Treatment Tracker
The Doctors and Services in Medicare Part B
This database was last updated in December 2017. It should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data is available via the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ lookup tool.
JACKSON, TN, 38305
How This Provider Compares
This Provider
Avg in State & Specialty
Providers in this state and specialty were reimbursed, on average, $302 per patient in 2015.
They performed about 9 services per patient. Here’s how this provider compares.
Number of
Avg Services
Per Patient
Total Paid
by Medicare
Avg Paid
Per Patient
Note: About 11% of this provider’s Medicare payments were for drugs administered in his office.
This is intended to reimburse the provider for purchasing the drugs, plus an additional percentage for overhead.
How This Provider’s Patients Compare
Doctors often say their patients are sicker or more complex than those of their peers. The measure displayed below, used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, takes into account patients’ characteristics to estimate whether they are expected to have above-average Medicare spending. It considers patients’ age, sex, diagnoses from the past year and other factors. This provider’s score below takes into account all of his Part B patients.
This Provider's Services
This provider performed 108 different services in 2015
(43 were redacted as they were performed on less than 11 patients)
Show Only:
CATEGORYDescription of Service |
Times Performed (or Units) | This Service's Rank | Patients | Unique Visits Per Patient |
Billed to Medicare | Payments from Medicare |
TEMPORARY CODESLow osmolar contrast material, 300-399 mg/ml iodine conce... + Low osmolar contrast material, 300-399 mg/ml iodine concentration, per ml × Service Code: Q9967Performed in an office |
164,230 times performed, 84% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
906 patients got this service, 68% of his patients |
1.5 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$328,460.00an average of $2.00 per time performed |
$19,707.60 an average of $0.12 per time performed |
MEDICINERoutine ekg using at least 12 leads including interpretat... + Routine ekg using at least 12 leads including interpretation and report × Service Code: 93000Performed in an office |
4,315 times performed, 2% of his services |
2nd 22nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
1,319 patients got this service, 98% of his patients |
3.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.6) |
$181,230.00an average of $42.00 per time performed |
$47,810.20 an average of $11.08 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTEstablished patient office or other outpatient, visit typ... + Established patient office or other outpatient, visit typically 25 minutes × Service Code: 99214Performed in an office |
4,184 times performed, 2% of his services |
3rd 4th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
1,292 patients got this service, 96% of his patients |
3.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.9) |
$1,045,748.96an average of $249.94 per time performed |
$303,047.12 an average of $72.43 per time performed |
DRUGSInjection, regadenoson, 0.1 mg Service Code: J2785Performed in an office |
3,268 times performed, 2% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
819 patients got this service, 61% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$518,076.04an average of $158.53 per time performed |
$132,223.28 an average of $40.46 per time performed |
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMInsertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample + Insertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample × Service Code: 36415Performed in an office |
2,440 times performed, 1% of his services |
5th 10th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
1,259 patients got this service, 94% of his patients |
1.9 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2) |
$36,600.00an average of $15.00 per time performed |
$6,978.40 an average of $2.86 per time performed |
ADMINISTRATIVETechnetium tc-99m sestamibi, diagnostic, per study dose Service Code: A9500Performed in an office |
1,757 times performed, 0.9% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
885 patients got this service, 66% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$558,023.20an average of $317.60 per time performed |
$163,576.70 an average of $93.10 per time performed |
DRUGSInjection, ceftriaxone sodium, per 250 mg Service Code: J0696Performed in an office |
1,618 times performed, 0.83% of his services |
7th 34th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
286 patients got this service, 21% of his patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.7) |
$24,270.00an average of $15.00 per time performed |
$809.00 an average of $0.50 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTEstablished patient office or other outpatient, visit typ... + Established patient office or other outpatient, visit typically 40 minutes × Service Code: 99215Performed in an office |
1,440 times performed, 0.74% of his services |
8th 28th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
872 patients got this service, 65% of his patients |
1.7 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.7) |
$482,313.60an average of $334.94 per time performed |
$126,734.40 an average of $88.01 per time performed |
MEDICINEUltrasound examination of heart including color-depicted ... + Ultrasound examination of heart including color-depicted blood flow rate, direction, and valve function × Service Code: 93306Performed in an office |
1,097 times performed, 0.56% of his services |
9th 82nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
1,087 patients got this service, 81% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$477,195.00an average of $435.00 per time performed |
$168,093.31 an average of $153.23 per time performed |
MEDICINEUltrasound scanning of blood flow (outside the brain) on ... + Ultrasound scanning of blood flow (outside the brain) on both sides of head and neck × Service Code: 93880Performed in an office |
993 times performed, 0.51% of his services |
10th 117th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
986 patients got this service, 73% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$548,136.00an average of $552.00 per time performed |
$119,299.02 an average of $120.14 per time performed |
