Bills Cosponsored by Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.)

Rep. Kilpatrick cosponsored 416 bills in the 105th Congress (1997-98). See other congresses: 111th | 110th | 109th | 108th | 107th | 106th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Nov. 4, 1997 H.R.2804: Health Care Access Improvement Act Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.)
Oct. 31, 1997 H.R.2397: Jon Christensen (R-Neb.)
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.1356: J.C. Watts (R-Okla.)
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.2602: Pete Stark (D-Calif.)
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.2699: Osteoporosis Federal Employee Health Benefits Standardization Act of 1997 Constance A. Morella (R-Md.)
Oct. 29, 1997 H.R.1232: Imported Produce Labeling Act of 1997 Sonny Bono (R-Calif.)
Oct. 29, 1997 H.R.2695: Expand and Rebuild America's Schools Act of 1997 Loretta Sánchez (D-Calif.)
Oct. 29, 1997 H.R.2769: Brady Background Check Improvement Act Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Oct. 28, 1997 H.RES.26: Robert E. Andrews (D-N.J.)
Oct. 28, 1997 H.R.74: Voting Rights of Homeless Citizens Act of 1997 John Lewis (D-Ga.)
Oct. 28, 1997 H.R.1234: Equal Protection School Finance Act Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.)
Oct. 28, 1997 H.R.2713: Early Learning and Opportunity State Grants Act of 1997 Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)
Oct. 28, 1997 H.R.2754: Health Care Worker Protection Act of 1997 Pete Stark (D-Calif.)
Oct. 23, 1997 H.R.23: Stop Sweatshops Act of 1997 William Clay (D-Mo.)
Oct. 23, 1997 H.R.2418: Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-Calif.)
Oct. 23, 1997 H.R.2707: Entrepreneurial Equity Capital Formation Act William J. Jefferson (D-La.)
Oct. 23, 1997 H.R.2728: Chinese Student Protection Act of 1997 Nydia M. Velázquez (D-N.Y.)
Oct. 23, 1997 H.R.2717: Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.)
Oct. 22, 1997 H.R.2693: Osteoporosis Early Detection and Prevention Act of 1997 Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)
Oct. 21, 1997 H.R.2597: Equity for Immigrants Act Elizabeth Furse (D-Ore.)
Oct. 9, 1997 H.R.2662: Fair Credit Card Application Act of 1997 Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)
Oct. 8, 1997 H.R.1425: Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act of 1997 Christopher H. Shays (R-Conn.)
Oct. 8, 1997 H.R.2067: Common Sense Currency Act of 1997 Lynn N. Rivers (D-Mich.)
Oct. 7, 1997 H.R.979: Barbara B. Kennelly (D-Conn.)
Oct. 7, 1997 H.R.1823: Robert A. Weygand (D-R.I.)
Oct. 7, 1997 H.R.2174: Equity in Prescription Insurance and Contraceptive Coverage Act of 1997 James C. Greenwood (R-Pa.)
Oct. 7, 1997 H.R.2476: Robert A. Underwood (D-Guam)
Oct. 7, 1997 H.R.2503: Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1997 Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.)
Oct. 6, 1997 H.R.2023: Paycheck Fairness Act Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)
Oct. 6, 1997 H.R.2053: Unsolicited Loan Consumer Protection Act Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.)
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