Lobbying Relationship


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Lobbying firm

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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  • Discuss new directions and FY 2025 appropriations for Fusion Energy Sciences Program at DOE
  • Alert MA delegation offices to proposed revisions to Title IV Student Financial Aid Programs H.R. 6585 (Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act)

Duration: to

General Issues: Budget/Appropriations, Energy/Nuclear, Education, Science/Technology, Real Estate/Land Use/Conservation, Computer Industry, Defense, Transportation, Taxation/Internal Revenue Code, Medical/Disease Research/Clinical Labs, Economics/Economic Development, Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace, Immigration, Environmental/Superfund, Manufacturing, Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice, Health Issues, Small Business, Chemicals/Chemical Industry, Aerospace, Aviation/Aircraft/Airlines, Copyright/Patent/Trademark

Spending: about $2,783,714 (But it's complicated. Here's why.)

Agencies lobbied since 2008: House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, Federal Transit Administration (FTA), House of Representatives,, Natl Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), Energy - Dept of, Education - Dept of, Natl Science Foundation (NSF), Defense - Dept of (DOD), Commerce - Dept of (DOC), Natl Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Executive Office of the President (EOP), Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP)

Bills mentioned

S.615: Higher Education Innovation Act

Sponsor: Michael Bennet (D-Colo.)

S.268: Investing in Student Success Act of 2017

Sponsor: Todd Young (R-Ind.)

S.1121: College Transparency Act

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

H.R.3218: Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017

Sponsor: Phil Roe (R-Tenn.)

S.1598: Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017

Sponsor: Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.)

S.1808: Federal Perkins Loan Program Extension Act of 2017

Sponsor: Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)

H.R.2482: Federal Perkins Loan Program Extension Act of 2017

Sponsor: Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

H.R.1695: Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017

Sponsor: Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)

S.1390: STRONGER Patents Act of 2017

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

S.128: BRIDGE Act

Sponsor: Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)

H.R.496: BRIDGE Act

Sponsor: Mike Coffman (R-Colo.)

H.R.670: High-Skilled Integrity and Fairness Act of 2017

Sponsor: Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)

H.R.1628: American Health Care Act of 2017

Sponsor: Diane Black (R-Tenn.)

H.R.1776: Improving Access To Affordable Prescription Drugs Act

Sponsor: Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)

S.771: Improving Access To Affordable Prescription Drugs Act

Sponsor: Al Franken (D-Minn.)

H.R.589: Department of Energy Research and Innovation Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.97: Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act of 2017

Sponsor: Michael D. Crapo (R-Idaho)

H.R.431: Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act of 2017

Sponsor: Randy Weber (R-Texas)

S.1460: Energy and Natural Resources Act of 2017

Sponsor: Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

H.R.1430: HONEST Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

H.R.1431: EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2017

Sponsor: Frank D. Lucas (R-Okla.)

S.338: Scientific Integrity Act

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

H.R.1358: Scientific Integrity Act

Sponsor: Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.)

H.R.1232: Save America's Science Act

Sponsor: Betty McCollum (D-Minn.)

H.R.1569: American Innovation Act

Sponsor: Bill Foster (D-Ill.)

S.641: American Innovation Act

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

S.141: Space Weather Coordination Act

Sponsor: Gary Peters (D-Mich.)

S.701: Made in America Manufacturing Communities Act of 2017

Sponsor: Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)

H.R.147: Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA) of 2017

Sponsor: Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)

H.R.1092: Chief Manufacturing Officer Act

Sponsor: Tim Ryan (D-Ohio)

S.399: Chief Manufacturing Officer Act

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

H.R.3174: CHANCE in TECH Act

Sponsor: Seth Moulton (D-Mass.)

S.1518: CHANCE in TECH Act

Sponsor: Cory Gardner (R-Colo.)

H.R.3388: SELF DRIVE Act

Sponsor: Robert E. Latta (R-Ohio)

S.1885: AV START Act

Sponsor: John Thune (R-S.D.)

H.R.1090: Technologies for Energy Security Act of 2017

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

S.2129: ATTAIN Act of 2014

Sponsor: Tom Udall (D-N.M.)

S.2115: American Cures Act

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.708: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2013

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

S.350: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2013

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

S.1468: Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act of 2014

Sponsor: Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)

H.R.2996: Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act of 2014

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

H.R.2981: TRANSFER Act of 2013

Sponsor: Chris Collins (R-N.Y.)

S.1009: Chemical Safety Improvement Act

Sponsor: Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.)

S.994: DATA Act

Sponsor: Mark Warner (D-Va.)

S.2262: Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2014

Sponsor: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)

H.R.1616: Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2013

Sponsor: David McKinley (R-W.Va.)

