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Bureau of Land Management | ProPublica Recovery Tracker

Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Bureau of Land Management

Total Spending


Parent agency (Interior, Department of)


Alaska $22,536,296
Arizona $8,623,208
California $20,202,682
Colorado $45,293,356
Florida $1,104,396
Idaho $12,518,514
Illinois $2,174,351
Indiana $870
Kentucky $7,160
Maryland $747,238
Michigan $363,344
Minnesota $133,735
Montana $13,560,988
Nevada $4,613,258
New Mexico $21,434,173
New York $117,745
North Carolina $69,908
North Dakota $174,985
Oklahoma $906,215
Oregon $35,100,952
Pennsylvania $34,090
South Dakota $409,261
Tennessee $423,983
Texas $611,678
Utah $27,989,797
Virginia $1,962,366
Washington $3,852,950
West Virginia $82,075
Wisconsin $74,840
Wyoming $3,275,678

Showing only the top (by amount) 50 entries. Go here for the full list

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Federal Dept./Agency Date
JOHNSON CONTROLS GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS LLC $17,355,200 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/31/2010
: The purpose of this ESPC is to support and modernize BLM's overall facilities infrastructure, install Renewable Energy measures to lower greenhouse gases/carbon emissions and support BLM's overall mission. Ultimately, this ESPC will provide energy saving
MARSH CREEK, LLC $16,283,983 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/22/2009
: Drew Point Well Test # 1 Remediation
SMITH CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. $12,120,182 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/23/2010
: Construct new 36,000 square foot BLM Field Office and related site improvements
PNK CONSTRUCTORS, LLC $7,230,492 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 11/06/2009
: Little Sahara Recreation Area Road: furnish supervision, labor, material, equipment & supplies neessary to reconstruct approx. 14 miles of road within recration area
C3 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY $7,069,529 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/16/2010
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF $3,999,000 Grant Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 1/22/2010
Environmental Quality and Protection Resource Management: The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has received stimulus funding for the Zortman-Landusky reclamation site in Phillips County, Montana. These mines started as underground workings in the late 1880's. After many years of in... Show more
HYDRO RESOURCES - ROCKY MOUNTAIN, INC. $2,761,425 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 4/01/2010
: Recovery: Park Center WEll
EDAW, INC. $2,289,803 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 5/14/2010
: National Historic Trails Inventory
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $2,064,138 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/25/2010
: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maintains vital records of public land ownership in Montana and the Dakotas in the form of Control Document Index (CDI) aperture cards. The BLM Montana State Office has only one set of these aging microfilm aperture car
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $2,000,000 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/31/2010
: The BLM in Wyoming received funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to provide accurate and accessible information to spur renewable energy development on public lands. The goal of this task is to provide a complete and acc
PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES, INC. $1,790,459 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/10/2010
: NIFC modular building construction pre-engineered modular building
A4 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. $1,744,334 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/01/2009
: Construct a 10,000sf LEED Silver facility for the BLM. This project included all site work and utilities and a PV parking carport.
CITY OF FARMINGTON $1,742,980 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/22/2009
: 12,000 LF Potable Water Extension AND 4,500 LF Sanitary Sewer Extension
PACIFIC EXCAVATION INC. $1,601,631 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 4/27/2010
CONSERVATION, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF $1,516,000 Grant Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 1/14/2010
Environmental Quality and Protection Resource Management: The purpose of this award is to protect public safety and health on public lands where AML sites present severe physical safety hazards and which require mitigation/remediation.
DEATLEY CRUSHING COMPANY $1,512,716 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/18/2009
: Burns Steens Mt. Rock Crushing
OTAK, INC. $1,483,470 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 8/14/2009
: Additional services have been added to do further work with the field offices on refining distance zones for visual resource inventories as per direction from the National Lead.
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING SOLUTIONS, INC. $1,420,440 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/17/2010
: Revised and answered questions on the cultural resources report and analysis.
NATURAL RESOURCES, UTAH DEPARTMENT OF $1,396,500 Grant Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 12/21/2009
Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Resource Management: The purpose of the Utah Watershed Restoration Project is to maximize natural biodiversity through time, improve water quality and quantity, vegetative cover, vigor and composition to sustain consumptive and non-consumptive demands as well as ... Show more
AGRICULTURE, IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF $1,322,500 Grant Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 12/16/2009
Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Resource Management: The strategic emphasis of programs in all counties will be the removal of noxious weeds and invasive species determined to be negatively impacting the ecological stability of plant communities associated with BLM lands. The Department of Agr... Show more
CHICAGO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY $1,250,000 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/01/2010
: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is entering into this contract with the Chicago Horticultural Society, doing business as Chicago Botanic Garden (CBG, contractor) for the purpose of obtaining trained native seed collection interns at BLM locations.
NATURESERVE $1,249,867 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/16/2010
: Rapid Ecoregional Assessment for the Seward Peninsula, Nulato Hills, Kotzebue Lowlands, Alaska Ecoregion
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF $1,220,460 Grant Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 2/01/2010
