Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas
John Cornyn's accounts: TeamCornyn, JohnCornyn
Tracking Since: April 02, 2014
RT @CPAC: WATCH: #CPACNOW America UnCanceled with @mschlapp, @mercedesschlapp, and @JohnCornyn
RT @moseley_jonny: MEGA phone bank alert � Last night we were joined by the great @VanTaylorTX @MattShaheen @leachfortexas With our gr…
RT @moseley_jonny: Everything is bigger in Texas, and that means HUGE phone banks!! All made possible by our fantastic Republicans…
RT @moseley_jonny: There isn’t a more dedicated crew than right here in #TX03 putting in the work to #keepcollincountyred…
RT @moseley_jonny: What’s a little heat when Election Day is only 66(!!) days away? Putting in the steps to re-elect our Reps…
RT @ChandlerChiappe: This weekend from @JohnCornyn's service academy appointee ceremony! #merchantmarineclassof2018
The Biden Administration wants to sustain an aura of crisis to justify its tax-and-spend plans. But the March jobs report shows the economic crisis is over. via @WSJOpinion
RT @DMCETX: @JohnCornyn Our great TX senator at @tylerisd today with CTC students
Sheer laziness. That is why some Ds want to kill the consensus-building-required filibuster. Legislating is hard work, but slackers want to take the easy way out. The media won't be happy until moderate Dems kill the filibuster via @nypost
RT @seanmdav: Democrats Ban White Farmers From Federal COVID Relief Program
RT @joannamrod: .@CoryGardner: “It’s 7 o’clock on September 1st. Right now, John @Hickenlooper and I are supposed to be debating in Colorad… QT @CoryGardner: Where is Governor @Hickenlooper?
RT @JohnCornyn: Bill Clinton ran for re-election on a platform that said, “We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it.”
RT @charlescwcooke: Machine recount has Nelson with 779 fewer votes than the older count that Broward has decided to use.
RT @charlescwcooke: “77 million Americans spent almost 7 billion hours volunteering to help their neighbors and others in need.”
RT @dlebleu: @andreatantaros @JohnCornyn thanks for featuring Pink Pockets on FN Five! Honored to be in great company of US biz!
RT @emmaplatoff: "Were there any administrative agencies at the founding of America?" @JohnCornyn asks Kavanaugh. Getting into greatest hits on federal agency overreach. "We don't get to vote on the bureaucra
RT @emmaplatoff: At Federalist Society Texas chapters conference, 5th Circuit Judge Edith Jones welcomes her five new Trump-appointed colleagues (three of them on Texas seats), says they have "raised the bar"