S.1969: College Affordability and Innovation Act of 2014

Sponsor: Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.)

H.R.4373: Pell Grant Protection Act

Sponsor: Rubén Hinojosa (D-Texas)

S.2194: Pell Grant Protection Act

Sponsor: Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii)

H.R.4348: Transferring Credits for College Completion Act of 2014

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.4366: Strengthening Education through Research Act

Sponsor: Todd Rokita (R-Ind.)

S.2385: Protecting Aid for Students Act of 2014

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

H.R.4714: CAMPUS Debit Cards Act

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.3309: Innovation Act

Sponsor: Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)

S.1720: Patent Transparency and Improvements Act of 2013

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

S.1943: Investing in States to Achieve Tuition Equality for Dreamers Act of 2014

Sponsor: Patty Murray (D-Wash.)

S.2260: EXPIRE Act of 2014

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

H.R.4619: Permanent IRA Charitable Contribution Act of 2014

Sponsor: Aaron Schock (R-Ill.)

H.R.4438: American Research and Competitiveness Act of 2014

Sponsor: Kevin Brady (R-Texas)

S.570: Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017

Sponsor: John Thune (R-S.D.)

H.R.353: Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017

Sponsor: Frank D. Lucas (R-Okla.)

S.449: Driving Innovation and Growth in Internet Technology and Launching...

Sponsor: Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)

H.R.321: Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and...

Sponsor: Barbara Comstock (R-Va.)

H.R.3179: Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act

Sponsor: Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.)

H.R.3178: Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act

Sponsor: Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)

H.R.5528: Simplifying the Application for Student Aid Act

Sponsor: Joe Heck (R-Nev.)

H.R.5229: Improving Transition Programs for All Veterans Act

Sponsor: Mark Takano (D-Calif.)

H.R.5530: HBCU Capital Financing Improvement Act

Sponsor: Alma Adams (D-N.C.)

S.590: Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Sponsor: Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)

S.227: Strengthening Education through Research Act

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

S.3390: Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Program Act of 2016

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.5587: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act

Sponsor: Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.)

S.3380: Accreditation Reform and Enhanced Accountability Act of 2016

Sponsor: Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

H.R.6530: No Funding for Sanctuary Campuses Act

Sponsor: Duncan D. Hunter (R-Calif.)

S.2733: Venue Equity and Non-Uniformity Elimination Act of 2016

Sponsor: Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)

H.R.4829: Trade Protection Not Troll Protection Act

Sponsor: Tony Cárdenas (D-Calif.)

S.1890: Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

H.R.3326: Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2015

Sponsor: Doug Collins (R-Ga.)

H.R.5203: Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016

Sponsor: J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.)

H.R.5253: Strong Visa Integrity Secures America Act

Sponsor: Will Hurd (R-Texas)

S.3542: BRIDGE Act

Sponsor: Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)

S.1077: Advancing Breakthrough Devices for Patients Act of 2016

Sponsor: Richard M. Burr (R-N.C.)

S.2014: Next Generation Researchers Act

Sponsor: Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)

H.R.3466: Next Generation Researchers Act

Sponsor: Mark Pocan (D-Wis.)

H.R.3731: RaD Fund Act

Sponsor: Juan Vargas (D-Calif.)

S.2030: Advancing Targeted Therapies for Rare Diseases Act of 2016

Sponsor: Michael Bennet (D-Colo.)

S.2624: National Biomedical Research Act

Sponsor: Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

S.1878: Advancing Hope Act of 2016

Sponsor: Bob Casey (D-Pa.)

S.2055: Medical Countermeasure Innovation Act of 2016

Sponsor: Richard M. Burr (R-N.C.)

S.1622: FDA Device Accountability Act of 2016

Sponsor: Richard M. Burr (R-N.C.)

S.849: Advancing Research for Neurological Diseases Act of 2016

Sponsor: Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.)

S.800: Enhancing the Stature and Visibility of Medical Rehabilitation Research...

Sponsor: Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.)

S.2713: Advancing Precision Medicine Act of 2016

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

S.2745: Advancing NIH Strategic Planning and Representation in Medical Research Act

Sponsor: Susan Collins (R-Maine)

S.2472: American Savings Account Act of 2016

Sponsor: Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.)

H.R.34: 21st Century Cures Act

Sponsor: Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.)

H.R.6: 21st Century Cures Act

Sponsor: Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

S.2012: North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2016

Sponsor: Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

H.R.4084: Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act

Sponsor: Randy Weber (R-Texas)

H.R.5979: Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 2016

Sponsor: Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)

H.R.4979: Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Act of 2016

Sponsor: Robert E. Latta (R-Ohio)

S.2848: Water Resources Development Act of 2016

Sponsor: James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.)

