Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Mountrail County, N.D., funds by Interior, Department of

Listing $17,658,030.00 in stimulus funds from Interior, Department of for Mountrail

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $8,382,000 Garrison Diversion Unit * Four Bears Water Treatmrnt Plant Expansion. Phase I will include the addition of a new clearwell structure (159,000 gallons) adjacent to the existing clearwell in the Four Bears water treatment plant (WTP). The clearwell capacity will increase from 139 Bureau of Reclamation 11/02/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $1,377,672 Road Maintenance_Indian Roads ROADWAY REPAIR AND RESTORATION ACTIVITITES ON THE FT. BERTHOLD RESERVATION Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/06/2010
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $1,377,672 Road Maintenance_Indian Roads ROADWAY REPAIR AND RESTORATION ACTIVITIES ON THE FT. BERTHOLD RESERVATION Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/06/2010
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $1,330,377 Road Maintenance_Indian Roads Road Repair and Restoration Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/06/2010
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $1,200,000 Indian Housing Assistance Construction of 9 geothermal homes for qualified applicants Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/28/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $1,016,893 MICROSURFACEING OF THE BIA ROUTES 2 & 12 Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 4/27/2010
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $1,016,893 Highway Planning and Construction MICROSURFACING OF THE BIA ROUTES 2 & 12 Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 4/27/2010
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $188,101 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Childcare development - direct services and support of tribal college childcare center. Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $146,587 Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities_Operations and Maintenance Improve, repair/restore and perservation of the Mandaree and Twin Buttes Roads Shops; Build a storage space for the Gerald Tex Fox Justice Center. Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/30/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $146,586 Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities_Operations and Maintenance OJT Defered Maintenance on the White Shield Roads Shop located on the Ft. Berthol Reservation. Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/26/2010
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $72,436 Native American Employment and Training Future Generations - Employment and lifeskills building for youth. Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $72,436 Native American Employment and Training Future Generations - Youth skill building program. Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009