Bills Cosponsored by Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)

Sen. Brownback cosponsored 226 bills in the 107th Congress (2001-02). See other congresses: 111th | 110th | 109th | 108th | 106th | 105th | 104th | 104th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Nov. 14, 2002 S.3156: Paul and Sheila Wellstone Center for Community Building Act Dean Barkley (I-Minn.)
Nov. 12, 2002 S.CON.RES.155: Richard J. Santorum (R-Pa.)
Oct. 28, 2002 S.RES.354: Mark Dayton (D-Minn.)
Oct. 17, 2002 S.RES.351: Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
Oct. 17, 2002 S.3147: Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act of 2002 Michael DeWine (R-Ohio)
Oct. 16, 2002 S.3122: Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)
Oct. 16, 2002 S.3125: Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)
Oct. 15, 2002 S.RES.340: Richard J. Santorum (R-Pa.)
Oct. 10, 2002 S.RES.338: John McCain (R-Ariz.)
Oct. 10, 2002 S.3094: Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.)
Oct. 8, 2002 S.3075: Sudan Peace Act William H. Frist (R-Tenn.)
Oct. 2, 2002 S.1860: New Homestead Economic Opportunity Act Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.)
Sept. 26, 2002 S.CON.RES.148: Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)
Sept. 24, 2002 S.3000: Christopher Reeve Paralysis Act Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)
Sept. 20, 2002 S.CON.RES.144: Pat Roberts (R-Kan.)
Sept. 20, 2002 S.RES.330: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)
Sept. 19, 2002 S.CON.RES.143: James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.)
Sept. 18, 2002 S.2662: Teacher Tax Relief Act of 2002 Susan Collins (R-Maine)
Sept. 18, 2002 S.2955: National Cancer Act of 2002 Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)
Sept. 12, 2002 S.RES.325: Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)
Sept. 12, 2002 S.RES.326: Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.)
Sept. 10, 2002 S.RES.305: Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.)
Sept. 10, 2002 S.RES.324: Tim Johnson (D-S.D.)
Sept. 5, 2002 S.2760: Stock Option Fairness and Accountability Act Michael B. Enzi (R-Wyo.)
Aug. 1, 2002 S.RES.315: Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas)
Aug. 1, 2002 S.2866: District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act of 2002 Judd Gregg (R-N.H.)
Aug. 1, 2002 S.2869: John Kerry (D-Mass.)
July 31, 2002 S.858: Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2001 Tim Hutchinson (R-Ark.)
July 31, 2002 S.2830: Emergency Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2002 Pat Roberts (R-Kan.)
July 30, 2002 S.2663: Turkey-Israel Economic Enhancement Act John B. Breaux (D-La.)
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