Deleted Tweets From Tina Smith, D-Minn.
Tina Smith's accounts: SenTinaSmith, TinaSmithMN
Tracking Since: January 03, 2018
But make no mistake, the President could have worked with Congress to get real relief for all Americans during the greatest crisis of our lifetimes. Instead, he showed us yet again who he really is.
Almost 3 years ago I became your U.S. Senator, & 2 years ago you sent me back. I go to Washington every week thinking about you & fighting for you — for your health care, your schools, your retirement, & your family’s opportunity. I’m not backing down now.
.@TorresRayMN was Minnesota's first Latina woman to serve in the state Senate and has been a strong proponent of immigrant rights, marriage equality, and much more. Proud to endorse her for re-election in MN63.
.@KariDziezic is a strong fighter and powerful voice for Minnesotan women especially with sexual harassment and reproductive choice laws. Proud to endorse her for re-election in MN60.
.@EatonSenator has shown her dedication to environmental and natural resources policy, health and human services policy, and more specifically, championing opioid-related legislation. Proud to endorse her for re-election in MN40.
.@SenatorPappas has been advocating for Minnesotan women for years both in the Senate and through her international NGO Forward Global Women. Proud to endorse her for re-election in MN65.
.@SenatorAnn has decades of experience in the MN Senate including serving as the Senate President from 2013-2017. Her leadership and dedication are necessary. Proud to endorse her for re-election in MN45.
.@mhwiklund is very active in her district and community between serving on various local boards and chairing the Bloomington School Board Legislative Committee. Proud to endorse her for re-election in MN50.
I’m proud to endorse a strong slate of candidates across Minnesota. We’ve got to keep MN blue and #flipMNSenate this November, and we’ve got a great group of candidates to do it.
RT @StephenAtHome: Hey Minnesota! The election is in 48 days, dontcha know! Here's everything you need to know about how to vote. Chec…
Everything we do now and for the next 45 days has got to be focused on winning this election. We will not despair. We will organize. Sign-up to volunteer:
Excited to have my good friend @AngieCraigMN join me for a #TeaWithTina conversation TOMORROW at 3pm CT. RSVP below to join us:
I believe the U.S. needs to be a leader in the global fight against climate change. Meanwhile, my opponent said he was “in sync” with Donald Trump about withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. That’s not leadership. #mnse
When women run, we win. And I’m so proud to see so many women leading the charge to fight for a better, more inclusive Minnesota.
.@MelisaFranzen has been a champion for MN49, a strong advocate for Minnesota’s families and our values, and a friend of mine. Proud to endorse her for re-election.
#TT to when @SenatorBaldwin and I wore matching blazers, spread the word about climate change, and confirmed once and for all that no, we are not the same person.
Great to join @edinaindivis and @MinnInAlliance on Wednesday for a virtual textbank. I’m thankful for their support and the support of thousands of volunteers across the state. It’s this energy and dedication that we’ve got to carry with us the next 66 days.
Today we honor the life of Emmitt Till, who was brutally lynched 65 years ago at the age of 14. His murder helped reignite the modern civil rights movement, and his mom worked to make sure every American saw the injustices behind his death. We must continue to push for equality. QT @BerniceKing: We remember you, always. 🖤
Great to join @edinaindivis and @MinnInAlliance on Wednesday for a virtual textbank. I’m thankful for their support and the support of thousands of volunteers across the state. It’s this energy and dedication that we’ve got to carry with us the next 67 days.
It’s hard not to smile when you’ve got two delicious tacos in front of you. Wonderful food & conversations at Taqueria Paisanos this afternoon. Small businesses like this one are what make St. Paul thrive, and we must continue to support our friends & neighbors during this time.