Deleted Tweets From Adam Edelen, D-Ky.
Adam Edelen's accounts: adamhedelen
Tracked Between: September 09, 2018-September 09, 2020
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
@Ruffian1981 Agreed. But work ought to pay. And we have raised it in over a decade.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
By the way folks, I’ve learned to make horseradish sauce.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
If you don’t like baseball, it’s your right. If you can’t have fun watching these @braves, there’s no hope for you.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Good eye, KB. Steinberg’s “Bismarck.”
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
My goodness, I wish there was a way to invest in the transfer portal. #NCAA
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Let’s not let this historic moment on this day in sports pass us by...
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
If you read one thing today, check this out from a friend of mine who makes a lot of sense here.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
RT @TJPayne3333: USING ONLY A GIF, what do you consider a perfect movie? You wouldn't change a single thing about it.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Had a meeting with this fella earlier this week. We could use a leader like this post haste. #16 #Abe #KYborn
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
RT @Team_Mitch: Enjoy our new ad. #DefeatTheMob Fund the fight:
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
I’ve been to 30 countries on 5 continents and there’s no place I haven’t been that I want to visit more than Missoula, Montana.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
RT @KYinitiative: *clutches pearls* we are not used to a male Kentucky politician saying such things! It is just so sensible. It must be a… QT @adamhedelen: We believe Kentucky women deserve a government that respects them enough to stay out of their doctor's office and t…
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
I love history and I study is closely. My hope for this generation is that one day we can define ourselves by what we build together rather than what we endure.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
40 million Americans out of work, equal the entire population of California. This is going to be a long recovery.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
My goodness, if there’s anything that unites the extremes, it’s bad economic takes from folks who have no idea what they’re talking about. As a matter of fact, check out @BadEconTakes. They’ve got plenty to cover and do it well.
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
She was a true Kentucky icon and I must admit to being a bit starstruck in her presence. Thoughts and prayers for her family, particular the apple of her eye, and my friend, @lincolnbrown7. Kentucky flags at half mast tonight. via @courierjournal
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
Tune into @jaredsmith75 @ItsShermanBrown of @KnightShamrock for running commentary on the Kill Bill movies tonight. They tell me it’s certain to change your life, or something like that...either way it’ll be entertaining
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
If you read one thing today... QT @Joe_Gerth: For all of you hung up on the "unmaking" of Michael Flynn, a key thing to remember is that when a government offici…
adamhedelen (D-Ky.)
It’s not a Meade County Christmas unless Santa brings a firearm! Congrats to Wade & Hamilton on their Henry Repeaters.