Environmental Quality and Protection Resource Management: The ARRA grant will continue a long-term cooperative relationship between the Abandoned Mine Lands and BLM for carrying out abandoned mine land reclamation under the provisions of Tittle IV, Surface Mining Control and Reclalmation Act of 1977 ... Show more
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $1,073,044 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 12/22/2009
: Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, the Arizona State Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been tasked with ensuring positional mapping accuracy of land records and boundaries in support of renewable energy develo
HUFFMAN & WRIGHT LOGGING CO $1,058,555 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 5/18/2010
: Brushing, Culverts, and Surface replacement
ROBCO INC $1,045,177 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 4/28/2010
: Culvert replacement and road restoration on Bureau of Land Management roads in the northern part of Josephine County
KENT CREEK QUARRY, INC. $999,026 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 11/23/2009
: crush and stockpile rock at designated stockpile areas
KENT CREEK QUARRY, INC. $999,026 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 11/23/2009
: roseburg crushed rock supply and delivery
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $984,309 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/30/2010
: This specific ARRA project is related to the development of renewable energy on public lands that will assist the United States strive for energy independence. These renewable energy sources consist of wind, solar and geothermal possibilities.The goal of
KADRI INTERNATIONAL CO. $966,907 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 4/23/2010
: Recovery contract work for georeferencing plats and conversion to AutoCAD format of approx. 2088 plats.
BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON INC. $898,425 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/31/2010
: The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requires contractor support services to complete an RMP and EIS/EA for the Rawlins, Pinedale, Kemmerer, Casper, Newcastle and Rock Springs Field Offices. The BLM will use an enviromenta
CS CONSTRUCTION $895,267 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/01/2010
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $893,067 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 12/16/2009
: Of the over 5,000 townships in both Oregon and Washington, contracted work on 2874 townships are eligible for ARRA funding. This contract award addresses post scanning support tasks required in ARRA townships to provide the indexed and accessible digital
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $878,165 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/18/2010
: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maintains vital records of public land ownership in California in the form of Control Document Index (CDI) aperture cards. The BLM California State Office has only one set of these aging microfilm aperture cards that ar
OTAK, INC. $856,561 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 5/27/2010
: Additional services have been added to do further work with the field offices on refining distance zones for visual resource inventories as per direction from the National Lead.
FIRST CASCADE CORP. $849,000 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/22/2010
: Salem Windows, Skylights and Entrance Replacement at the BLM District Office in Salem, Oregon
HENDERSON BUILDERS L.L.C. $846,800 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 8/31/2009
: Single, firm fixed price contract to supply, deliver, spread, shape, water and compact 58,000 tones of 1 aggregate to approx 13 miles of aggregate surface road
ST. CLAIR CONSTRUCTION, INC. $841,799 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/04/2010
: Single fixed-price contract to renovate an existing day use area, boat ramp and campground. Work includes site grading, excavating, backfilling and compacting, pipe plowing, installing concrete toilets, pump house, slabs, and pin downs, hydrants, plumbing
JAMES TALCOTT CONSTRUCTION, INC. $838,050 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 1/07/2010
: Put boat ramp in at Holter Lake
ALL ROCK, LLC $831,123 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 11/24/2009
: haul rock to stockpile sites on blm roads
L T M INCORPORATED $822,296 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/01/2010
: Warner Valley and Gerber Road Surfacing
MARSH CREEK, LLC $817,243 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/22/2009
: Red Devil, AK - furnish all personnel, equipment, supervision, transportation, supplies, and incidentals to perform: - treatment of existing stockpiled petroleum contaminated soil - conduct a site characterization of the petroleum release at former above
URS GROUP, INC. $796,907 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/14/2010
: Conduct an inventory of abandoned mine lands, physical safety and environmental hazards. Task include: 1) Literature review, 2) Field inventory, 3) Temporarily securing physical safety hazards that present an immediate hazard, 4) Reclamation design, 5) Mi
SKIP HUSTON CONSTRUCTION INC $791,926 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/03/2010
: Repairs and rehabilitation to various roads and trailheads in the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, in Montrose and Delta Counties, Colorado.
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $781,149 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/01/2010
: Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the BLM received funding to be used in Fiscal Years (FY) 2009 and 2010 to stimulate the U.S. economy, support job preservation and creation, encourage irhastructure investment, promote energy effici
KEN'S WATER TENDER INC $767,440 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 9/10/2010
: Keswick Area Rail Trail Paving
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $764,991 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/29/2010
: The Bureau of Land Management a set of records called the Control Document Index cards. It consists of 35mm microfilmed copies of patents and other documents which convey title to and fiom the United States. There are also copies of documents such as publ
NATURESERVE $756,225 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 6/25/2010
: Rapid Ecoregional Assessment of the Central Basin and Range Ecoregion
TETRA TECH EM, INC. $744,100 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/30/2010
: Davis Mill Removal Action
PREMIER DATA SERVICES, INC $732,000 Contract Interior, Department of / Bureau of Land Management 3/10/2010
: The BLM maintains thousands of historic vital records of public land ownership in Colorado. These records contain copies of original documents that have been microfilmed and are currently stored as a collection of microfilm aperture cards referred to as t

Showing only the top (by amount) 50 entries. Go here for the full list