H.R.5303: Water Resources Development Act of 2016

Sponsor: Bill Shuster (R-Pa.)

H.R.5049: NSF Major Research Facility Reform Act of 2016

Sponsor: Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.)

S.2812: SBIR and STTR Reauthorization and Improvement Act of 2016

Sponsor: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)

H.R.4783: Commercializing on Small Business Innovation Act of 2016

Sponsor: Steven J. Chabot (R-Ohio)

H.R.4945: American Space Renaissance Act

Sponsor: Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.)

H.R.4755: Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and...

Sponsor: Barbara Comstock (R-Va.)

S.2817: Space Weather Research and Forecasting Act

Sponsor: Gary Peters (D-Mich.)

S.2972: GRANT Act

Sponsor: James Lankford (R-Okla.)

S.544: Secret Science Reform Act of 2015

Sponsor: John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)

H.R.1030: Secret Science Reform Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

H.R.874: American Super Computing Leadership Act

Sponsor: Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.)

H.R.1119: Research and Development Efficiency Act

Sponsor: Barbara Comstock (R-Va.)

H.R.1806: America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

H.R.1156: International Science and Technology Cooperation Act of 2015

Sponsor: Daniel Lipinski (D-Ill.)

H.R.1158: Department of Energy Laboratory Modernization and Technology Transfer...

Sponsor: Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.)

H.R.1162: Science Prize Competitions Act

Sponsor: Donald Beyer (D-Va.)

H.R.1567: Global Food Security Act of 2016

Sponsor: Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.)

H.R.1561: Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2016

Sponsor: Frank D. Lucas (R-Okla.)

S.1331: Seasonal Forecasting Improvement Act

Sponsor: John Thune (R-S.D.)

S.1573: Weather Alerts for a Ready Nation Act of 2015

Sponsor: John Thune (R-S.D.)

H.R.3293: Scientific Research in the National Interest Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.779: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2015

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

H.R.1477: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2015

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

H.R.4583: To promote a 21st century energy and manufacturing workforce.

Sponsor: Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.)

H.R.6160: Chief Manufacturing Officer Act

Sponsor: Tim Ryan (D-Ohio)

H.R.6094: Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses, Schools, and Nonprofits Act

Sponsor: Tim Walberg (R-Mich.)

S.2973: A bill to increase the micro-purchase threshold for universities,...

Sponsor: James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.)

S.2677: In the Red Act of 2016

Sponsor: Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)

H.R.1310: Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Sponsor: Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)

H.R.840: STEM Gateways Act

Sponsor: Joseph P. Kennedy III (D-Mass.)

S.335: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve 529 plans.

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

H.R.529: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve 529 plans.

Sponsor: Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.)

S.396: Proprietary Education Oversight Coordination Improvement Act

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.747: Proprietary Education Oversight Coordination Improvement Act

Sponsor: Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.)

S.1322: Protecting Student Privacy Act of 2015

Sponsor: Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)

H.R.2092: Student Digital Privacy and Parental Rights Act of 2015

Sponsor: Luke Messer (R-Ind.)

S.1195: Student Right to Know Before You Go Act of 2015

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

H.R.2429: Student Loan Tax Debt Relief Act

Sponsor: Jim McDermott (D-Wash.)

H.R.3403: Safe Campus Act of 2015

Sponsor: Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.)

S.1939: Student Protection and Success Act

Sponsor: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)

H.R.9: Innovation Act

Sponsor: Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)

H.R.2045: Targeting Rogue and Opaque Letters Act of 2015

Sponsor: Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas)

S.632: STRONG Patents Act of 2015

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

H.R.1791: Grace Period Restoration Act of 2015

Sponsor: F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.)

S.926: Grace Period Restoration Act of 2015

Sponsor: Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)

S.1398: Energy Title of America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

S.1033: Quadrennial Energy Review Act of 2015

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

S.1256: Advancing Grid Storage Act of 2015

Sponsor: Al Franken (D-Minn.)

S.1229: A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to submit a plan to implement...

Sponsor: Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

S.350: Judgment Fund Transparency Act of 2015

Sponsor: Deb Fischer (R-Neb.)

S.747: American Innovation Act

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.1398: American Innovation Act

Sponsor: Bill Foster (D-Ill.)

H.R.591: Engineering Biology Research and Development Act of 2015

Sponsor: Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)

S.454: ExaSCALE Computing Leadership Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

S.1447: Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2015

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

S.1187: America INNOVATES Act

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

S.1252: Global Food Security Act of 2016

Sponsor: Bob Casey (D-Pa.)

