H.R.9: Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act of 1995

About This Bill

  • This bill was introduced in the 104th Congress
  • This bill is primarily about congress
  • Introduced Jan. 4, 1995
  • Latest Major Action March 13, 1995

Bill Cosponsors

133 (3 Democrats, 130 Republicans)

Bill Summary

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Division A: Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Division B: Private Property Protection Act of 1995 Division C: Regulatory Reform and Relief Act Title I: Strengthening Regulatory Flexibility Title II: Regulatory Impact Analyses Title III: Protections Division D: Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Act of 1995 Title I: Risk Assessment and Communication Title II: Analysis of Risk Reduction Benefits and Costs Title III: Peer Review...

(Source: Library of Congress)

Bill Actions

Date Description
Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committees on Commerce, Government Reform and Oversight, the Budget, Rules, the Judiciary, and Science, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Ways and Means
Referred to House Commerce
Referred to House Government Reform and Oversight
Referred to House Budget
Referred to House Rules
Referred to House Judiciary
Referred to House Science
Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.
Referred for a period ending not later than February 3 1995, (or for a later time if the Chairman so designates) to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Hazardous Materials.
Referred for a period ending not later than February 3 1995, (or for a later time if the Chairman so designates) to the Subcommittee on Health and Environment.
Referred for a period ending not later than February 3 1995, (or for a later time if the Chairman so designates) to the Subcommittee on Energy and Power.
Referred to the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs.
Committee Hearings Held.
Committee Hearings Held.
Committee Hearings Held.
Committee Hearings Held on Title III, Risk Assessment and Cost/Benefit Analysis for New Regulations.
Committee Hearings Held.
Joint Hearings Held by the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Hazardous Materials and by the Subcommittee on Health and Environment.
Joint Hearings Held by the Subcommittee on Health and Environment and by the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Hazardous Materials.
Joint Hearings Held by the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Hazardous Materials and by the Subcommittee on Health and Environment.
Joint Hearings Held by the Subcommittee on Health and Environment and by the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Hazardous Materials.
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Hazardous Materials Discharged.
Committee Hearings Held on Title III, Risk Assessment and Cost/Benefit Analysis for New Regulations.
Subcommittee on Energy and Power Discharged.
Subcommittee on Health and Environment Discharged.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 27 - 16.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
RE-REFERRAL OF H.R. 9 - Mr. Kolbe asked unanimous consent that titles V, VI and section 4003 of H.R. 9 be re-referred to the Committee on Small Business as an additional committee of jurisdiction. Agreed to without objection.
Rereferred to the House Committee on Small Business for Titles V, VI and Section 4003.
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Commerce. H. Rept. 104-33, Part I.
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Science. H. Rept. 104-33, Part II.
Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 101.
Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 925 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. It shall be in order to consider as an original bill for the purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on the Judiciary now printed in the bill. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. After passage of H.R. 925, it shall be in order to consider in the House H.R. 9. All points of order against the bill and against its consideration are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the motion to amend and on the bill to final passage without intervening motion except one motion to recommit with or without instructions.
The House struck all after Section 1 and inserted in lieu thereof the provisions of a text composed of 4 divisions: 1) H.R. 830; 2) H.R. 925; 3) H.R. 926; and 4) H.R. 1022, as each bill was as passed by the House.
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
Mr. Spratt moved to recommit with instructions to Science, Space and Technology.
DEBATE - The House proceeded with ten minutes of debate on the Spratt motion to recommit the bill H.R. 9 to the Committee on Science, with instructions to report the bill back to the House forthwith with an amendment deleting that portion of the bill (Section 204 of H.R. 1022) which requires treating as a "major rule," and subject to the provisions of the bill, any determination by a Federal agency to approve or reject any proposed or final environmental clean-up plan for a facility, the costs of which are likely to exceed $5 million.
The previous question was ordered without objection.
On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by recorded vote: 180 - 239 (Roll no. 198).
On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 277 - 141 (Roll no. 199).
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Received in the Senate and read twice and referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs.
See Also H.R.1215.
Jan. 4, 1995

Introduced in the House by Bill Archer (R-Texas)

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