Deleted Tweets From Dean Phillips, D-Minn.
Dean Phillips's accounts: RepDeanPhillips, deanbphillips
Tracking Since: January 05, 2019
RT @ryan_houlihoop: .@RepDeanPhillips testifying before E&C today advocating critical environmental issues to #MN03 including protectin…
I'm proud to report that my Minnesota staff and I were trained to administer #naloxone before our informative and moving community conversation about the #OpioidCrisis last month - just one of many actions we can take to start saving lives: QT @rollcall: Rep. David Trone and his staff underwent training to know how to respond if they come in contact with someone who h…
About to talk with @chucktodd on @MTPDaily about Congress’s role as a coequal branch of government and where we go from here.
I've had conversations about our roads, bridges, transit and broadband in every corner of our community. It's time for MN to get back more of our hard-earned tax dollars. Yesterday, I testified before the House Infrastructure Committee. Watch here :
I remember Ellis Parlier and Riley C. Howell who were taken from us too soon. I commend the student journalists at #UNCC for reporting on violence against their own. I hold those still recovering, their friends and family in my heart. And I call on the senate to consider #HR8. QT @niner_times: Two dead, four injured after shooting at #UNCC
Last night, Jenna September of @ChaskaHawks, took hope first place in the #MN03 Congressional Art Competition! There are so many amazing pieces, and you can vote for the People's Choice Award until May 8th! Good luck choosing just one... Vote now here:
Just like ideas, donuts are bipartisan. We had a few s left over from this morning’s #DonutsWithDean and decided to share them the lovely Minnesotans in @RepPeteStauber’s office! (Will take no prisoners during next week’s #hotdish competition, though.)
We stood up for women by reauthorizing #VAWA. But the NRA is keeping score and that's enough to take a commonsense, bipartisan bill and strongarm R's into opposing it. That’s inexcusable and exactly why we need to get special interests out of politics.
We stood up for women by reauthorizing #VAWA. But the NRA is keeping score and that's enough to take a commonsense, bipartisan bill and strongarm R's into opposing it. That’s inexcusable and exactly why we need to get special interests out of politics. QT @NPR: JUST IN: The House approved legislation renewing the Violence Against Women Act with new provisions that restrict g…
Today, I voted to condemn the President's assault on Health Care. We should be working together across the aisle to strengthen the #ACA, fix the aspects that need fixing, bring down costs and lower the price of prescription drugs. Read my full statement:
RT @LeadingAgeMN: Protecting Our Workforce! Dinah Martin Kmetz @SaintThereseMN participates in press conference w/ @SenTinaSmith,…
Congrats to @edinahornets on a spectacular 3-2 victory in the AA Championship game, and for being the first school to win the boys & girls hockey championships in the same year. And kudos to @epboyshockey on a great season; both teams did #MN03 proud!
Please help me protect 4,000 members of our amazing Liberian community who’ve been working, contributing and building lives in MN for many years. We need @POTUS to extend DED before 3/31 and Congress must pass the Liberian Reugee Immigration Fairness Act!
Friday Follow-Up, episode III: Maria Sanford, sub-committee assignments, anti-shutdown legislation, Election Day holiday legislation, and dark money legislation. Representation begins with listening, so please email me at
RT @karen_laumb: “I will be the loudest voice for campaign finance reform that Congress has ever seen.” We need to get special interest $ out of politics. -Dean Phillips @ #MN03 debate
RT @amyklobuchar: Its a beautiful day for a doorknock! Started the day in Eden Prairie on the campaign trail with my friend…
Since @RepErikPaulsen “stands shoulder to shoulder” with Donald Trump and has even adopted his strategy of misrepresenting facts and name calling - here’s the truth. #ChangeIsComing #EveryonesInvited
Favorite day at the polls EVER with the world’s greatest daughters! Please be a voter today, on November 6th and beyond. ✏️
Jamie Denton, Chanhassen resident and of #DesperateHousewives and #GoodWitch fame, was my first guest on “Contituents in Trucks Getting Coffee”. Have a look! #JamesDenton