MEDICINEExercise or drug-induced heart and blood vessel stress te... + Exercise or drug-induced heart and blood vessel stress test with ekg monitoring, physician supervision, interpretation, and report × Service Code: 93015Performed in an office |
884 times performed, 0.45% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
883 patients got this service, 66% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$162,656.00an average of $184.00 per time performed |
$42,299.40 an average of $47.85 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYNuclear medicine study of vessels of heart using drugs or... + Nuclear medicine study of vessels of heart using drugs or exercise multiple studies × Service Code: 78452Performed in an office |
852 times performed, 0.44% of his services |
12th 191st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
852 patients got this service, 63% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$812,808.00an average of $954.00 per time performed |
$287,072.88 an average of $336.94 per time performed |
MEDICINEInjection beneath the skin or into muscle for therapy, di... + Injection beneath the skin or into muscle for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention × Service Code: 96372Performed in an office |
719 times performed, 0.37% of his services |
13th 18th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
472 patients got this service, 35% of his patients |
1.5 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.5) |
$42,421.00an average of $59.00 per time performed |
$12,100.77 an average of $16.83 per time performed |
MEDICINEUltrasound study of arteries of both arms and legs Service Code: 93923Performed in an office |
634 times performed, 0.32% of his services |
14th 222nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
633 patients got this service, 47% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$209,854.00an average of $331.00 per time performed |
$51,937.28 an average of $81.92 per time performed |
MEDICINEHeart rhythm tracing, analysis, and interpretation of 48-... + Heart rhythm tracing, analysis, and interpretation of 48-hour ekg × Service Code: 93224Performed in an office |
597 times performed, 0.31% of his services |
15th 225th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
597 patients got this service, 44% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$127,758.00an average of $214.00 per time performed |
$34,840.92 an average of $58.36 per time performed |
MEDICINEMeasurement and graphic recording of total and timed exha... + Measurement and graphic recording of total and timed exhaled air capacity × Service Code: 94010Performed in an office |
547 times performed, 0.28% of his services |
16th 206th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
545 patients got this service, 41% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$46,495.00an average of $85.00 per time performed |
$13,735.17 an average of $25.11 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYCt scan of blood vessels in chest with contrast Service Code: 71275Performed in an office |
510 times performed, 0.26% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
507 patients got this service, 38% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$363,120.00an average of $712.00 per time performed |
$73,011.60 an average of $143.16 per time performed |
DRUGSInjection, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, up to 125 mg + Injection, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, up to 125 mg × Service Code: J2930Performed in an office |
447 times performed, 0.23% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
298 patients got this service, 22% of his patients |
1.5 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$4,470.00an average of $10.00 per time performed |
$1,095.15 an average of $2.45 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYCt scan of abdominal aorta and both leg arteries with con... + Ct scan of abdominal aorta and both leg arteries with contrast × Service Code: 75635Performed in an office |
413 times performed, 0.21% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
413 patients got this service, 31% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$315,532.00an average of $764.00 per time performed |
$72,745.82 an average of $176.14 per time performed |
Vaccine for influenza administered into muscle to individ... + Vaccine for influenza administered into muscle to individuals 3 years of age and older × Service Code: 90686Performed in an office |
368 times performed, 0.19% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
368 patients got this service, 27% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$11,040.00an average of $30.00 per time performed |
$6,425.28 an average of $17.46 per time performed |
PROCEDURESAdministration of influenza virus vaccine Service Code: G0008Performed in an office |
361 times performed, 0.18% of his services |
21st 62nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
361 patients got this service, 27% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$9,025.00an average of $25.00 per time performed |
$8,245.24 an average of $22.84 per time performed |
DRUGSInjection, ketorolac tromethamine, per 15 mg Service Code: J1885Performed in an office |
358 times performed, 0.18% of his services |
22nd 111th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
99 patients got this service, 7% of his patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$1,056.10an average of $2.95 per time performed |
$146.78 an average of $0.41 per time performed |
PROCEDURESAdministration of pneumococcal vaccine Service Code: G0009Performed in an office |
303 times performed, 0.16% of his services |
23rd 101st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
301 patients got this service, 22% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$7,575.00an average of $25.00 per time performed |
$6,929.61 an average of $22.87 per time performed |
DRUGSInjection, vitamin b-12 cyanocobalamin, up to 1000 mcg Service Code: J3420Performed in an office |
267 times performed, 0.14% of his services |
24th 113th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
199 patients got this service, 15% of his patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.6) |
$1,335.00an average of $5.00 per time performed |
$614.10 an average of $2.30 per time performed |
MEDICINEPneumococcal vaccine for injection into muscle Service Code: 90670Performed in an office |
