Lobbying Relationship


Association of American Publishers

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Lobbying firm

Association of American Publishers

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  • -Public access to peer-reviewed journals -Issues involving public access in Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations -Oversight of agency public access programs
  • -AI and copyright -Platform accountability -Copyright licensing -Special 301 -Copyright protections and exceptions/limitations; WIPO -Copyright licensing and compulsory licenses -Copyright protections -Copyright infringement -Copyright registration
  • -Special 301 -Trade and copyright -U.S. and trade partner/country-specific bilateral trade relationships
  • Negotiated Rulemaking Program Integrity and Institutional Quality - Cash Management Rule

Duration: to

General Issues: Science/Technology, Copyright/Patent/Trademark, Trade (Domestic & Foreign), Education, Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace, Consumer Issues/Safety/Protection, Constitution, Government Issues, Civil Rights/Civil Liberties

Spending: about $23,481,022 (But it's complicated. Here's why.)

Agencies lobbied since 2007: U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP), Natl Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Bureau of the Census, Social Security Administration (SSA), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), Commerce - Dept of (DOC), State - Dept of (DOS), Patent & Trademark Office (PTO), Education - Dept of, Agriculture - Dept of (USDA), U.S. Copyright Office, Defense - Dept of (DOD), Natl Institutes of Health (NIH), Natl Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), Natl Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), Transportation - Dept of (DOT), Smithsonian Institution, Energy - Dept of, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Justice - Dept of (DOJ), U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), Treasury - Dept of, Natl Economic Council (NEC), Executive Office of the President (EOP), White House Office, Natl Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA), Commerce - Dept of (DOC), Patent & Trademark Office (PTO),, U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Senate,, Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Labor - Dept of (DOL), Executive Office of the President (EOP),, Commerce - Dept of (DOC),, Health & Human Services - Dept of (HHS), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR),, Homeland Security - Dept of (DHS), Justice - Dept of (DOJ), Intl Trade Administration (ITA), Intl Trade Administration (ITA),, Y

Bills mentioned

H.R.1695: Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017

Sponsor: Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)

S.1010: Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

H.R.905: You Own Devices Act

Sponsor: Blake Farenthold (R-Texas)

H.R.890: Copyright Office for the Digital Economy Act

Sponsor: Tom Marino (R-Pa.)

H.R.3945: CASE Act of 2017

Sponsor: Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.)

H.R.3427: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2017

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

S.1701: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2017

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

S.760: Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary Government Data Act

Sponsor: Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)

H.R.1770: OPEN Government Data Act

Sponsor: Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.)

S.1519: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018

Sponsor: John McCain (R-Ariz.)

H.R.138: Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies Act of 2017

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

H.R.1430: HONEST Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

H.R.1772: AIM HIGH Act

Sponsor: Phil Roe (R-Tenn.)

H.R.3840: Affordable College Textbook Act

Sponsor: Jared Polis (D-Colo.)

S.1864: Affordable College Textbook Act

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

S.338: Scientific Integrity Act

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

H.R.424: Empowering Citizens Act

Sponsor: David E. Price (D-N.C.)

H.R.575: VA Bonus Accountability Act

Sponsor: Kyrsten Sinema (ID-Ariz.)

H.R.6496: Fairness for American Small Creators Act

Sponsor: Judy Chu (D-Calif.)

S.779: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2015

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

H.R.1477: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2015

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

H.R.3830: Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014

Sponsor: Dave Camp (R-Mich.)

S.1900: Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014

Sponsor: Max Baucus (D-Mont.)

H.R.3503: To authorize the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to Robert L....

Sponsor: Tim Ryan (D-Ohio)

S.2060: TEACH Act

Sponsor: Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

H.R.708: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2013

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

S.350: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2013

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

H.R.4186: FIRST Act of 2014

Sponsor: Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.)

H.R.3157: Public Access to Public Science Act

Sponsor: F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.)

H.R.3505: TEACH Act

Sponsor: Tom Petri (R-Wis.)

H.R.4004: Federal Research Public Access Act of 2012

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

S.2096: Federal Research Public Access Act of 2012

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

S.968: PROTECT IP Act of 2011

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.3261: Stop Online Piracy Act

Sponsor: Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

S.2029: OPEN Act

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

H.R.3699: Research Works Act

Sponsor: Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)

S.193: USA PATRIOT Act Sunset Extension Act of 2011

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

S.1125: USA PATRIOT Act Improvements Act of 2011

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.3070: Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and...

Sponsor: Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.)

H.R.801: Fair Copyright in Research Works Act

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

S.1373: Federal Research Public Access Act of 2009

Sponsor: Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.)

H.R.5037: Federal Research Public Access Act of 2009

Sponsor: Mike Doyle (D-Pa.)

