Deleted Tweets From Mike Levin, D-Calif.
Mike Levin's accounts: RepMikeLevin, MikeLevin
Tracking Since: December 10, 2018
Join us tomorrow at noon for the launch of our Oceanside campaign office! RSVP here >>
RT @ChrisJZullo: Hillary Clinton won the California 49th Congressional District by 7.5% in 2016. This is a prime pickup opportunity…
RT @RWPUSA: Great video. Almost nobody in Congress has said as much to him and as well as she did. We need more people like her…
This #FathersDay many of us are fortunate to spend time with our loved ones. Let’s remember those impacted by the horrible policy of child separation. No child or parent should have to endure such cruelty.
RT @ChrisJZullo: Hillary Clinton won the California 49th Congressional District by 7.5% in 2016. This is a prime pickup opportunity…
RT @ChrisJZullo: Hillary Clinton won the California 49th Congressional District by 7.5% in 2016. This is a prime pickup opportunity…
RT @BoldProgressive: .@MikeLevinCA: "Voters acknowledge and know we need good infrastructure. At the Federal level, we have a responsibi…
RT @DFAaction: Full statement from @DFAaction on @MikeLevinCA top-two win in the #CA49:
RT @Hinkle4SC: Met with @MikeLevinCA last weekend to discuss nuclear waste storage solutions for the radioactive waste currently b…
RT @jonlovett: @TopherSpiro @jonfavs @danpfeiffer @TVietor08 Check out what we just posted -
RT @epeureka: Making calls for @MikeLevinCA right now ✌️ Let’s #FlipThe49th QT @TopherSpiro: LATEST INFO ON #CA49 Polling average of the 2 most recent polls: Mike Levin 13.5% Doug Applegate 11.5% Sara Jacobs 11%)
Only FOUR DAYS TO GO until the June 5 primary election in California! Together, we will win this seat, retake the House, and hold this administration accountable! Contribute whatever you can to help us keep the momentum going for the last 5 days! >&g
RT @amy_hanacek: Thank you Principal Pule for your service to your students and this amazing school! Additional shout out to committed pare… QT @cusd_vapa: Honored to speak tonight about the importance of the arts in our schools! Thank you San Juan Children’s Educational…
There is not a group of activists in America that can match these for commitment, creativity and effectiveness. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for what they have done for our community. And I am deeply honored to have won their support and confidence.
For more than a year, rain or shine, concerned activists gathered outside of Darrell Issa’s office. I’m honored to have the support of many who led these efforts. Together, we will win this district and flip the House!
For more than a year, rain or shine, concerned activists gathered outside of Darrell Issa’s office. I’m honored to have the support of many who led these efforts. Together, we will win this district and flip the House!
For more than a year, rain or shine, concerned activists gathered outside of Darrell Issa’s office. I’m honored to have the support of many who led these efforts. Together, we will win this district and flip the House!
For more than a year, rain or shine, concerned activists gathered outside of Darrell Issa’s office. I’m honored to have the support of many who led these efforts. Together, we will win this district and flip the House!
RT @carolkimSD: Already planning to make sure you are job-hunting in November 2020, because you sure as heck won’t be winning CD-49, and yo… QT @KristinDGaspar: Incredible moment being able to speak directly to the President of the United States, the Attorney General & Homela…
One of my Republican opponents, @KristinGaspar, met with Trump yesterday and remained silent as he called immigrants “animals” and said everyone wants the border wall (which we don’t). We need common sense immigration reform, not lies and name calling.