Navajo County, Ariz., funds by Interior, Department of
Listing $38,588,292.08 in stimulus funds from Interior, Department of for Navajo
Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.
Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.
Recipient | Amount | Description | Federal Dept./Agency | Date |
FANN CONTRACTING, INC. | $11,690,613 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
HOPI JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, INC. | $8,444,074 | Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools Facilities Improvements and Repairs using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 funds appropriated for project at Hopi Junior/Senior High School. The Hopi Junior/Senior High School will upgrade and replace worn and aged mechanical equipment; set up | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/15/2009 |
HOPI JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, INC. | $1,147,300 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Alignment of school curriculum grades 7-12 has been completed and will provide teachers opportunities to address deficiencies in student achievement. Teachers will prescribe lesson planning directed towards students deficience through the aliligned curricul... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/22/2009 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
SHOW LOW CONSTRUCTION, INC | $1,074,788 | Mill 3-1/2 of Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Stockpile; Grade Subgrade, Place Aggregate Base Leveling Course, 2 Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement, Asphalt-Rubber Membrane, Hot Asphalt-Rubber Chip Seal Coat, 3 Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Pavemen | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/15/2010 |
WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE | $844,170 | Highway Planning and Construction To perform construction and tribal project management activities for ARRA Project FAIR 31. H52A0600 | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/28/2010 |
SHONTO PREPARATORY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL | $764,600 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic standards. Adopt rigorous college and career ready standards and high quality assessments, by providing high quality standards with after school academimic services; f... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/19/2009 |
SHOW LOW CONSTRUCTION, INC | $741,567 | Tribal Management and Grade, Drain, Place Aggregate Base Course, Double Chip Seal Coat, Construct Dip Sections, Final Fog Seal and Pavement Markings for 1.021 miles on BIA Route 232. H65A0200 | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/23/2010 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE | $672,000 | Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/22/2009 |
CIBECUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL | $672,000 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. The organization is focused on school improvement initiatives that are centered around improved programming in reading and math.h. The strateg... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/05/2009 |
HOPI TRIBE | $636,261 | Highway Planning and Construction Tribal management&construction activities(crack cleaning/sealing hot asphalt concrete pavement surfacing, pavement markings) on 1.7 miles of route 17. H65A0200. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/28/2010 |
KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | $498,826 | The contract includes renovations to the existing buildings plumbing fixtures and office doorways to meet ADA requirements, replacing the floor finishes in the office and conference spaces, add a fire rated wall separating the office area from the detenti | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/02/2010 |
WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE | $422,705 | Road Maintenance_Indian Roads ARRA Project H526079H Bridges R & R Located on the FAIR | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/26/2010 |
WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE | $422,705 | Road Maintenance_Indian Roads ARRA Project H526079H Bridges R&R Located on the FAIR | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/26/2010 |
JEEHDEEZ'A ACADEMY | $392,900 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improving teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/06/2009 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $384,400 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Activities will reinforce reading activities by providing resources, Technological materials, and software, upgrading teachers s methods and s... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/08/2009 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $368,800 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for studends most at risk of failing to meet State Academic Achievement Standards. Scope: 1) Order textbooks, supplies and materials to implement the Corrective Reading and Math Intervention Programs. 2) Hire Cononsultants to p... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 1/15/2010 |
KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | $368,055 | This project consists of removing existing temporary fence and installing a permanent perimeter fence, vehicle and pedestrian gates, and electronic security and access control systems to provide security and to operate the gates. Also included is paving | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/25/2010 |
KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | $357,638 | MACC contractor shall provide and pay for labor, material, equipment, transportation, mobilization, permitting hazardious debri disposal, air monitoring, insurance and bonding, 4% NN taxes, applicable State of Arizona fgross receipts taxes to perform asbe | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 5/24/2010 |
KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | $351,388 | Asbestos abatement & gym demolition at Shonto Preparatory School | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 5/24/2010 |
WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE | $335,000 | Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management This award is for forest management thinning of hazardous fuels and removal of the biomass created by this project. It is an 800 acre project. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/30/2010 |
DBA CONSTRUCTION, INC. | $328,442 | The project is located at the Alchesay/Williams Creek Fish Hatchery in Whiteriver, AZ. The labor requirement per the contract requires participation of the local White Mountain Apache Tribe. Therefore, the project is subject to the guidelines as set for | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | 2/05/2010 |
Roads Project FAIR 4(2) Preservation of existing roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk - Project ID H52A0100
This spending item is part of a $667,829 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/30/2010 |
LEUPP SCHOOL INC | $306,700 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards through professional development, data monitoring and building modifications in technology (interactive whiteboards, projectors anand installatio... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/19/2009 |
Construction Service to Implement Phase II Energy Conservation Measures at Hopi Detention Center
This spending item is part of a $978,938 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 11/10/2009 |
Western Grade, LLC | $242,211 |
Roads Project FAIR 4(2) Preservation of existing roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk - Project ID H52A0100
This spending item is part of a $667,829 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/30/2010 |
HOTEVLLA-BACAVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT | $237,100 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act The overall goal is to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards in the areas of Math and Reading. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/08/2009 |
Construction Service to Implement Phase II Energy Conservation Measures at Hopi Detention Center
This spending item is part of a $978,938 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 11/10/2009 |
SACRED POWER, CORPORATION | $228,786 | Remove existing LMR radio equipment at the existing Hotevilla and Spider Mound and Deliver to owner all property not planned for reuse at the new Sites | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/27/2010 |
HOTEVILLA-BACAVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT | $228,000 | Indian Education Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance Renovate quarters, replace windows, heating units and roof. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 8/27/2009 |
CONCO CONCRETE SPECIALISTS, L.L.C. | $213,600 | Pipeline replacement and paving | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | 3/29/2010 |
DBA CONSTRUCTION, INC. | $183,717 | The project is located at the Williams Creek Fish Hatchery in Whiteriver, AZ. The labor requirement per the contract requires participation of the local White Mountain Apache Tribe. Therefore, the project is subject to the guidelines as set forth by the | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | 4/09/2010 |
CHILCHINBETO COMMUNITY SCHOOL | $180,900 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk failing to meet state academic achievement.Continue after school tutoring and Saturday Academies to gain academic achievement. We have expended at 100%. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/01/2009 |
CHILCHINBETO COMMUNITY SCHOOL | $180,000 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk failing to meet state academic standard. | Interior, Department of | 7/01/2009 |
Construction Service to Implement Phase II Energy Conservation Measures at Hopi Detention Center
This spending item is part of a $978,938 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 11/10/2009 |
LAM CORP | $165,743 |
Construction Service to Implement Phase II Energy Conservation Measures at Hopi Detention Center
This spending item is part of a $978,938 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 11/10/2009 |
THEODORE ROOSEVELT BOARDING SCHOOL | $150,400 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Purpose of award is to provide intervention resources and strategies in the areas of reading/writing/math. The SRA corrective r reading progra... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/23/2009 |
COOPER ZIETZ ENGINEERS, INC | $145,912 | Contract is to provide Construction Inspections services during construction for the renovation of the Cibecue Community School project. Deliverables consist of Daily inspection reports. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 2/05/2010 |
COOPER ZIETZ ENGINEERS, INC | $145,911 | Contract is to provide Construction Inspections services during construction for the renovation of the Cibecue Community School project. Deliverables consist of Daily inspection reports. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 2/05/2010 |
LITTLE SINGER COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD INC | $127,200 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/22/2009 |
Construction Service to Implement Phase II Energy Conservation Measures at Hopi Detention Center
This spending item is part of a $978,938 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 11/10/2009 |
APL ACCESS & SECURITY, INC. | $110,460 | Bosch CCTV System and TOA Intercom System | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/30/2010 |
Highway Planning and Construction 30% construction activities for development of PS&E documents for FAIR 101(1)#52A0200
This spending item is part of a $358,004 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 2/01/2010 |
Employee housing renovations and repairs
This spending item is part of a $1,695,323 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/30/2010 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $99,600 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 11/01/2009 |
