Bills Cosponsored by Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.)

Rep. Roybal-Allard cosponsored 404 bills in the 110th Congress (2007-09). See other congresses: 117th | 116th | 115th | 114th | 113th | 112th | 111th | 109th | 108th | 107th | 106th | 105th | 104th | 103rd

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
May 3, 2007 H.R.1119: Purple Heart Family Equity Act of 2007 Susan A. Davis (D-Calif.)
May 3, 2007 H.R.1506: Fuel Economy Reform Act Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)
May 2, 2007 H.R.174: Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)
May 1, 2007 H.RES.101: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Senate should ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.)
May 1, 2007 H.RES.146: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should take action to meet its obligations, and to ensure that all other member states of the United Nations meet their obligations, to women as agreed to in United Nations Securi Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)
May 1, 2007 H.RES.347: Recognizing the historical significance of the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo. Joe Baca (D-Calif.)
May 1, 2007 H.R.1300: Program for Real Energy Security Act Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.)
May 1, 2007 H.R.1338: Paycheck Fairness Act Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)
April 25, 2007 H.RES.145: Recognizing the public service of Archbishop Patrick Flores. Charlie Gonzalez (D-Texas)
April 25, 2007 H.R.1384: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 118 Minner Street in Bakersfield, California, as the "Buck Owens Post Office". Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)
April 23, 2007 H.R.1222: Keep Our Promise to America's Military Retirees Act Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)
April 23, 2007 H.R.1223: Keeping Faith With the Greatest Generation Military Retirees Act Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)
April 20, 2007 H.RES.282: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States Postal Service should discontinue the practice of contracting out mail delivery services. Albio Sires (D-N.J.)
April 20, 2007 H.RES.326: Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Darlene Hooley (D-Ore.)
April 20, 2007 H.R.111: Community Choice in Real Estate Act Paul E. Kanjorski (D-Pa.)
April 20, 2007 H.R.1975: Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)
April 18, 2007 H.R.1617: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 561 Kingsland Avenue in University City, Missouri, as the "Harriett F. Woods Post Office Building". Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.)
April 18, 2007 H.R.1919: America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2007 Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.)
April 16, 2007 H.R.39: Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)
March 30, 2007 H.R.1176: To provide discretionary authority to an immigration judge to determine that an alien parent of a United States citizen child should not be ordered removed, deported, or excluded from the United States. José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.)
March 29, 2007 H.CON.RES.105: Supporting the goals and ideals of a National Suffragists Day to promote awareness of the importance of the women suffragists who worked for the right of women to vote in the United States. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.)
March 29, 2007 H.RES.121: A resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Government of Japan should formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Forces' coercion of young Michael M. Honda (D-Calif.)
March 27, 2007 H.RES.273: Supporting the goals and ideals of Financial Literacy Month, and for other purposes. Rubén Hinojosa (D-Texas)
March 27, 2007 H.J.RES.40: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to equal rights for men and women. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)
March 22, 2007 H.R.1645: STRIVE Act of 2007 Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-Ill.)
March 21, 2007 H.R.1634: Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.)
March 20, 2007 H.R.1590: Safe Climate Act of 2007 Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)
March 20, 2007 H.R.1592: Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)
March 15, 2007 H.R.988: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 5757 Tilton Avenue in Riverside, California, as the "Lieutenant Todd Jason Bryant Post Office". Ken Calvert (R-Calif.)
March 15, 2007 H.R.1536: Prescription Coverage Now Act of 2007 Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)
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