Deleted Tweets From Dean Phillips, D-Minn.
Dean Phillips's accounts: RepDeanPhillips, deanbphillips
Tracking Since: January 05, 2019
RT @USATODAY: Republican Dusty Johnson of South Dakota and Democrat Dean Phillips of Minnesota sat together one day in the Capito…
I’m am. ♂️ QT @Acyn: Ronny Jackson: I think you as a press have a responsibility to ask questions of the Democrats as well. How many of…
RT @saksappeal: I wrote about the new stakeholder capitalism caucus from @RepHoulahan and @RepDeanPhillips and how it relates to th…
Read the room. QT @GOPLeader: House Democrats blocked a bill that would have put sanctions on those who finance terrorism. They had a chance to…
RT @tedcruz: To America’s watch-me-woke-it-up CEOs I say: When the time comes that you need help with a tax break or a regulator…
RT @DonKuster: Thanks to @RepDeanPhillips for joining some of our students at Sojourner Truth Academy today. Lots of smiles, and…
RT @MedicalAlley: During his time in Congress, @RepDeanPhillips has been a steadfast supporter of the innovative companies that call…
“Limited and unimaginably conventional” Tweets from an American President seem worthy of appreciation rather than condemnation. QT @JohnCornyn: The president is not doing cable news interviews. Tweets from his account are limited and, when they come, unimagin…
RT @RepDeanPhillips: If you can barely recognize the Twin Cities you know and love, please listen to our neighbors who’ve been living in…
RT @TwinWestChamber: Studies show that masks help minimize the spread of COVID-19. Wearing a cloth mask is one easy way you can help pro…
It’s really easy to end corruption to contribute to governors and members of Congress, let’s just stop the practice altogether.
They’re punishing one of their state’s largest employers and most prominent brands for standing on the side of justice. Suppose tomorrow they’ll impose a tax on corn syrup to hurt the cola company. QT @bluestein: @USATODAY @staceyabrams @ajc Just in: The Georgia House just narrowly passed an amendment that would repeal a tax b…
RT @SenTinaSmith: At 6:45 p.m. CT today, @RepDeanPhillips and I will discuss the Minnesota vaccination plan with @MDHCommMalcolm. We’…
RT @RepDeanPhillips: I’ve met the mothers walking across the river. I’ve sat with the children in the cages. I’ve walked through the ree…
It’s time for MN to lead on #ClimateAction and clean energy. The #CleanCarsMN rule would tackle the greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions in our state—preserving public health and saving taxpayers billions in the process. I urge the speedy adoption: QT @cleantranspo: 👏@RepDeanPhillips joins nearly 14,000 Minnesotans in outpouring of support for common sense #CleanCarsMN emission s…
Join me and the extraordinary @katieporteroc and her whiteboard on Mar 25 as @javimorillo leads us in an evening of trivia and fun(draising). Details belowand you don’t want to miss it!
RT @anitalynns: . @deanbphillips points out that 80% of the benefits of the #TaxScam went to businesses that do not need it. Would…
RT @Neil_Irwin: A wave of small business closures is only beginning, and will do lasting damage to workers, business owners, and co…
I discussed the dire situation in Ethiopia during our @HouseForeign Africa hearing this week, an issue of great importance to my constituents with friends and family in the region. I've advocated for an urgent @StateDept briefing, now confirmed for 3/17.
Happening now! QT @HouseSmallBiz: It's been more than a decade since the U.S raised the federal minimum wage. At 10 AM, the Subcommittee on Oversigh…