250 times performed, 0.13% of his services |
25th 119th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
250 patients got this service, 19% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$50,000.00an average of $200.00 per time performed |
$42,252.50 an average of $169.01 per time performed |
MEDICINEEvaluation, testing, and programming adjustment of perman... + Evaluation, testing, and programming adjustment of permanent dual lead pacemaker system with physician analysis, review, and report × Service Code: 93280Performed in an office |
201 times performed, 0.1% of his services |
26th 262nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
108 patients got this service, 8% of his patients |
1.9 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.6) |
$26,934.00an average of $134.00 per time performed |
$8,313.36 an average of $41.36 per time performed |
DRUGSService Code: J3490Performed in an office |
157 times performed, 0.08% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
153 patients got this service, 11% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$789.71an average of $5.03 per time performed |
$332.84 an average of $2.12 per time performed |
PROCEDURESPhysician certification for medicare-covered home health ... + Physician certification for medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians to affirm the initial imple × Service Code: G0180Performed in an office |
154 times performed, 0.08% of his services |
28th 269th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
66 patients got this service, 5% of his patients |
2.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$38,346.00an average of $249.00 per time performed |
$6,010.62 an average of $39.03 per time performed |
DRUGSInjection, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, up to 40 mg + Injection, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, up to 40 mg × Service Code: J2920Performed in an office |
137 times performed, 0.07% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
121 patients got this service, 9% of his patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$690.48an average of $5.04 per time performed |
$179.47 an average of $1.31 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYCt scan of blood vessel of head with contrast Service Code: 70496Performed in an office |
134 times performed, 0.07% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
134 patients got this service, 10% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$127,434.00an average of $951.00 per time performed |
$19,167.36 an average of $143.04 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYCt scan of neck blood vessels with contrast Service Code: 70498Performed in an office |
130 times performed, 0.07% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
130 patients got this service, 10% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$128,700.00an average of $990.00 per time performed |
$11,828.70 an average of $90.99 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTNew patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 6... + New patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 60 minutes × Service Code: 99205Performed in an office |
125 times performed, 0.06% of his services |
32nd 128th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
125 patients got this service, 9% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$59,500.00an average of $476.00 per time performed |
$17,161.25 an average of $137.29 per time performed |
MEDICINEEvaluation, testing and programming adjustment of defibri... + Evaluation, testing and programming adjustment of defibrillator with analysis, review and report × Service Code: 93283Performed in an office |
99 times performed, 0.05% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
52 patients got this service, 4% of his patients |
1.9 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$18,513.00an average of $187.00 per time performed |
$5,760.81 an average of $58.19 per time performed |
MEDICINEEvaluation, testing and programming adjustment of defibri... + Evaluation, testing and programming adjustment of defibrillator with analysis, review and report × Service Code: 93284Performed in an office |
98 times performed, 0.05% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
44 patients got this service, 3% of his patients |
2.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$20,188.00an average of $206.00 per time performed |
$6,132.84 an average of $62.58 per time performed |
MEDICINERespiratory inhaled pressure or nonpressure treatment to ... + Respiratory inhaled pressure or nonpressure treatment to relieve airway obstruction or for sputum specimen × Service Code: 94640Performed in an office |
75 times performed, 0.04% of his services |
35th 425th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
63 patients got this service, 5% of his patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$3,225.00an average of $43.00 per time performed |
$846.00 an average of $11.28 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYCt scan of heart blood vessels and grafts with contrast dye + Ct scan of heart blood vessels and grafts with contrast dye × Service Code: 75574Performed in an office |
74 times performed, 0.04% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
74 patients got this service, 6% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$64,669.34an average of $873.91 per time performed |
$11,012.68 an average of $148.82 per time performed |
DRUGSInfusion, normal saline solution , 250 cc Service Code: J7050Performed in an office |
71 times performed, 0.04% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
64 patients got this service, 5% of his patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,390.18an average of $19.58 per time performed |
$21.30 an average of $0.30 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYService Code: 71260Performed in an office |
68 times performed, 0.03% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
61 patients got this service, 5% of his patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$31,484.00an average of $463.00 per time performed |
$6,968.64 an average of $102.48 per time performed |
DRUGSInjection, diphenhydramine hcl, up to 50 mg Service Code: J1200Performed in an office |
60 times performed, 0.03% of his services |
39th 182nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