S.1297: U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act

Sponsor: Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

H.R.23: National Windstorm Impact Reduction Act Reauthorization of 2015

Sponsor: Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas)

S.754: To improve cybersecurity in the United States through enhanced sharing...

Sponsor: Richard M. Burr (R-N.C.)

H.R.2093: Space Leadership Preservation Act of 2015

Sponsor: John Culberson (R-Texas)

S.2626: Higher Education Unmanned Aircraft Systems Modernization Act

Sponsor: Gary Peters (D-Mich.)

H.R.636: FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016

Sponsor: Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio)

H.R.1441: Manufacturing Universities Act of 2015

Sponsor: Elizabeth Esty (D-Conn.)

S.771: Manufacturing Universities Act of 2015

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

S.1542: Manufacturing Skills Act of 2015

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

S.2222: Community College to Career Fund Act

Sponsor: Al Franken (D-Minn.)

S.697: Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act

Sponsor: Tom Udall (D-N.M.)

S.725: Alan Reinstein and Trevor Schaefer Toxic Chemical Protection Act

Sponsor: Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)

H.R.2576: Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act

Sponsor: John Shimkus (R-Ill.)

S.108: Financial Aid Simplification and Transparency Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

S.318: Accelerating Biomedical Research Act

Sponsor: Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.)

H.R.531: Accelerating Biomedical Research Act

Sponsor: Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

H.R.744: Medical Innovation Act of 2015

Sponsor: Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)

S.320: Medical Innovation Act of 2015

Sponsor: Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

H.R.777: Permanent Investment in Health Research Act of 2015

Sponsor: Kathy Castor (D-Fla.)

S.289: American Cures Act

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.2104: American Cures Act

Sponsor: Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.)

H.R.2101: Research for All Act of 2015

Sponsor: Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.)

H.R.2337: To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to authorize priority...

Sponsor: Joe Pitts (R-Pa.)

H.R.160: Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2015

Sponsor: Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.)

H.R.3171: To amend the Public Health Service Act to prohibit certain research on...

Sponsor: F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.)

H.R.3215: End Trafficking of the Terminated Unborn Act of 2015

Sponsor: Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.)

H.R.3429: Pro-LIFE Act

Sponsor: Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.)

S.1917: A bill to prohibit the provision of Federal funds to an entity that...

Sponsor: Susan Collins (R-Maine)

H.R.639: Improving Regulatory Transparency for New Medical Therapies Act

Sponsor: Joe Pitts (R-Pa.)

H.R.2820: Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act of 2015

Sponsor: Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.)

H.R.2646: Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016

Sponsor: Tim Murphy (R-Pa.)

S.1945: Mental Health Reform Act of 2015

Sponsor: Bill Cassidy (R-La.)

H.R.3729: Safe RESEARCH Act

Sponsor: F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.)

S.2141: TRUST IT Act

Sponsor: Bill Cassidy (R-La.)

S.2512: Adding Zika Virus to the FDA Priority Review Voucher Program Act

Sponsor: Al Franken (D-Minn.)

S.1101: MEDTECH Act

Sponsor: Michael Bennet (D-Colo.)

S.1767: Combination Product Regulatory Fairness Act of 2016

Sponsor: Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.)

S.1597: Patient-Focused Impact Assessment Act of 2016

Sponsor: Roger Wicker (R-Miss.)

S.2700: FDA and NIH Workforce Authorities Modernization Act

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

S.98: STEM Jobs Act of 2015

Sponsor: David Vitter (R-La.)

S.402: STEM Master Teacher Corps Act of 2015

Sponsor: Al Franken (D-Minn.)

S.419: STEM 2 Act

Sponsor: Tom Udall (D-N.M.)

S.444: Supporting Afterschool STEM Act

Sponsor: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)

H.R.467: STEM Opportunities Act of 2015

Sponsor: Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)

H.R.565: Stepping Up to STEM Education Act

Sponsor: Michael M. Honda (D-Calif.)

H.R.566: Technology-Enabled Education Innovation Partnership Act

Sponsor: Michael M. Honda (D-Calif.)

H.R.678: 21st Century Classroom Innovation Act

Sponsor: Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)

H.R.748: GI Bill STEM Extension Act of 2015

Sponsor: David McKinley (R-W.Va.)

H.R.794: STEM Master Teacher Corps Act of 2015

Sponsor: Michael M. Honda (D-Calif.)

H.R.823: Educating Tomorrow's Engineers Act of 2015

Sponsor: Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.)

H.R.831: Supporting Afterschool STEM Act

Sponsor: Joaquín Castro (D-Texas)

H.R.847: Investing in Innovation for Education Act of 2015

Sponsor: Jared Polis (D-Colo.)

H.R.922: STEM PREP Act of 2015

Sponsor: Alma Adams (D-N.C.)

