Deleted Tweets From Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del.
Lisa Blunt Rochester's accounts: RepLBR, LisaBRochester
Tracking Since: May 16, 2017
RT @freepress: .@RepLBR discusses the harms of "dark patterns," interfaces that are baked into social-media platforms' designs to…
RT @RepBowman: Congress must ensure that everyone gets the relief they need during this pandemic. I joined @RepLBR and @RepJayapal in call… QT @RepLBR: Today, @RepJayapal & I led over 100 of our colleagues in calling on Congressional leadership NOT to strip…
February is #HeartMonth. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and the most common type, Coronary heart disease, affects 53,000 Delawareans. Join me and @hearttruth in raising awareness about what people can do to protect #OurHearts.
Very much looking forward to an @EPWCmte run by @SenatorCarper & an @EPA run @Michael_S_Regan. The era of climate science denial is over. QT @SenatorCarper: Thank you @Michael_S_Regan for coming before the @EPWCmte this week. Michael is the right person to lead @EPA at t…
The member from Georgia doesn't deserve any more attention than she's already received. She also doesn't deserve to sit on any committees in Congress.
This is wrong. These brave soldiers have put their lives on hold to defend our democracy. They deserve nothing less that the best our Capitol has to offer. We need to get to the bottom of why our Guardsmen & women were put at risk in the midst of a pandemic. QT @politico: Thousands of National Guardsmen were forced to vacate congressional grounds today and are now taking their rest bre…
@POTUS is taking action on Day 1. There’s no time to waste and much work to do. QT @POTUS: After taking the oath of office this afternoon, I got right to work taking action to: - Control the pandemic - Pro…
Welcome news from @MLB. It means that players like Judy Johnson, the first Delawarean ever elected to the @baseballhall. QT @MLB: MLB is correcting a longtime oversight in the game’s history by officially elevating the Negro Leagues to “Major Le…
There’s only 1 day left to #GetCovered for 2021. It’s more important than ever to have quality and affordable health care. Go to to sign up.
Today, on #TransDayofRememberance, we remember and mourn those in the trans community we have lost to hatred and violence. We won’t stop fighting until transgender people can live their lives without fear of violence.
It’s not too late to get your flu shot! Do your part to protect yourself and your community this flu season. For more information, visit QT @NBCPhiladelphia: NBC10’s Delaware reporter Tim Furlong spoke to local experts, who believe a flu shot is more important this year th…
Tomorrow is the final day to submit for Delaware high school students to submit their application materials for a Class of 2025 U.S. Service Academy nomination. To submit your application, please go to
I’ll be participating in the @udelcpc’s debate in just 15 minutes! Tune in here to see me debate the issues that matter:
Time is running out to fill out your #2020Census. Go to and make sure you #GetCounted.
I am so excited to be launching College Students for Lisa this weekend with a great rally + phonebook into PA with @SymoneDSanders. If you're a college or high school student, or just want to join, please sign up:
This #LaborDay Weekend, please be sure to wash your hands, wear your mask, and stay at least 6 feet away from other people. Have a fun and safe weekend while limiting the spread of COVID-19.
@VoteJackie4NY is a Black woman, immigrant, combat veteran, educator, single mom, and public servant running for #NY02. Chip in today and flip this seat in November!! QT @VoteJackie4NY: We're excited to share our first TV ad in #NY02! When I was 20 years old, the Army said “Be all you can be.” I lis…