Deleted Tweets From Donna Shalala, D-Fla.
Donna Shalala's accounts: RepShalala, DonnaShalala
Tracked Between: January 03, 2019-December 30, 2020
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
You cannot have health insurance if you don't cover pre-existing conditions. That's why it's so important to call out these short-term, limited duration plans for what they are - junk.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @NBCNews: JUST IN: In 263-158 vote, House passes Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, which includes provision to clos…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
On #WorldAutismAwarenessDay, our office is lighting it up blue to raise awareness and show solidarity with everyone on the autism spectrum. Today, we recommit to creating a world without stigma or discrimination, where all those with autism are welcome.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Today, we had a meeting with the First Lady of Venezuela @FabiiRosales. During our discussion, the First Lady shared more about the detention of @ROBERTOMARERRO. the security of the interim president @jguaido, and coordinated efforts to help the Venezuelan people receive aid.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
En Vivo con la Primera Dama Fabiana Rosales y el embajador Carlos Veccio
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
En Vivo con la Primera Dama Fabiana Rosales y el embajador Carlos Veccio
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Moments ago: the House of Representativea passed my bill - the Venezuela Arms Restriction Act. With the passage of the H.R. 920, we will move one step closer in fulfilling our obligation to ensure that no weapons originating in the U.S. are used to silence peaceful Venezuelans.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
During # WomensHistoryMonth, I salute the amazing women who have led the way for so many of us by fighting for gender equality. It’s time we make sure women everywhere have equal pay, paid family & medical leave, & better retirement security!
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
The United States and the international community stand with Venezuela’s interim president @jguaido as he returns to Venezuela today. Guaidó Vows a Prompt Return to Venezuela, as Unity Starts to Fray #VamosBien
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
The United States and the international community stand with Venezuela’s interim president @jguaido as he returns to Venezuela today.… #VamosBien
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
The United States and the international community stand with Venezuela’s interim president @jguaido as he returns to Venezuela today. #VamosBien
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @WhipClyburn: In 2017, 23% of cases where a gun was transferred to a prohibited purchaser involved someone who had been convicted…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Only a cruel dictator would silence journalists for speaking truth to power. The world is watching what Maduro is doing to his people and others who dare to question him. #VenezuelaLibre QT @UniNoticias: ÚLTIMA HORA: Equipo de @Univision liderado por @jorgeramosnews está arbitrariamente retenido en el Palacio de Mira…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
It is an honor for me to be with our Venezuelan community on this important day with @RepDWStweets, @SenatorMenendez, @RepSires and @carlosvecchio. My commitment to the freedom of Venezuela is stronger than ever! #Vamosbien #23F
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Mañana estaré junto al embajador @carlosveccio, @DWStweets, @RepSires, y @SenatorMenendez compartiendo ideas para ayudar a nuestros hermanos venezolanos ante la crisis humanitaria que enfrenta #Venezuela.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Mañana estaré junto al embajador @carlosveccio y @DWStweets compartiendo ideas para ayudar a nuestros hermanos venezolanos ante la crisis humanitaria que enfrenta #Venezuela.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Join us on Weston Saturday for a conversation on the Political and Humanitarian crisis in #Venezuela along with @DWStweets @carlosvecchio #VenezuelaLibre
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @jesuschacin9: @RepShalala @SenSanders @jguaido Thank you Congresswoman Shalala! It is unfortunate that some democrats like…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
It’s a personal issue for many in the South Florida community who have friends, family, and neighbors that have all been impacted by the brutal policies of the Chavez-Maduro regimes. #VenezuelaLibre #SoFla