Deleted Tweets From Adam Edelen, D-Ky.
Adam Edelen's accounts: adamhedelen
Tracked Between: September 09, 2018-September 09, 2020
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
BIG step backward for Kentucky tonight. Like a Bernie Sanders bad night. #BBN
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Good gracious. @maureendowd at her best, on @NYGovCuomo at his best. Let’s ‘Kick Coronavirus’s Ass’
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Good Lawd I miss sports! Super amped for the @NFL draft! Let’s Go!!!!
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Twin brothers, two pandemics, a century apart. I haven’t done this is awhile but if you read one thing this evening...
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Prior to coronavirus I used @zoom_us a few times. Total. I now live on it, like a few times a day. Entrepreneurs always find a way.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
My biggest complaint of our politics as of late is that it’s utterly bereft of big, new ideas. This is a big, new idea that merits discussion. And yes, it’s from Mitt Romney. Read before you judge... QT @SenatorRomney: I’m introducing #PatriotPay because our essential workers—those putting themselves in greater risk on the frontline…
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
RT @RiggsLewis: I remember when the Republican Party stood with the hero on the left, not the maniac on the right.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
@GovAndyBeshear has an administration populated by able civil servants and smart lawyers. Rebuilding the economy requires a different skill-set and he’s got 2 outstanding biz minds in his cabinet. I hope @JimGrayLexKY and Larry Hayes are tasked w/ developing a recovery plan.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
I’m from Flaherty, Kentucky. But @lexingtonkycom is my home and I wouldn’t live anywhere else. This is beyond great...
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Distressing news from our Atlantic ally. Boris Johnson taken to intensive care via @MailOnline
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
RT @adamhedelen: Consider this. In 3 weeks the US economy has lost as many jobs as were created in the 8 years of the Reagan admini…
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Consider this. In 3 weeks the US economy has lost as many jobs as were created in the 8 years of the Reagan administration. Further losses are likely to eclipse Clinton era job gains in the coming couple weeks. Our leaders must meet this moment with bold action.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
I’m a pandemic, policy decisions must be grounded in science. @314 action is providing a terrific townhall today about just that! Tune in! QT @314action: TODAY from 4-5pm EDT: join us for “COVID-19: Get the Facts,” a Facebook Live panel on the coronavirus with Sec.…
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
It’s difficult to effectively manage what you can’t completely measure. via @YahooFinance
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
If you read one thing today... QT @adamhedelen: “You can’t fight a fire blindfolded.” If you read one thing today, make it this. An extraordinarily important pi…
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
As if my galloping extroversion weren’t enough of a challenge, I’m also the world’s most natural “intermittent fast-er.” 3 meals a day with snacks in between is gonna require a very active spring. #coronamaggedon
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
So @heykentucky Is “shelter in place” by any other name just the same? #coronavirus
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
RT @DrewCurtis: For the record, Interesting Times sucks
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
RT @RexChapman: This young man elected to miss his Special Needs Prom because his basketball team was playing. He's the team's man…