Deleted Tweets From Rick Kennedy, D-Texas
Rick Kennedy's accounts: RickKennedyTX17
Tracked Between: July 28, 2018-November 19, 2020
RickKennedyTX17 (D-Texas)
To quote another Kennedy (John F.) - "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."
RickKennedyTX17 (D-Texas)
ICYMI: Rick spoke at the Texas Democratic Party Bus Tour in Bryan College Station on Wednesday. Donate at #RickKennedyForCongress #TX17
RickKennedyTX17 (D-Texas)
RickKennedyTX17 (D-Texas)
RickKennedyTX17 (D-Texas)
League of Women Voters Guide. Click on this link & enter your address; submit. Scroll down to green box “Get personalized information on candidates & issues.” Follow prompts.
RickKennedyTX17 (D-Texas)
Thanks, Krista & Cindy! I appreciate your support!
RickKennedyTX17 (D-Texas)
"We get the leaders we vote for. We get the policies we vote for. And when we don't vote, that's when we wind up with government of, by and for other people." -Michelle Obama Last day to register-Oct 9 Early voting-Oct 22 thru Nov 2 Election Day-Nov 6