42 patients got this service, 3% of his patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.8) |
$720.00an average of $12.00 per time performed |
$25.80 an average of $0.43 per time performed |
MEDICINEVaccine for pneumococcal polysaccharide for injection ben... + Vaccine for pneumococcal polysaccharide for injection beneath the skin or into muscle, patient 2 years or older × Service Code: 90732Performed in an office |
58 times performed, 0.03% of his services |
40th 337th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
58 patients got this service, 4% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$4,930.00an average of $85.00 per time performed |
$4,450.92 an average of $76.74 per time performed |
MEDICINEInjection of drug or substance into a vein for therapy, d... + Injection of drug or substance into a vein for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention × Service Code: 96374Performed in an office |
53 times performed, 0.03% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
53 patients got this service, 4% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,019.85an average of $132.45 per time performed |
$2,112.58 an average of $39.86 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood glucose (sugar) test performed by hand-held instrument + Blood glucose (sugar) test performed by hand-held instrument × Service Code: 82962Performed in an office |
51 times performed, 0.03% of his services |
42nd 56th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
39 patients got this service, 3% of his patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.4) |
$1,020.00an average of $20.00 per time performed |
$156.57 an average of $3.07 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYService Code: 74176Performed in an office |
39 times performed, 0.02% of his services |
43rd 425th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
38 patients got this service, 3% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$12,987.00an average of $333.00 per time performed |
$2,818.92 an average of $72.28 per time performed |
MEDICINEVaccine for hepatitis b adult dosage (3 dose schedule) in... + Vaccine for hepatitis b adult dosage (3 dose schedule) injection into muscle × Service Code: 90746Performed in an office |
38 times performed, 0.02% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
15 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
2.5 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$3,230.00an average of $85.00 per time performed |
$2,223.76 an average of $58.52 per time performed |
PROCEDURESAdministration of hepatitis b vaccine Service Code: G0010Performed in an office |
36 times performed, 0.02% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
15 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
2.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$900.00an average of $25.00 per time performed |
$822.96 an average of $22.86 per time performed |
MEDICINEUltrasound scan of veins of both arms or legs including a... + Ultrasound scan of veins of both arms or legs including assessment of compression and functional maneuvers × Service Code: 93970Performed in an office |
34 times performed, 0.02% of his services |
46th 180th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
34 patients got this service, 3% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$14,892.00an average of $438.00 per time performed |
$4,413.88 an average of $129.82 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYCt scan abdomen before and after contrast Service Code: 74170Performed in an office |
30 times performed, 0.02% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
30 patients got this service, 2% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$17,370.00an average of $579.00 per time performed |
$4,027.20 an average of $134.24 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTNew patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 4... + New patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 45 minutes × Service Code: 99204Performed in an office |
30 times performed, 0.02% of his services |
48th 24th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
30 patients got this service, 2% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$11,490.00an average of $383.00 per time performed |
$2,804.70 an average of $93.49 per time performed |
MEDICINEEvaluation, testing, and programming adjustment of perman... + Evaluation, testing, and programming adjustment of permanent multiple lead pacemaker system with physician analysis, review, and report × Service Code: 93281Performed in an office |
27 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
16 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
1.7 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$4,212.00an average of $156.00 per time performed |
$1,165.86 an average of $43.18 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYService Code: 74160Performed in an office |
26 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
26 patients got this service, 2% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$12,896.00an average of $496.00 per time performed |
$2,774.46 an average of $106.71 per time performed |
MEDICINEFollow-up or limited ultrasound examination of heart Service Code: 93308Performed in an office |
26 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
26 patients got this service, 2% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$5,954.00an average of $229.00 per time performed |
$2,129.66 an average of $81.91 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYCt scan of abdomen and pelvis with contrast Service Code: 74177Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
25 patients got this service, 2% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$14,700.00an average of $588.00 per time performed |
$3,910.25 an average of $156.41 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTSubsequent hospital inpatient care, typically 25 minutes ... + Subsequent hospital inpatient care, typically 25 minutes per day × Service Code: 99232Performed in a facility |
22 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
53rd 7th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
13 patients got this service, 0.97% of his patients |
1.7 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.8) |
$3,674.00an average of $167.00 per time performed |
$1,050.72 an average of $47.76 per time performed |