H.R.5253: Federal Research Public Access Act of 2010

Sponsor: Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.)

S.3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.1304: Free Speech Protection Act of 2009

Sponsor: Peter T. King (R-N.Y.)

S.449: Free Speech Protection Act of 2009

Sponsor: Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)

H.R.3221: Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.4619: E-Rate 2.0 Act of 2010

Sponsor: Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)

H.R.2765: SPEECH Act

Sponsor: Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.)

H.R.4279: Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of...

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

S.3325: Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of...

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

S.2317: Intellectual Property Enforcement Act of 2007

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.5889: Orphan Works Act of 2008

Sponsor: Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.)

S.2913: Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.6845: Fair Copyright in Research Works Act

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

S.3464: International Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Act of 2008

Sponsor: Max Baucus (D-Mont.)

H.R.4137: Higher Education Opportunity Act

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

S.2035: Free Flow of Information Act of 2007

Sponsor: Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)

H.R.6146: To amend title 28, United States Code, to prohibit recognition and...

Sponsor: Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.)

S.2977: Free Speech Protection Act of 2008

Sponsor: Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)

H.R.5814: Free Speech Protection Act of 2008

Sponsor: Peter T. King (R-N.Y.)

S.1642: Higher Education Amendments of 2007

Sponsor: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)

H.R.1201: Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of 2007

Sponsor: Rick Boucher (D-Va.)

H.R.3043: Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and...

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.2102: Free Flow of Information Act of 2007

Sponsor: Rick Boucher (D-Va.)

S.945: College Textbook Affordability Act of 2007

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

S.2138: AIM HIGH Act

Sponsor: Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

S.2559: Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

S.951: Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017

Sponsor: Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

H.R.4174: Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018

Sponsor: Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.)

H.R.4508: PROSPER Act

Sponsor: Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)

H.R.5305: FDLP Modernization Act of 2018

Sponsor: Gregg Harper (R-Miss.)

S.1036: Affordable College Textbook Act

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.2107: Affordable College Textbook Act

Sponsor: Joe Neguse (D-Colo.)

S.1059: FINISH Act

Sponsor: Todd Young (R-Ind.)

S.775: Scientific Integrity Act

Sponsor: Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)

H.R.1709: Scientific Integrity Act

Sponsor: Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.)

H.R.2426: CASE Act of 2019

Sponsor: Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.)

S.1273: CASE Act of 2019

Sponsor: John Kennedy (R-La.)

H.R.4674: College Affordability Act

Sponsor: Robert C. Scott (D-Va.)

S.2557: Student Aid Improvement Act of 2019

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.5312: AIM HIGH Act

Sponsor: Phil Roe (R-Tenn.)

S.3095: AIM HIGH Act

Sponsor: Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

H.R.748: CARES Act

Sponsor: Joe Courtney (D-Conn.)

H.R.7667: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021

Sponsor: José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.)

H.R.6800: The Heroes Act

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.1319: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

Sponsor: John Yarmuth (D-Ky.)

H.R.3816: American Innovation and Choice Online Act

Sponsor: David Cicilline (D-R.I.)

S.2992: American Innovation and Choice Online Act

Sponsor: Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

S.1260: United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.4521: United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021

Sponsor: Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)

S.3880: SMART Copyright Act of 2022

Sponsor: Thom Tillis (R-N.C.)

Show All Mentioned Bills


Lobbyists named here were listed on a filing related to this lobbying engagement. They may not be working on it now. Occasionally, a single lobbyist whose name is spelled two different ways on filings may be represented twice here.

Lobbyist Covered positions?
Allan Adler Vice President
Tom Allen US House of Representative
Maria Luisa Simpson Executive Director
Maria Pallante U.S. Copyright Office: Register of Copyrights (2011-2016); Associate Register and Director of Policy and International Affairs (2008-2010; Deputy General Counsel (2007-2008)
Shelley Husband Staff Director & General Counsel - House Judiciary Committee (Majority); Chief of Staff - Office of Rep. Bob Goodlatte; Legislative Director & Counsel - Office of Rep. Bob Goodlatte
Sofia Castillo n/a
Rachel Fertig n/a
Maria Louisa Simpson n/a
Patricia Judd n/a
Patricia Schroeder n/a
Bruce Hildebrand n/a
Matthew Barblan n/a
Kelly Denson n/a
Lui Simpson n/a
Terry Hart n/a
Carl Maxwell n/a
James C. Maxwell n/a
Terrence (Terry) Hart n/a

Disclosures Filed

Once a lobbying engagement begins, the lobbyist or firm is required to file updates four times a year. Those updates sometimes change which lobbyists are involved or add new issues being discussed. When lobbyists stop working for a client, the firm is also supposed to file a report disclosing the end of the relationship.

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Source: Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and Secretary of the Senate

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