Deleted Tweets From Tony Cardenas, D-Calif.
Tony Cardenas's accounts: Tcardenas, RepCardenas
Tracking Since: August 08, 2017
Congratulations to Jersey Vargas, a junior at Van Nuys High School, who took first place with her water color entitled, “A New Generation Begins.” The San Fernando Valley is brimming with young talented artists, like Jersey, waiting to be discovered.
Nearly 1.5 million ppl in CA are at risk of missing out on their stimulus checks. Haven't received your stimulus check yet? Join me next Monday, July 20 for my teletown hall on Economic Impact Payment. Zoom link and dial-in information will be shared shortly. I hope you'll join!
Zoom- Join via phone: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 856 6805 9768
RT @RepCardenas: Nearly 1.5 million ppl in CA are at risk of missing out on their stimulus checks. Haven't received your stimulus c…
He doesn’t even make an effort to hide how corrupt he is. What a disgrace.
RT @RepRaulRuizMD: We are in a surge. It’s more important than ever to frequently wash your hands, stay at home, and when you’re out f…
Today, I sent a letter to my congressional colleagues about the shocking lack of staff diversity in Congress. The date is clear: when it comes to promoting and hiring people of color, we are failing.
RT @RepSylviaGarcia: Vanessa Guillen and her family were failed. I thank all my colleagues in Congress who have reached out about this…
Happy 4th of July! Be safe. Wear a mask and keep social distancing.
The family deserves deserves information on Vanessa's case. It's been 60+ since she was last seen and we still don't have all the facts. Vanessa is an American hero and we should be putting available resource towards the search for Ms. Guillen. QT @CBSThisMorning: Search teams looking for a missing soldier at Fort Hood, Texas have found human remains as they investigate her dis…
While the Pres Trump continue his attacks on the ACA and the health of Americans, House Democrats passed the a bill to strengthen and expand healthcare access. We are in the middle of a pandemic and ensuring that ppl have access to healthcare is critical.
Since 2005, there have been more than 13,000 deadly police shootings in the, I sent a letter to @AppropsDems urging them to increase funding for the @CivilRights Division in the FY2021 appropriations bill.
Today, we commemorate the end of slavery in the United States. While we have made strides in the journey towards justice, we are still a long way from where we need be as a nation. The fight for justice and equality continues. #Juneteenth #BlackLivesMatter
Today, women are still not compensated fairly making only 80 cents to every dollar her male counterpart earns. The pay gap is even wider for Latina women, who earn 53 cents to every dollar. This is unacceptable.
Equal pay is fundamental to our values as Americans and gender-based pay discrimination hurts families and our economy. That’s why I am proud to be a cosponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act. It is well past time that women are paid equally for equal work.
56 years ago today, Pres John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law. On this day, we recognize the trailblazers who led the fight to ensure that all Americans, regardless of gender, are paid equally. And although we have made progress, there’s still much work to be done.
Join me this Thursday, June 11 for a mental health and self-care roundtable. We'll be joined by mental health advocates and experts as we discuss best practices and habits during challenging times. Mental health is just as important as physical health. I hope you can join us.
This confirms what we already knew — the killing of #AhmaudArbery was a lynching. The Senate must move quickly and pass the Emmett Till Antilynching Act.