conspiracy (Southern Dist.NY) for violating campaign finance laws paying women for… QT @PoliticusSarah: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) says Individual One is putting his reelection campaign ahead of keeping the American people…
RT @RepCohen: The @HouseJudiciary Committee will vote on multiple #GunViolence prevention bills on September 10th. These policies…
And pity the #insurance company!And no re :KFC but it was convenient and it’s barrel a visual prop for #chickenBarr and the fowl #Trump administration(stet). QT @Peellite: @RepCohen I think Trump can put a claim into his insurance company. You sure like to poke the bear don't you. Pre…
Ole Miss is a disaster area.#GoTigersGo Number one in #Tennesseee and the Mid-South! #Memphis 15 Ole Missed 10 ! QT @TerryJobe3: @RepCohen Go to bed, or Orange Mound and help clean that disaster area up. Do something besides tweet!)
RT @AccountistLisa: � @RepCohen (D)Tennessee on filing made overnight by @RepJerryNadler for judge to rule “quickly” on having…
RT @MSNBC: Rep. Cohen on Pres. Trump saying he wants to host next year's G-7 at his Doral Miami property: "That's grifting and violating the emoluments clause, but he's doing it transparently ... It's unbelievable."
RT @RepCohen: My Subcommittee will be holding a hearing on #Emoluments & Trump’s proposal to hold the 2020 G7 Summit at his Miami property.… QT @kylegriffin1: Inbox: House Judiciary Committee to Investigate Trump Doral G7 Plan.