Bills Cosponsored by Steven R. Rothman (D-N.J.)

Rep. Rothman cosponsored 311 bills in the 108th Congress (2003-04). See other congresses: 112th | 111th | 110th | 109th | 107th | 106th | 105th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
July 7, 2004 H.RES.632: Urging the Government of Romania to provide equitable, prompt, and fair restitution to the Romanian Greek Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Unitarian Church, the Hungarian Reformed Church, the Jewish communit Thomas G. Tancredo (R-Colo.)
July 7, 2004 H.R.4101: Clean Cruise Ship Act of 2004 Sam Farr (D-Calif.)
June 25, 2004 H.R.2394: Keeping Our Promises to America's Children Act of 2003 Dennis Moore (D-Kan.)
June 17, 2004 H.R.3148: To award a congressional gold medal to Monsignor Ignatius McDermott in recognition of his contribution to the drug treatment community, and his accomplishments as a priest and humanitarian. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.)
June 16, 2004 H.R.3934: To halt the issuance of visas to citizens of Saudi Arabia until the President certifies that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not discriminate in the issuance of visas on the basis of religious affiliation or heritage. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)
June 15, 2004 H.CON.RES.450: Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the day civil rights organizers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner gave their lives in the struggle to guarantee the right to vote for every citizen of the United States and encouraging all Americans to Major R. Owens (D-N.Y.)
June 15, 2004 H.RES.129: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a postage stamp should be issued in commemoration of Diwali, a festival celebrated by people of Indian origin. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)
June 14, 2004 H.R.2023: Asthmatic Schoolchildren's Treatment and Health Management Act of 2004 Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.)
June 14, 2004 H.R.3871: United States-Israel Homeland Security Foundation Act James Turner (D-Texas)
June 8, 2004 H.R.4082: Cesar E. Chavez Congressional Gold Medal Act Joe Baca (D-Calif.)
June 3, 2004 H.R.2157: Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2003 Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio)
June 3, 2004 H.R.3361: Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2003 Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)
May 20, 2004 H.R.3831: To extend the sunset on the assault weapons ban for 10 years. Michael N. Castle (R-Del.)
May 19, 2004 H.R.4108: High Risk Nonprofit Security Enhancement Act of 2004 George R. Nethercutt (R-Wash.)
May 19, 2004 H.R.4346: Healthy Troops Act Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (D-Ga.)
May 13, 2004 H.R.3204: Benjamin Franklin Commemorative Coin Act Michael N. Castle (R-Del.)
May 13, 2004 H.R.4116: American Bald Eagle Recovery and National Emblem Commemorative Coin Act William Lewis Jenkins (R-Tenn.)
May 13, 2004 H.R.4230: Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2004 Tom Lantos (D-Calif.)
May 12, 2004 H.R.3729: Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act of 2004 Bob Filner (D-Calif.)
May 11, 2004 H.CON.RES.381: Supporting the goals and ideals of Tinnitus Awareness Week. Jim R. Ryun (R-Kan.)
May 11, 2004 H.RES.466: Conveying the sympathy of the House of Representatives to the families of the young women murdered in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, and encouraging increased United States involvement in bringing an end to these crimes. Hilda L. Solis (D-Calif.)
May 11, 2004 H.R.3927: Life Insurance Anti-Discrimination in Travel Act Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.)
May 5, 2004 H.RES.508: Recognizing and honoring the 50th anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.)
May 5, 2004 H.RES.567: Congratulating the American Dental Association for sponsoring the second annual "Give Kids a Smile" program which emphasizes the need to improve access to dental care for children, and thanking dentists for volunteering their time to help provide needed d Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
May 4, 2004 H.CON.RES.414: Expressing the sense of the Congress that, as Congress recognizes the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, all Americans are encouraged to observe this anniversary with a commitment to continuing and building on the legacy of Brow John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)
May 4, 2004 H.RES.560: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Girl Scouts of the United States of America should be commended, on its 92d anniversary, for providing quality age-appropriate experiences that prepare girls to become the leaders of tomorrow a Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.)
May 4, 2004 H.R.4072: Healthy People, Healthy Choices Act of 2004 Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-Calif.)
May 4, 2004 H.R.4178: To award posthumously a congressional gold medal to Thurgood Marshall. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.)
April 30, 2004 H.J.RES.93: Recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Allied landing at Normandy during World War II. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.)
April 28, 2004 H.CON.RES.396: Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence and encouraging units of local government, States, and school districts to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, teachers, and school employees from discrimination and harassment. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.)
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