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Deleted Tweets From Dean Phillips, D-Minn.

Deleted Tweets From Dean Phillips, D-Minn.

Dean Phillips's accounts: RepDeanPhillips, deanbphillips

Tracking Since: January 05, 2019

1389981753419390977 2 kvs8iy bigger

RT @USATODAY: Republican Dusty Johnson of South Dakota and Democrat Dean Phillips of Minnesota sat together one day in the Capito… https://t.co/Ah5uAxjVLZ

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I’m am. ‍♂️ QT @Acyn: Ronny Jackson: I think you as a press have a responsibility to ask questions of the Democrats as well. How many of… https://t.co/lSWyti0Ijc)

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Read the room. QT @GOPLeader: House Democrats blocked a bill that would have put sanctions on those who finance terrorism.   They had a chance to… https://t.co/p7pFx1QStn)

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RT @tedcruz: To America’s watch-me-woke-it-up CEOs I say: When the time comes that you need help with a tax break or a regulator… https://t.co/gB0r4T1iRp

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RT @DonKuster: Thanks to ⁦@RepDeanPhillips⁩ for joining some of our students at Sojourner Truth Academy today. Lots of smiles, and… https://t.co/P3iMxkPruR

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RT @MedicalAlley: During his time in Congress, @RepDeanPhillips has been a steadfast supporter of the innovative companies that call… https://t.co/wbk5BcHgi4

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“Limited and unimaginably conventional” Tweets from an American President seem worthy of appreciation rather than condemnation. QT @JohnCornyn: The president is not doing cable news interviews. Tweets from his account are limited and, when they come, unimagin… https://t.co/oQcHl9Z48m)

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RT @RepDeanPhillips: If you can barely recognize the Twin Cities you know and love, please listen to our neighbors who’ve been living in… https://t.co/MwSGwsNkIf

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RT @TwinWestChamber: Studies show that masks help minimize the spread of COVID-19. Wearing a cloth mask is one easy way you can help pro… https://t.co/J2WX6F4fZ6

1389981753419390977 2 kvs8iy bigger

It’s really easy to end corruption to contribute to governors and members of Congress, let’s just stop the practice altogether.

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They’re punishing one of their state’s largest employers and most prominent brands for standing on the side of justice. Suppose tomorrow they’ll impose a tax on corn syrup to hurt the cola company. QT @bluestein: @USATODAY @staceyabrams @ajc Just in: The Georgia House just narrowly passed an amendment that would repeal a tax b… https://t.co/mfPotn9MzM)

1389981753419390977 2 kvs8iy bigger

RT @RepDeanPhillips: I’ve met the mothers walking across the river. I’ve sat with the children in the cages. I’ve walked through the ree… https://t.co/FhkmoP3LEg

1389981753419390977 2 kvs8iy bigger

It’s time for MN to lead on #ClimateAction and clean energy. The #CleanCarsMN rule would tackle the greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions in our state—preserving public health and saving taxpayers billions in the process. I urge the speedy adoption: https://t.co/JWcVd42Cdl QT @cleantranspo: 👏@RepDeanPhillips joins nearly 14,000 Minnesotans in outpouring of support for common sense #CleanCarsMN emission s… https://t.co/Y2NZaWG6ls)

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Join me and the extraordinary @katieporteroc and her whiteboard on Mar 25 as @javimorillo leads us in an evening of trivia and fun(draising). Details belowand you don’t want to miss it! https://t.co/bRTAKJBUDP https://t.co/tl0UojS63c

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RT @anitalynns: . @deanbphillips points out that 80% of the benefits of the #TaxScam went to businesses that do not need it. Would… https://t.co/1EtSjVj4YY

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RT @Neil_Irwin: A wave of small business closures is only beginning, and will do lasting damage to workers, business owners, and co… https://t.co/HBW46xaihO

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I discussed the dire situation in Ethiopia during our @HouseForeign Africa hearing this week, an issue of great importance to my constituents with friends and family in the region. I've advocated for an urgent @StateDept briefing, now confirmed for 3/17. https://t.co/CB8F9GQLM7

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Happening now! QT @HouseSmallBiz: It's been more than a decade since the U.S raised the federal minimum wage. At 10 AM, the Subcommittee on Oversigh… https://t.co/HtiGZC9BYT)

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