H.R.1020: STEM Education Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

H.R.1081: STEM 2 Act

Sponsor: Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.)

H.R.5: Student Success Act

Sponsor: John Kline (R-Minn.)

S.2037: Pell Grant Restoration Act of 2015

Sponsor: Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)

H.R.3512: Pell Grant Restoration Act of 2015

Sponsor: Robert C. Scott (D-Va.)

S.1482: Need-Based Educational Aid Act of 2015

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

H.R.2604: Need-Based Educational Aid Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.1177: Every Student Succeeds Act

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.3177: Simplifying the Application for Student Aid Act

Sponsor: Joe Heck (R-Nev.)

H.R.3180: Flexible Pell Grant for 21st Century Students Act

Sponsor: Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

S.153: I-Squared Act of 2015

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

S.341: Start-up Jobs and Innovation Act

Sponsor: Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.)

H.R.962: Startup Act

Sponsor: Robert Dold (R-Ill.)

H.R.213: Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2015

Sponsor: Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)

H.R.351: LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act

Sponsor: Bill Johnson (R-Ohio)

S.535: Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

S.854: Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

S.893: EPIC Act of 2015

Sponsor: Mark Warner (D-Va.)

S.1407: Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act of 2015

Sponsor: Dean Heller (R-Nev.)

S.1363: A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to submit to Congress a report...

Sponsor: Michael D. Crapo (R-Idaho)

S.1422: Energy Workforce for the 21st Century Act of 2015

Sponsor: Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.)

S.2089: American Energy Innovation Act

Sponsor: Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.)

S.720: Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

H.R.8: North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2015

Sponsor: Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

H.R.4393: Clean Distributed Energy Grid Integration Act

Sponsor: Kathy Castor (D-Fla.)

H.R.139: To amend title 10, United States Code, to require that Federal, State,...

Sponsor: David W. Jolly (R-Fla.)

H.R.1426: Public Access to Public Science Act

Sponsor: F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.)

H.R.2262: U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act

Sponsor: Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)

S.2658: Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2016

Sponsor: John Thune (R-S.D.)

S.894: Innovate America Act

Sponsor: Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

H.R.1004: Achievement Through Technology and Innovation Reauthorization Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.)

H.R.1536: Innovation, Research, and Manufacturing Act

Sponsor: Julia Brownley (D-Calif.)

S.1054: Smart Manufacturing Leadership Act

Sponsor: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)

H.R.2000: Bridge to Manufacturing Jobs Act

Sponsor: Marc Veasey (D-Texas)

H.R.185: Regulatory Accountability Act of 2015

Sponsor: Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)

S.708: Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015

Sponsor: Angus King (ID-Maine)

S.85: Repay Act of 2015

Sponsor: Angus King (ID-Maine)

H.R.26: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015

Sponsor: Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas)

H.R.1260: American Opportunity Tax Credit Act of 2015

Sponsor: Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)

S.699: American Opportunity Tax Credit Permanence and Consolidation Act of 2015

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.880: American Research and Competitiveness Act of 2015

Sponsor: Kevin Brady (R-Texas)

H.R.637: Permanent IRA Charitable Contribution Act of 2015

Sponsor: Aaron Schock (R-Ill.)

S.1946: Tax Relief Extension Act of 2015

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

H.R.5771: Conserving Our Reefs and Livelihoods Act of 2016

Sponsor: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.)

H.R.3594: Federal Perkins Loan Program Extension Act of 2015

Sponsor: Mike Bishop (R-Mich.)

H.R.4040: Bridge to a Clean Energy Future Act of 2015

Sponsor: Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.)

H.R.4435: Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal...

Sponsor: Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.)

H.R.4186: FIRST Act of 2014

Sponsor: Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.)

H.R.4159: America Competes Reauthorization Act of 2014

Sponsor: Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)

H.R.4869: Department of Energy Research and Development Act of 2014

Sponsor: Cynthia M. Lummis (R-Wyo.)

S.2273: Department of Defense Energy Security Act of 2014

Sponsor: Mark Udall (D-Colo.)

H.R.2495: American Super Computing Leadership Act

Sponsor: Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.)

H.R.5580: Accelerating Biomedical Research Act

Sponsor: Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

S.977: Foreign Fuels Reduction Act

Sponsor: Bob Corker (R-Tenn.)

S.2692: Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Sponsor: Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)

H.R.5354: Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Sponsor: Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)

H.R.3136: Advancing Competency-Based Education Demonstration Project Act of 2014

Sponsor: Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.)

H.R.4983: Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act

Sponsor: Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)

H.R.4984: Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act

Sponsor: Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.)

H.R.5771: Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014

Sponsor: Dave Camp (R-Mich.)

