Deleted Tweets From Tony Cardenas, D-Calif.
Tony Cardenas's accounts: Tcardenas, RepCardenas
Tracking Since: August 08, 2017
RT @j_smitty67: . @RepCardenas is absolutely right about congress (BOTH houses) not entering emergency session regarding ISIS, too busy vacationing
RT @AlanJustus: @RepCardenas Thank you for looking into the scandal at UNC. The cesspool of athletics there stinks to high heaven. PTB continue coverup.
.@HumaneSociety Congratulations on victory in the Farm Bill. King amendment will not in the final bill. Glad to have worked hard on this!
RT @RepDelBene: Happy #BlueFriday from our nation's capital! #GoHawks @Seahawks #TGIBF
RT @CHIRLA: @RepCardenas: #CIR will help "families stay together". @SpeakerBoehner's statement ab not going to conference is a mistake. #CIR4vets
RT @CAPimmigration: @93annah @repcardenas actually this quote is attributed to Vanessa Cardenas, VP @progress2050 @amprog