Deleted Tweets From Austin Smith, D-N.Y.
Austin Smith's accounts: aconnellsmith
Tracked Between: February 13, 2019-May 29, 2022
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@rgoodlaw You sound like a lawyer defending goring at Nuremberg. “There’s no proof he had any knowledge it was happening.” He was the WH COS…the fact that he did nothing with this is also a huge problem. It’s criminal conspiracy. I can’t believe you were a lawyer for the military.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@JJHunt10 It’s funny to watch faux tough guys break like five dollar muts when someone finally stands up to you. Your rage and self-righteousness disintegrate into a hysteria of self-pity and sentimentality as you run for cover behind actual victims.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
Only 4 federal judges have been impeached since 1789. Anyone with a passing knowledge of human nature knows there simply must have been more corrupt and/or recklessly erring judges in the course of 220 years. Looks like 131 were found today. QT @ForsythJenn: Alerted to law violations by the Journal, 56 of the federal judges have directed court clerks to notify parties in…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@ClistonBrown It already happened. Remember that’s why you are fighting it on contractual grounds now because you lost at the polls.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @TomthunkitsMind: I like this
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @patriottakes: This is an actual painting Trump has hanging up at Mar-a-Lago.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @RepLeeZeldin: New York is now forcing two-year-olds to wear masks. TWO-YEAR-OLDS! These people have lost their minds.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @sethfrotman: Grateful for the opportunity to speak with @LesleyStahl on the critical need to protect members of our military who are be… QT @60Minutes: The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program was meant to wipe clean students’ debt in return for a decade of public…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@Jim_Jordan do not ignore this. if you don't response now. And I mean right now. It will be so much worse.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @JamesTate121: Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no c…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
what sort of closet dungeons and dragons weirdos came up with this infantilizing fundraising campaign. You people are running one of the two major political parties in America. Act like it.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @reedgalen: Kendall Roy is real. QT @joncoopertweets: I’m sorry, but does anyone else agree that Don Jr’s kids look LESS THAN THRILLED to see him? 🥺
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@donwinslow We shouldn’t attack people who want to distance themselves from that monster. Please. Let them turn on him.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@covie_93 I think it’s the second person singular of “to enlie” which means something like “to loudly demand immigrants speak and write English.”
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@finn_tabulous and yes it's both of the above. whoaaaaaaaa dude.....
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
@ReutersFacts So it most certainly is ‘evidence.’ You may find it unpersuasive or outdated or unreliable but lets use our words correctly, Reuters.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
RT @reedgalen: Must read from @TheRickWilson. If Democratic leaders don’t #EnforceTheSubpeonas, they’ll be seen (again) as weak in the fac… QT @TheRickWilson: 1/ I have some bad news. After multiple calls I have some extremely grim news. As of now 1/6 commission is dead al…
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
This is really powerful QT @georgehahn: This ad for Congressman Charles Graham (NC) is incredible.
aconnellsmith (D-N.Y.)
20 k? Does this Bannon think he lives in a Bronze Age village? QT @waltshaub: Meanwhile the president is still talking about infrastructure instead of the fascism. This is worse than a slow mot…