H.R.4412: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2014

Sponsor: Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.)

S.2613: Secret Science Reform Act of 2014

Sponsor: John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)

H.R.4012: Secret Science Reform Act of 2014

Sponsor: David Schweikert (R-Ariz.)

H.R.5035: NIST Reauthorization Act of 2014

Sponsor: Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.)

H.R.5120: Department of Energy Laboratory Modernization and Technology Transfer...

Sponsor: Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.)

H.R.4719: America Gives More Act of 2014

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

H.R.1960: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014

Sponsor: Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.)

H.R.1724: Kids First Research Act of 2013

Sponsor: Gregg Harper (R-Miss.)

S.2074: Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2014

Sponsor: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)

S.1612: Patent Litigation Integrity Act of 2013

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

S.1013: Patent Abuse Reduction Act of 2013

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

S.866: Patent Quality Improvement Act of 2013

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.2159: 21st Century STEM Competitive Jobs Act

Sponsor: Bill Foster (D-Ill.)

H.R.2454: Aaron's Law Act of 2013

Sponsor: Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)

S.1196: Aaron's Law Act of 2013

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

S.744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

S.310: Startup Act 3.0

Sponsor: Jerry Moran (R-Kan.)

H.R.2131: SKILLS Visa Act

Sponsor: Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)

S.1: Immigration Reform that Works for America's Future Act

Sponsor: Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

S.169: I-Squared Act of 2013

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

S.3217: Startup Act 2.0

Sponsor: Jerry Moran (R-Kan.)

H.R.5893: Startup Act 2.0

Sponsor: Mike Grimm (R-N.Y.)

S.3600: Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2012

Sponsor: Mark Warner (D-Va.)

S.3352: Expanding Industrial Energy and Water Efficiency Incentives Act of 2012

Sponsor: Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)

H.R.2: Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act

Sponsor: Eric Cantor (R-Va.)

H.R.4310: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013

Sponsor: Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.)

S.3211: Safeguarding United States Satellite Leadership and Security Act of 2012

Sponsor: Michael Bennet (D-Colo.)

S.2146: Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012

Sponsor: Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)

H.R.3120: Student Visa Reform Act

Sponsor: Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)

H.R.6412: Attracting the Best and Brightest Act of 2012

Sponsor: Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)

H.R.6429: STEM Jobs Act of 2012

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.3553: BRAINS Act

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

S.3185: STAR Act of 2012

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

S.1965: Startup Act of 2011

Sponsor: Jerry Moran (R-Kan.)

H.R.3427: STARTUP Act

Sponsor: Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)

H.R.3261: Stop Online Piracy Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.1807: Energy Research and Development Coordination Act of 2011

Sponsor: Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)

S.1703: Quadrennial Energy Review Act of 2011

Sponsor: Mark Pryor (D-Ark.)

S.557: Public Good IRA Rollover Act of 2011

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.3438: To require the Department of Defense to meet the annual goal for...

Sponsor: Bob Filner (D-Calif.)

S.192: Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act

Sponsor: Jim DeMint (R-S.C.)

S.493: SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act of 2011

Sponsor: Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.)

H.R.1425: Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011

Sponsor: Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.)

H.R.3433: GRANT Act

Sponsor: James Lankford (R-Okla.)

H.R.4004: Federal Research Public Access Act of 2012

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

S.1660: American Jobs Act of 2011

Sponsor: Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

S.23: America Invents Act

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.1249: Leahy-Smith America Invents Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.515: Patent Reform Act of 2009

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.1260: Patent Reform Act of 2009

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

S.726: Promoting Innovation and Access to Life-Saving Medicine Act

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.1427: Promoting Innovation and Access to Life-Saving Medicine Act

Sponsor: Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)

H.R.1548: Pathway for Biosimilars Act

Sponsor: Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.)

S.1733: Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act

Sponsor: John Kerry (D-Mass.)

H.R.2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

Sponsor: Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)

S.1462: American Clean Energy Leadership Act of 2009

Sponsor: Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)

H.R.3585: Solar Technology Roadmap Act

Sponsor: Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.)

H.R.3598: Energy and Water Research Integration Act

Sponsor: Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.)

H.R.3276: American Medical Isotopes Production Act of 2010

Sponsor: Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)

S.1418: Camp Hale Study Act

Sponsor: Mark Udall (D-Colo.)

H.R.6165: Life Sciences Jobs and Investment Act of 2010

Sponsor: Allyson Y. Schwartz (D-Pa.)

H.R.1461: Teaching and Research Assistant Collective Bargaining Rights Act

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

S.813: Teaching and Research Assistant Collective Bargaining Rights Act

Sponsor: Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)

H.R.1409: Employee Free Choice Act of 2009

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.1777: To make technical corrections to the Higher Education Act of 1965, and...

