Deleted Tweets From Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.
Steve Cohen's accounts: RepCohen, ReElectCohen
Tracking Since: July 14, 2010
RT @RepCohen: And for #impeachment the burden is preponderance of evidence,not beyond reasonable doubt as in criminal law.#ObstructionOfJus… QT @tribelaw: I have the same question for @MittRomney as @Mimirocah1 has: what does Mitt know about the federal crime of obstruc…
@RodBoise @ONoSheWentThere Read the attached Forbes article.Are you that ignorant you can’t open an attachment or read?
RT @RepCohen: Congratulations to Myles Hardy of @SouthwindHS on winning this year’s Congressional Art Competition. His piece, whi…
RT @RepCohen: Former #SCOTUS Justice John Paul Stevens, who was appointed by Republican Pres. Ford, says Trump is operating outsi…
RT @RepCohen: Legislature adopts conceal-carry permit with online test only - The Daily Memphian Fire arm…
RT @AccessibleMeds: Thank you @RepCohen for co-sponsoring the #CREATESAct to bring down drug prices for patients in the #VolunteerState…
.@RepLucyMcBeth won her seat because she is a dedicated leader on #GunViolence prevention and a strong advocate for the people in her district. It is truly despicable that the president of the @NRA would suggest otherwise. He should be ashamed.
RT @RepCohen: There weren’t very fine people on both sides. The #Charlottesville hate march was carried out by a cabal of hate groups inclu… QT @Acosta: Trump defends his “very fine people” comments on Charlottesville: “People were there protesting the taking down of…
RT @RepCohen: On the 5-year anniversary of the #FlintWaterCrisis, we need more than words. We need action. I’m cosponsoring the…
RT @RepCohen: Many Republicans don’t believe in #ClimateChange, but I hope they see the importance of #CleanAir & #CleanWater. Trump’s dere… QT @thehill: "The Dirtiest week for water in EPA history" via @TheHIllOpinion
RT @nikiinthehouse: Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 20 million Americans who were previously uninsured now have health coverage. #20MillionStrong
I served with @JayInslee in Congress and can attest to his intelligence,character,and good political values.He is also an artist. QT @ActNow_Climate: @RepCohen #EarthDay is over, but we can still fight Climate Change! Jay Inslee is committed to a brighter future.…
RT @RepCohen: Type casted QT @thehill: McConnell vows to be "Grim Reaper" for progressive policies
RT @AnswerALS: Thank you @RepCohen, @rep_stevewomack, @RepTedLieu, @RepLipinski @RepRubenGallego, @RepGaramendi for co-sponsoring…
RT @JudyQ333: @RepCohen @CNN "Trump probably hasn't read 400 consecutive pages in his whole life" "Trump's not tethered to realit…
RT @RepCohen: Trump hasn’t read 400 cumulative pages in his life, so I’m sure he hasn’t read the #MuellerReport. I don’t think he…
RT @RepCohen: The first Republican president was Lincoln, who famously said this is a government “of the people, #ForThePeople, a…
RT @RepCohen: The #Constitution originally had the runner-up in Presidential elections become VP & only allowed white men to vote…
RT @RepCohen: The Trump DOJ is supporting a lawsuit that that would destroy protections for Americans with pre-existing condition…
RT @RepCohen: Today I’m joining @RepAdams and @RepUnderwood as a founding member of the Black Maternal Health Caucus. Black women…