Deleted Tweets From Tina Smith, D-Minn.
Tina Smith's accounts: SenTinaSmith, TinaSmithMN
Tracking Since: January 03, 2018
Let me tell you why the skyrocketing price of prescription drugs is alarming to me, and why it should be to you, too.
A MN woman recently showed me insulin pens that she bought for her daughter in other countries around the world. She told me that prices for the pens ranged from $8 to $18. In the U.S., she explained that this exact insulin pen—made by the same manufactur
That’s ludicrous. Pharma companies need to be held accountable for jacking up the price of drugs that people need to survive. I’m working to take on the pharma industry & rein in drug industry profits that are borne on the back of patients who are pay
I have a bill that would address a loophole that big pharama companies use to keep affordable generic drugs out of the hands of Minnesotans.
And I intro’d a bill requiring pharma companies to reveal how they’re using the billions of dollars in tax breaks they received as a result of the recently passed Republican tax bill.
I am committed to taking on big pharma—and the big money behind them—because their price-gouging hurts families in Minnesota.
Congrats to @CoachPhill on being promoted to Director of Coaching at USA Curling! @usacurl, you picked the best curling coach out there—and a pretty good Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Competition judge, too.
The bipartisan #FarmBill may have passed out of committee today, but that doesn’t mean the ag meetings stop. Today I had staff attend @MNFarmerUnion’s rural dairy discussion in Mazeppa.
My staff heard about the negative impact of low commodity prices on dairy farmers’ bottom lines. It’s a problem too many Minnesotans are facing, and the reason why I fought to get a measure in the #FarmBill to improve the dairy safety net.
I’m grateful for the input that these folks—and all MNs—have shared w/ me regarding #FarmBill priorities. I plan to be a fierce advocate for MN farmers, ranchers, rural development leaders, energy efficiency folks, & nutrition experts during the marku
Today, I’ve intro'd a bill to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable.
We need to do all we can to tackle Rx prices, & part of this is knowing how many dollars are going into the pockets of investors & shareholders rather than consumers, & what action—if any—pharmaceutical companies are taking to lower drug price
Minnesota’s small businesses create jobs, drive innovation, and make significant contributions to our economy. Congratulations to all of @SBAgov’s MN 2018 Small Business Winners, including Brenda Nobly, Small Business Person of The Year. QT @MPRnews: The recession nearly killed Brenda Nolby's gymnastics studio. The Ham Lake entrepreneur proved her staying power, t…
Her story is inspiring, but it is not unique. It’s one example of the many ways in which Minnesota's immigrant communities contribute to our state. Their story is not theirs alone—is it the story of our nation, and it is the story of our state.
That’s why I’m backing @SenHeitkamp and @SenatorCollins’ bipartisan bill to support new and beginning farmers and ranchers enter and remain in the ag industry.
Supporting our family farmers and ranchers, who make great contributions to our economy and help feed the country, shouldn’t be partisan, and I’m going to be fighting to get this bill signed into law.
Proud of @SenateDems for fighting for #NetNeutrality—the principle that what we read, view, and watch on the internet is free and open to everyone—and glad to sign onto your petition, @SenMarkey. We just need #OneMoreVote to help restore a free and open i
I want to personally thank all of the firefighters and public safety officials who responded to the massive explosion and fire at Husky Energy in Superior. Your hard work prevented what could have been even bigger disaster. I am proud of your service and
If Republican leadership refuses to bring this bill to a full Senate vote—like @SenatMajLdr has signaled—it sends a terrible message. Russia attempted to undermine the very fundamentals of our democratic process, and the American public deserves to know w
Thanks to our judges: Olympic gold-medal winning @CoachPhill of @TeamShuster, Farm Dir. @JoeKASMRadio, Noobstaa Philip Vang of @foodhini, which serves food made by immigrant and refugee chefs, & @AARPMN Voluneer State Pres. Kate Schaefers. Thanks @sam