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.3221: Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.3962: Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension...

Sponsor: John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

H.R.3590: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Sponsor: Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.4213: Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010

Sponsor: Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)

S.2605: A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on 2-Propenoic acid, reaction...

Sponsor: Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

H.R.1283: Military Readiness Enhancement Act of 2009

Sponsor: Ellen O. Tauscher (D-Calif.)

H.R.4899: Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.4321: CIR ASAP Act of 2009

Sponsor: Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas)

H.R.1751: American Dream Act

Sponsor: Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.)

S.729: DREAM Act of 2009

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.3819: To extend the commercial space transportation liability regime.

Sponsor: Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.)

H.R.3853: Commercial Space Transportation Cooperative Research and Development...

Sponsor: Suzanne M. Kosmas (D-Fla.)

S.3785: Commercial Space Jobs and Investment Act of 2010

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

S.3729: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2010

Sponsor: John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.)

H.R.5116: America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in...

Sponsor: Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.)

S.3605: America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in...

Sponsor: John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.)

S.4053: SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act of 2010

Sponsor: Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.)

S.1929: A bill to provide for an additional temporary extension of programs...

Sponsor: Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.)

H.R.4173: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Sponsor: Barney Frank (D-Mass.)

S.3217: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010

Sponsor: Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.)

S.1714: Open College Textbook Act of 2009

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

S.1373: Federal Research Public Access Act of 2009

Sponsor: Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.)

H.R.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.2847: Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act

Sponsor: Alan B. Mollohan (D-W.Va.)

H.R.3183: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010

Sponsor: Ed Pastor (D-Ariz.)

S.1436: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010

Sponsor: Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.)

H.R.3293: Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and...

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.2892: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2010

Sponsor: David E. Price (D-N.C.)

S.1298: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2010

Sponsor: Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.)

H.R.3326: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010

Sponsor: John P. Murtha (D-Pa.)

H.R.801: Fair Copyright in Research Works Act

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

S.81: Notch Fairness Act of 2009

Sponsor: David Vitter (R-La.)

H.R.177: Depleted Uranium Screening and Testing Act

Sponsor: José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.)

H.R.1105: Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.7322: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009

Sponsor: Alan B. Mollohan (D-W.Va.)

S.3182: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009

Sponsor: Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.)

H.R.7324: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009

Sponsor: Peter J. Visclosky (D-Ind.)

S.3258: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009

Sponsor: Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.)

S.3230: Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and...

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

H.R.6063: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2008

Sponsor: Mark Udall (D-Colo.)

S.3270: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2008

Sponsor: Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii)

S.1145: Patent Reform Act of 2007

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.1908: Patent Reform Act of 2007

Sponsor: Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.)

S.2500: Performance Rights Act

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.4789: Performance Rights Act

Sponsor: Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.)

S.2913: Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.5889: Orphan Works Act of 2008

Sponsor: Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.)

S.2668: Modernize Our Bookkeeping In the Law for Employee's Cell Phone Act of 2008

Sponsor: John Kerry (D-Mass.)

S.3036: Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2008

Sponsor: Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)

S.2191: Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007

Sponsor: Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.)

S.1766: Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007

Sponsor: Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)

H.R.6186: Investing in Climate Action and Protection Act

Sponsor: Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)

H.R.2641: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008

Sponsor: Peter J. Visclosky (D-Ind.)

H.R.3043: Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and...

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.2638: Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing...

Sponsor: David E. Price (D-N.C.)

S.3002: Department of Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009

Sponsor: Carl Levin (D-Mich.)

H.R.4137: Higher Education Opportunity Act

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.5819: SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act

Sponsor: Nydia M. Velázquez (D-N.Y.)

H.R.5789: Science and Technology Innovation Act of 2008

Sponsor: David Wu (D-Ore.)

S.CON.RES.70: An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget...

Sponsor: Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)

H.CON.RES.312: Revising the congressional budget for the United States Government for...

Sponsor: John M. Spratt Jr. (D-S.C.)

H.R.2642: Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008

Sponsor: Chet Edwards (D-Texas)

S.1642: Higher Education Amendments of 2007

Sponsor: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)

H.R.5629: Pathway for Biosimilars Act

Sponsor: Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.)

H.R.6263: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering...

Sponsor: Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)

H.R.3316: Code Like a Girl Act

Sponsor: Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.)

S.1968: Code Like a Girl Act

Sponsor: Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.)

H.R.4376: Department of Energy Research Infrastructure Act of 2018

Sponsor: Steve Knight (R-Calif.)

H.R.4377: Accelerating American Leadership in Science Act of 2018

Sponsor: Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.)

