Deleted Tweets From Val Demings, D-Fla.
Val Demings's accounts: RepValDemings, valdemings
Tracked Between: January 04, 2017-August 24, 2022
valdemings (D-Fla.)
Congratulations to my husband, Jerry Demings, for being elected to serve another term as Orange County’s Mayor.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
It’s not too late to vote! The polls are open now until 7 pm (local time) today. If you still have your mail-in ballot, do NOT put it in the mailbox. Drop it off at your local polling station or cast your vote in person. Find more info here:
RepValDemings (D-Fla.)
Big Pharma is used to winning on Capitol Hill, because they have the money and the lobbyists on their side. But with the #InflationReductionAct we put working families first.
RepValDemings (D-Fla.)
Please join me to congratulate Neil Franklin, James Robinson, Steven Knight, & Michael Gregg. These @UPS drivers from my district are now in the UPS Circle of Honor – UPS drivers with *zero* avoidable accidents for 25 years. I’m proud to support our dedicated UPS public servants.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
Just last tonight, I met with Liberty City leaders to discuss how we can keep the public safe and build stronger neighborhoods. I'm praying for the officer, his family, the police department, and his entire community.
RepValDemings (D-Fla.)
Outbound investment screening is a critical supplement to the CHIPS Act. This screening will protect our national security and taxpayer dollars. The Senate must pass our bill.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
I cannot win this race alone - we need all hands on deck to flip Florida blue. With your help, we can improve the quality of life for all Floridians! Click the link below to join our movement.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
Breaking News: Rubio hates his job. Let’s #RetireRubio just like he wants.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
I’m tied with Marco Rubio 45-45. Floridians see him for who he is: a career politician and a weak leader. When Florida needs him, he doesn’t show up. We can win this race.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
I’m tied with Marco Rubio 45-45. Floridians see him for who he is: a career politician and a weak leader. When Florida needs him, he doesn’t show up. We can win this race.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
We should all be excited to vote in this election. We have the power to change Florida for the better!
valdemings (D-Fla.)
Mientras yo ponía tras las rejas a criminales violentos @Marcorubio vivía con un amigote ahora bajo investigación federal. Está desesperado por no tener que responder sobre sus décadas de amistad con un socio del régimen de Nicolás Maduro. ¡Qué vergüenza!
RepValDemings (D-Fla.)
My bill to support the Urban Area Security Initiative has passed the Senate @HSGAC. This legislation is critical for first responders and will help ensure stable funding levels for anti-terror programs that keep us safe.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
Andan US Sena m pral kontinye travay pou ke tout moune ka jwen swen pou sante yo le yo Malad.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
Andan US Sena m pral kontinye travay pou ke tout moune ka jwen swen pou sante yo le yo Malad.
valdemings (D-Fla.)
Mwen rankontre ak chef Ayisyan -American kap viv nan Miami-Dade li fem konnen ke yo genyen anpil problem pou yale lopital osinon we yon Dokte le yo malad Paske yo paka peye lajan yo mande pou tretman an.Mwen pap asepte bagay konsa.
RepValDemings (D-Fla.)
RT @HarrisC2: Join @BPC_Bipartisan for a reception on unity & leadership in the New Congress w/ @RepJackBergman and @RepValDemings
RepValDemings (D-Fla.)
On July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act establishing @NASA. In the years that followed, Florida would launch hundreds of millions to orbit, to the moon, and to explore our solar system and our universe.