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Deleted Tweets From Mike Levin, D-Calif.

Deleted Tweets From Mike Levin, D-Calif.

Mike Levin's accounts: RepMikeLevin, MikeLevin

Tracking Since: December 10, 2018

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One of my Republican opponents, @KristinGaspar, met with Trump yesterday and remained silent as he called immigrants “animals” and said everyone wants the border wall (which we don’t). We need common sense immigration reform, not lies and name calling.

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New tweets this morning from @realDonaldTrump but still no apology to @SenJohnMcCain. When will he apologize on behalf of the administration?

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Trump appointed this guy to run the $1,400,000,000 credit union agency and he can’t even show up to his office in Washington. At least he’s not spending $31,000 on a table or $43,000 on a secret phone booth. What a joke. https://t.co/RfZz5Gx8dw

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I guess working from home is one way to avoid spending $31,000 on a table or $43,000 on a secret phone booth. What a joke. https://t.co/JINCzwg5KP

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Dear Mom, Thank you for always reminding me to follow my dreams, to stand boldly for my values, and to never give up. I love you more than words can express. #HappyMothersDay https://t.co/BauuddB4Vw

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I’m honored to have won a majority of support in a straw poll released yesterday by the Progressives of South Orange County! Thanks so much for your support! https://t.co/Sh528lSGxz

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Whatever Scott Pruitt, Trump and the climate deniers do, I’m proud to be a Californian — where we know that 100% renewable energy is the future! https://t.co/2OaNySrpmp

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Thanks to all for coming to our Dana Point house party tonight, #150 for our campaign! Join or host the next one — email info@mikelevin.org! https://t.co/kn6PN1eh6f

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Last I checked, @realDonaldTrump, 164K is less than 300K. https://t.co/teRNnWZ41b QT @realDonaldTrump: Today's job report is not a good sign & we could be facing another recession. No real job growth. We need over 300K new jobs a month.)

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Unacceptable. Trump’s EPA wants to “propel Americans to consume up to hundreds of thousands of barrels of additional oil daily ... and leave cars and trucks sending more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than they do today.” https://t.co/Ki4afs8j7N

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RT @SteveWestly: California Congressional Districts CA39 and CA49 are now labeled 'Lean Democratic' by @CookPolitical Report. This i… https://t.co/z5eW6hWRve

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How is Rudy Giuliani’s admission that Trump repaid Cohen anything less than a serious violation of campaign finance law?

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We must fight all efforts by Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency, led by Corrupt @EPAScottPruitt, to roll back auto fuel efficiency standards. While we’re at it, Congress needs to call on Pruitt to resign immediately.

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RT @CapoDispatch: Last night some 300 people came to a forum where four of the 49th congressional district candidates hashed out loca… https://t.co/mgNYW9CgIi

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We’re still short of the $10,000 we need to raise online this week to help put this spot with Adam Schiff on TV. Ballots arrive in 10 days. Will you help? Chip in >> https://t.co/lpUmTVgiFi https://t.co/hx02veMIlv

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No more weapons of war in our schools and communities! I’m proud of our local students (including many who volunteer on our campaign) for successfully advocating for gun violence prevention. #NoRA https://t.co/xi4H2Q5mKd

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I agree with those fighting for a Full Employment Act to help American workers survive big corporations shipping jobs overseas. This would guarantee that any American who wants to work gets a job on projects like repairing infrastructure and other critic

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Trump claims the Comey Memos clearly show “no collusion” — but they preceded Trump’s firing of Comey, which was the most obvious evidence of collusion. Completely nonsensical.

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Someone please remind @realDonaldTrump that he fired Comey and then said the reason why was the “Russia thing” — amounting to an obstruction of justice confession. The Comey Memos obviously wouldn’t show that. https://t.co/nv9CR97rmh QT @realDonaldTrump: James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classif… https://t.co/YfMYBrTkza)

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RT @RVAwonk: Here's Rudy Giuliani in Nov. 2016, admitting that the FBI had leaked information to the Trump campaign — giving the… https://t.co/EuEAdIVtd0

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