Deleted Tweets From Donna Shalala, D-Fla.
Donna Shalala's accounts: RepShalala, DonnaShalala
Tracked Between: January 03, 2019-December 30, 2020
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Tens of thousands of students were saddled with huge debts because of the predatory practices of these for-profit colleges. This ruling is a victory for all them. QT @nytimes: A federal judge fined Education Secretary Betsy DeVos $100,000 for contempt of court, ruling that she had violated…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Senate Republicans are playing politics w/ the lives of Venezuelans who have fled Maduro's regime The President has refused to grant #TPS so the House took action and passed the #Venezuela TPS Act Senate Republicans: stop the charade and do the right thing - lives are at stake.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @RepCummings: The baseless GOP attacks against @RepAdamSchiff are beneath the dignity of the House. They damage this institution…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Make no mistake: Democrats in Congress are working #ForThePeople QT @SpeakerPelosi: As Secretary for Health & Human Services in the Clinton Administration, @RepShalala fought to allow Medicare to neg…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
I'm proud to have had the opportunity to talk about the importance of H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act in the Weekly Democratic Address. Make no mistake: Democrats in Congress are working #ForThePeople
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Had a productive meeting with Stanley from @RepHastingsFL office about Everglades restoration. Apart from working on water quality and chew toy issues, he is also a very #goodboy. #furryfriendfriday
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Had a productive meeting with Stanley from @RepHastingsFL office about Everglades restoration. Apart from working on water quality and chew toy issues, he is also a very #goodboy. #furryfriendfriday
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @RepBarbaraLee: Tonight I led a special order hour on the House Floor observing 400 years since the first slave ships arrived in Vi…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @RepShalala: Hey @realDonaldTrump, are these the countries and conditions you plan on deporting families to this weekend? #TPSforVenezue… QT @MiamiHerald: New video shines light on massacre of indigenous group by Venezuelan government
DonnaShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @AFTunion: .@DonnaShalala to Tina Whitaker: Collective bargaining helps not just teachers and students, but the community. How…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @AFTunion: .@DonnaShalala to Tina Whitaker: Collective bargaining helps not just teachers and students, but the community. How…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
In #SoFla, we are already experiencing the devastating effects of climate change. This warming strip graphics makes it clear – the world is rapidly warming and we need to act quickly to protect the places we know and love. Find your warming stripe at
DonnaShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @DWStweets: Team Florida is ready to bring home a #TeamCongress victory tonight at @CWSoftballGame against #BadNewsBabes - and…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
As we celebrate the 65th anniversary of #BrownvBoard and those brave families who took a stand for equality and justice, we must continue to fight for fair and equal access for all. There is so much more work to be done.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
This Wednesday will be the first our Desayuno of the month. If you are planning a trip to Washington, DC, this is a great opportunity to join me and my staff for breakfast and to learn more about the work we are doing. #FL27 Registration:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Looking forward to QT @AdvocacyMDC: "Join Master of Ceremonies U.S. Congresswoman Donna Shalala, and take part in the AIDS Walk Miami 5K (3.1 mile) wal…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
We must do everything we can, from passing legislation supporting the right to unionize, strengthening worker protections, and simply using our platforms to fight for South Florida.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Did you watch @WPLGLocal10 "This Week in South Florida" on Sunday? I made it clear that the Cuban military must leave Venezuela and stop propping up the illegitimate Maduro regime. #VenezuelaLibre
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
National Park Week is a time to explore amazing places, discover history and culture, volunteer, and #FindYourPark! Join me in celebrating our amazing @BiscayneNPS during National Park Week from 4/20-4/28. How will you #FindYourPark? #EncuentraTuParque
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
I am honored to have the opportunity to nominate a select number of high school students to the United States military academies. The application deadlines are early next year, but you can apply now. More information is available online: #FL27