Deleted Tweets From Steve Southerland, R-Fla.
Steve Southerland's accounts: SoutherlandFL02, Rep_Southerland
Tracked Between: October 16, 2012-November 27, 2014
SoutherlandFL02 (R-Fla.)
RT @NRCC: Congrats to tonight’s GOP primary winners in Iowa and New Jersey! #iapolitics #njpolitics #IAPol #NJPol
SoutherlandFL02 (R-Fla.)
We raised a record $509,000 last quarter. That's right over half-a-million! Thanks for all your support in this a fantastic quarter #Sayfie
Rep_Southerland (R-Fla.)
#1000days since the #Senate passed a budget. How can you lead ifyou can't even pass a constitutionally-mandate budget? #WeCantWait
Rep_Southerland (R-Fla.)
Had a wonderful time last night meeting @GovChristie and his wife Mary Jo in Baltimore. He rocked the house! #gop #tcot