JEEHDEEZ'A ACADEMY INC | $98,200 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improving teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/05/2009 |
Isaacs Concrete Creations Inc | $94,930 |
Roads Project FAIR 4(2) Preservation of existing roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk - Project ID H52A0100
This spending item is part of a $667,829 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/30/2010 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $85,100 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Students are progress monitored biweekly, using DIBELS, to determine achievement level and need. Teachers meet weekly to discuss s plans to addr... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/05/2009 |
D & O CONTRACTORS, INC. | $84,975 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
IMMEDIA, LLC | $80,280 | Immedia Audio Sulotions 10 Promethean Classrooms | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 5/16/2011 |
BRIMHALL SAND, ROCK & BUILDING MATERIALS | $76,197 | Class B 3/4 Hot Asphalt Concrete Mix, supplied & delivered to 3 separate locations on the Navajo Indian Reservation. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 1/21/2010 |
JEEHDEEZ'A ACADEMY | $72,715 | Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to improve student academic achievement through the innovative use and be effective integration of new and emerging technology with teacher training, curriculum development, and successful research - based instructiononal... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/30/2010 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
LEUPP SCHOOL INC | $70,915 | Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act To improve instructional delivery and student achievement through professional develpment on operations of school modifications including Polyvision interactive whiteboards, PLATO Online applications and NWEA testing measurements. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 5/12/2010 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $64,815 | Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States to improve student academic achievement through the innovative use and the effective integration of new and emerging technology with teacher training,curriculum development,and succesful research based instrtruc... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/10/2010 |
Highway Planning and Construction 30% construction activities to develope PS&E documents for FAIR 103(1)H52A0300
This spending item is part of a $256,000 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 2/01/2010 |
HOPI DAY SCHOOL | $61,800 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 10/14/2009 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $53,000 | Education for Homeless Children and Youth, Recovery Act Ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth. Scope: 1) Trainig for school staff; 2) purchase of clothing and schooool material... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/01/2010 |
Otto Trucking, Inc. | $50,000 |
Arizona Highway project for various BIA roads on the Navajo Reservation
This spending item is part of a $13,873,712 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 6/18/2010 |
LITTLE SINGER COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD INC | $35,640 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 8/01/2011 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $35,640 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/01/2011 |
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF | $35,640 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 8/01/2011 |
HOPI JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, INC. | $35,640 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve Teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Academic Achievement Standards.Alignment of school curriculum grades 7-12 has been completed and will provide teachers opportunities to address deficiencies in s student achiev... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 8/01/2011 |
LITTLE SINGER COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD INC | $31,800 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/22/2009 |
SOUTHWEST SLURRY SEAL, INC. | $28,320 | HEAVY GRADE SLURRY SEAL (TYPE II) | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/27/2010 |
BYRNE & ASSOCIATES | $28,200 | This award is comprised of monthly 2 day visits for 5 months between 9/26/2011 to 6/30/2012. The educational consultant assisted the school by working with teachers, kindergarten to eighth grade, to raise the level of student reading achievement. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/26/2011 |
BYRNE & ASSOCIATES | $28,200 | Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act This award will be comprised of monthly 2 day visits for 5 months between 9/26/2011 and 6/30/2011. Onsite facilitator vendor will assist the school by working with teachers, kindergarten to eighth grade, to raise the level of student readingng achievement,... Show more | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/26/2011 |
BRIMHALL SAND, ROCK & BUILDING MATERIALS | $26,865 | RECOVERY - 3/8 COLD MIX, PICKED UP BY BIA TRUCKS. | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 7/14/2010 |
Roads Project FAIR 4(2) Preservation of existing roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk - Project ID H52A0100
This spending item is part of a $667,829 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/30/2010 |
EAGLE CONSULTING, INC | $9,022 | Professional Services | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 9/10/2010 |
HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. | $7,669 | GSA PO transaction through the Show Low, AZ Home Depot store #0411 | Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 8/17/2010 |
ORTA FENCE, INC. | $3,841 |
Roads Project FAIR 4(2) Preservation of existing roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk - Project ID H52A0100
This spending item is part of a $667,829 allocation.
See details
Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) | 3/30/2010 |