Bills Cosponsored by Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)

Sen. Hollings cosponsored 222 bills in the 107th Congress (2001-02). See other congresses: 108th | 106th | 105th | 104th | 103rd | 102nd | 101st | 100th | 99th | 98th | 97th | 96th | 95th | 94th | 93rd | 92nd | 91st | 90th | 89th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
April 26, 2002 S.2375: Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.)
April 26, 2002 S.2376: Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.)
April 26, 2002 S.2377: Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.)
April 25, 2002 S.2312: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
April 25, 2002 S.2319: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
April 25, 2002 S.2320: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
April 25, 2002 S.2321: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
April 25, 2002 S.2322: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
April 25, 2002 S.2329: Ship, Seafarer, and Container Security Act John B. Breaux (D-La.)
April 18, 2002 S.2201: Online Personal Privacy Act Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
April 16, 2002 S.1749: Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2001 Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)
March 22, 2002 S.960: Medicare Medical Nutrition Therapy Amendment Act of 2001 Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)
March 21, 2002 S.2048: Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
March 19, 2002 S.966: Rural Broadband Enhancement Act Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.)
March 13, 2002 S.2011: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
March 13, 2002 S.2012: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
March 7, 2002 S.540: Reserve Component Tax Assistance Act of 2001 Michael DeWine (R-Ohio)
March 6, 2002 S.1991: National Defense Rail Act Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
March 4, 2002 S.RES.214: Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)
March 4, 2002 S.J.RES.33: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
March 4, 2002 S.177: Postmasters Fairness and Rights Act Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii)
Feb. 26, 2002 S.1968: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
Feb. 8, 2002 S.1926: National Fuel Savings and Security Act of 2002 John Kerry (D-Mass.)
Feb. 5, 2002 S.1910: Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
Jan. 23, 2002 S.RES.199: Carl Levin (D-Mich.)
Jan. 23, 2002 S.1593: Water Infrastructure Security and Research Development Act James M. Jeffords (I-Vt.)
Dec. 20, 2001 S.1766: Energy Policy Act of 2002 Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.)
Dec. 20, 2001 S.1869: Expedited Remedy for Persistent Dumping Act of 2001 Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.)
Dec. 17, 2001 S.1009: Meningitis Immunization Awareness Act Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas)
Dec. 14, 2001 S.1829: Airport Security Personnel Protection Act Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
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