Deleted Tweets From Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del.
Lisa Blunt Rochester's accounts: RepLBR, LisaBRochester
Tracking Since: May 16, 2017
Our first event will be held on August 7th at 6 p.m., at the Del Tech George Campus in Wilmington. Dates for Kent & Sussex to be announced shortly. I hope to see you there!
I want to hear from you! Come out next Wednesday, in Wilmington, for the first of 3 Congressional Conversations. It's an opportunity for me to hear about the issues important to you!
Well if it looks like a , walks like a , and qucks like a ... #ACASabatoge #ProtectOurCare QT @APIAHF: .@RepLBR highlights that the administration has cut ACA outreach funding by 90%, leading to lower enrollment and hi…
RT @beardy_nick: Loved the @LisaBRochester launch this morning - so excited to start volunteering! #womenforlisa