Deleted Tweets From Ann Marie Danimus, D-Wash.
Ann Marie Danimus's accounts: Vote4AnnMarie
Tracked Between: September 15, 2021-August 03, 2022
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
IT IS NOT ABOUT YOUR PARTY. IT IS ABOUT THE PEOPLE. #FlipWA05 QT @JustAGuyInWA05: @MurrayCampaign @BB_55415 I did because I like Senators like you who vote for veteran’s rights, not exploit their d…
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
Retweeting this because my campaign manager is from TX QT @TrumpluvsObama: Stephen Colbert captured the essence of Ted in one sentence!
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
@PaulFranzmann Yes, a lot of people in the endorsement meeting were not happy about that. And the LDs and the counties should either endorse everyone or hold their endorsement till after the primary. Especially when there are two strong candidates.
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
“I don’t want to say the election is over.” @cathymcmorris What did you know and when did you know it? #FlipWA05 #Vote4AnnMarie
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
Well, audio of @HerreraBeutler condemns 45's antics, but what does Big Lie Kathy say?
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
RT @susanswim55: @Vote4AnnMarie @cathymcmorris Democrats voted for the children. @cathymcmorris voted for their killers. Indisputabl…
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
@damagebooks1 When I say “we”; I mean “we the people”.
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
RT @bhennrich: Congratulations @terri_niles for stepping up to represent the constituents of WA 17th LD, Pos 2. My statement is a…
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
No one can see the future, but anyone can envision a brighter one. I'm Ann Marie Danimus and with me as your WA05 Representative, things WILL change for the better. Bringing Business Back, Building Our Future, and Leaving No One Behind are the tenants of my platform.
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
I will celebrate our country this weekend as I gear up to fight for our rights. We the people need to take our country back from extremists and corporate interests. #FlipWA05
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
RT @AmieKnope: Great article! I say no more bullies in Congress needed, personally. ♀️ Someone who knows how better healthcare and other… QT @TheInlander: Will Democrats send an attorney who called for defunding the police or a "pragmatist" looking to build bridges to t…
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
Check out the article in the Inlander!
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
@ThorJermy @BigTParker @AaronParnas Are you a bot farm, lol?
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
I created the NOPE pledge (Not One Penny Ever) vowing not to take one cent of corporate money. THAT is the real problem in our country.
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
@keeningthoughts @ursifors Had a blast going through the Pride Parade! My Team and I will be at the festival until 6 PST talking to and registering voters! #FlipWA05
Vote4AnnMarie (D-Wash.)
A visit to my alma mater and the Palouse Area/Whitman County Dems! Drive through compass to reminisce. Such a beautiful little town, Pullman, WA, home of WSU. ♥️