Bills Cosponsored by Thomas H. Allen (D-Maine)

Rep. Allen cosponsored 323 bills in the 107th Congress (2001-02). See other congresses: 110th | 109th | 108th | 106th | 105th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
May 23, 2001 H.R.1809: Cancer Screening Coverage Act of 2001 Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)
May 17, 2001 H.CON.RES.137: John E. Sununu (R-N.H.)
May 17, 2001 H.R.1490: Homebound Clarification Act of 2001 Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)
May 16, 2001 H.CON.RES.136: Lois Capps (D-Calif.)
May 16, 2001 H.R.1861: Post Office Community Partnership Act of 2001 Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.)
May 16, 2001 H.R.1862: Greater Access to Affordable Pharmaceuticals Act of 2001 Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
May 14, 2001 H.R.1827: Dairy Consumers and Producers Protection Act of 2001 Asa Hutchinson (R-Ark.)
May 10, 2001 H.R.1265: Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.)
May 9, 2001 H.R.1779: Tibetan Policy Act of 2001 Tom Lantos (D-Calif.)
May 8, 2001 H.R.1750: Clean Water State Revolving Fund Enhancement Act of 2001 John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)
May 8, 2001 H.R.1751: Water Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2001 John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)
May 3, 2001 H.R.548: Military Survivor Benefits Improvement Act of 2001 Joe Scarborough (R-Fla.)
May 3, 2001 H.R.1708: Affordable Prescription Drugs and Medical Inventions Act Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
May 2, 2001 H.R.1676: Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)
May 1, 2001 H.RES.128: Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)
May 1, 2001 H.R.440: Bob Filner (D-Calif.)
May 1, 2001 H.R.1230: Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge Establishment Act John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)
May 1, 2001 H.R.1307: Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.)
May 1, 2001 H.R.1662: Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2001 George Miller (D-Calif.)
April 27, 2001 H.R.701: Conservation and Reinvestment Act Don Young (R-Alaska)
April 27, 2001 H.R.1140: Railroad Retirement and Survivors' Improvement Act of 2001 Don Young (R-Alaska)
April 26, 2001 H.R.954: Home Energy Generation Act Jay Inslee (D-Wash.)
April 26, 2001 H.R.1291: Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001 Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.)
April 26, 2001 H.R.1613: America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2001 Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.)
April 25, 2001 H.R.1581: Reforestation Tax Act of 2001 Jennifer B. Dunn (R-Wash.)
April 4, 2001 H.RES.117: Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)
April 4, 2001 H.R.918: Clean Diamonds Act Tony P. Hall (D-Ohio)
April 4, 2001 H.R.1400: Prescription Drug Fairness for Seniors Act of 2001 Thomas H. Allen (D-Maine)
April 4, 2001 H.R.1413: Get Arsenic Out of Our Drinking Water Act Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)
April 4, 2001 H.R.1421: Downed Animal Protection Act Gary L. Ackerman (D-N.Y.)
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