H.R.4378: Nuclear Energy Research Infrastructure Act of 2018

Sponsor: Randy Weber (R-Texas)

H.R.4375: STEM Research and Education Effectiveness and Transparency Act

Sponsor: Barbara Comstock (R-Va.)

H.R.4323: Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act

Sponsor: Neal Dunn (R-Fla.)

H.R.4254: Women in Aerospace Education Act

Sponsor: Steve Knight (R-Calif.)

S.1973: BASIC Research Act

Sponsor: Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

H.R.1: An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the...

Sponsor: Kevin Brady (R-Texas)

H.R.4508: PROSPER Act

Sponsor: Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)

H.R.2759: NATS Act

Sponsor: Juan Vargas (D-Calif.)

S.2406: ACE Research Act

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.5002: Advancing Cutting Edge Research Act

Sponsor: Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.)

S.2456: CARA 2.0 Act of 2018

Sponsor: Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

H.R.531: S-Corp Access to Crowdfunding Act

Sponsor: French Hill (R-Ark.)

H.R.5356: National Security Commission Artificial Intelligence Act of 2018

Sponsor: Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

H.R.5086: Innovators to Entrepreneurs Act of 2018

Sponsor: Daniel Lipinski (D-Ill.)

H.R.6136: Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018

Sponsor: Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)

H.R.4760: Securing America's Future Act of 2018

Sponsor: Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)

S.2680: Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.5247: Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Bellina...

Sponsor: Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.)

S.204: Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Bellina...

Sponsor: Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)

H.R.5475: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at...

Sponsor: Sam Graves (R-Mo.)

H.R.6227: National Quantum Initiative Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.3143: National Quantum Initiative Act

Sponsor: John Thune (R-S.D.)

S.2998: Quantum Computing Research Act of 2018

Sponsor: Kamala Harris (D-Calif.)

H.R.5345: ALSTAR Act

Sponsor: Mo Brooks (R-Ala.)

H.R.5346: Commercial Space Support Vehicle Act

Sponsor: Bill Posey (R-Fla.)

H.R.5220: Don't Tax Higher Education Act

Sponsor: John Delaney (D-Md.)

H.R.6264: Restoring America's Leadership in Innovation Act of 2018

Sponsor: Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)

S.2503: Department of Energy Research and Innovation Act

Sponsor: Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

S.3422: Nuclear Energy Leadership Act

Sponsor: Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

S.1457: Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies Act

Sponsor: Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)

H.R.5260: Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies Act

Sponsor: Clay Higgins (R-La.)

S.3611: Faster Access to Federal Student Aid Act of 2018

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.7173: Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2018

Sponsor: Ted Deutch (D-Fla.)

H.R.6226: American Space Situational Awareness and Framework for Entity Management...

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.3277: Space Frontier Act of 2019

Sponsor: Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

H.R.7031: Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2018

Sponsor: Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)

H.R.2: Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018

Sponsor: K. Michael Conaway (R-Texas)

S.3042: Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018

Sponsor: Pat Roberts (R-Kan.)

S.903: Nuclear Energy Leadership Act

Sponsor: Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

H.R.2740: Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Defense, State, Foreign...

Sponsor: Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

H.R.3055: Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2020, and Further Health...

Sponsor: José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.)

H.R.2397: American Manufacturing Leadership Act

Sponsor: Haley Stevens (D-Mich.)

S.1427: Global Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing Act of 2019

Sponsor: Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

H.R.6585: Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act

Sponsor: Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

Show All Mentioned Bills


Lobbyists named here were listed on a filing related to this lobbying engagement. They may not be working on it now. Occasionally, a single lobbyist whose name is spelled two different ways on filings may be represented twice here.

Lobbyist Covered positions?
Amanda Arnold Ms. see page 3 for details
Alison Fox See page 3 for details see page 3 for details
Philip Lipple n/a
William Bonvillian n/a
Philip Bonvillian n/a
Amanda Arnold n/a
Philip Lipel n/a
Abby Benson n/a
Amanda Benson n/a
William Bonvillian Mr. n/a
Abby Benson Ms. n/a
Alison Fox Ms. n/a
Amanda Arnonld Ms. n/a
Kari McCarron Ms. n/a
William Bon Villian Mr. n/a
William Bonvilliam Mr. n/a
Alison Fox Mr. n/a
Abby Benson Mr. n/a
Kari McCarron n/a

Disclosures Filed

Once a lobbying engagement begins, the lobbyist or firm is required to file updates four times a year. Those updates sometimes change which lobbyists are involved or add new issues being discussed. When lobbyists stop working for a client, the firm is also supposed to file a report disclosing the end of the relationship.

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Source: Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and Secretary of the Senate

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