MEDICINEEvaluation, testing, and programming adjustment of perman... + Evaluation, testing, and programming adjustment of permanent single lead pacemaker system with physician analysis, review, and report × Service Code: 93279Performed in an office |
22 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
13 patients got this service, 0.97% of his patients |
1.7 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,552.00an average of $116.00 per time performed |
$674.74 an average of $30.67 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYService Code: 71250Performed in an office |
21 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
18 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,728.00an average of $368.00 per time performed |
$1,772.82 an average of $84.42 per time performed |
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMCollection of blood specimen from a completely implantabl... + Collection of blood specimen from a completely implantable venous access device × Service Code: 36591Performed in an office |
21 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
16 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$525.00an average of $25.00 per time performed |
$347.13 an average of $16.53 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTEstablished patient office or other outpatient visit, typ... + Established patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 5 minutes × Service Code: 99211Performed in an office |
18 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
57th 66th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
17 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.3) |
$846.00an average of $47.00 per time performed |
$232.02 an average of $12.89 per time performed |
MEDICINEUltrasound study of arteries of both arms and legs Service Code: 93922Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
58th 372nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
16 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$3,408.00an average of $213.00 per time performed |
$860.96 an average of $53.81 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYNuclear medicine study of vessels of heart using drugs or... + Nuclear medicine study of vessels of heart using drugs or exercise single study × Service Code: 78451Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
16 patients got this service, 1% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$10,576.00an average of $661.00 per time performed |
$4,046.72 an average of $252.92 per time performed |
MEDICINEIrrigation of implanted venous access drug delivery device + Irrigation of implanted venous access drug delivery device × Service Code: 96523Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.82% of his patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$855.00an average of $57.00 per time performed |
$265.05 an average of $17.67 per time performed |
PROCEDURESDrug screen, other than chromatographic; any number of dr... + Drug screen, other than chromatographic; any number of drug classes, by clia waived test or moderate complexity test, per patient encounter × Service Code: G0434Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
61st 69th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
12 patients got this service, 0.89% of his patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.9) |
$700.00an average of $50.00 per time performed |
$271.46 an average of $19.39 per time performed |
MEDICINEService Code: 90471Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
62nd 419th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
13 patients got this service, 0.97% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$455.00an average of $35.00 per time performed |
$36.66 an average of $2.82 per time performed |
MEDICINEExternal shock to heart to regulate heart beat Service Code: 92960Performed in a facility |
13 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
13 patients got this service, 0.97% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$6,188.00an average of $476.00 per time performed |
$1,083.81 an average of $83.37 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYService Code: 70491Performed in an office |
12 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in TN perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.82% of his patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$5,520.00an average of $460.00 per time performed |
$1,227.00 an average of $102.25 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTHospital discharge day management, 30 minutes or less Service Code: 99238Performed in a facility |
11 times performed, 0.01% of his services |
65th 153rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
11 patients got this service, 0.82% of his patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$1,848.00an average of $168.00 per time performed |
$600.60 an average of $54.60 per time performed |
Office Visits
Medicare reimburses office visits using a five-point scale, with five being the most intensive and costly. The chart below shows what percentage of this provider’s office visits were reimbursed at each level. A higher than average proportion of costly visits is not necessarily an indication of a problem, but it may be worth asking about.
This provider charged Medicare for a higher percentage of 5’s than his peers.
Kandarp B Patel
Average for Specialist Providers in Tennessee
Notes: Medicare redacted this data for any services provided to fewer than 11 patients. The contact information listed above is the most current we have for this provider. The services listed on this page may have been delivered at a previous address or as part of a different practice.
Incorrect Info? If you are a provider and you believe your address is incorrect, check the listing you created on the National Provider Identifier registry. If you change your listing, send a note to and we will update your information. If you have other questions about this data, send a note to Here's a link to Medicare's data on this provider.
Sources: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Plan and Provider Enumeration System, American Medical Association
Services that begin with a letter come from CMS. All other codes and descriptions of the medical procedures are from the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code set, copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Where practical, AMA’s consumer friendly translation of the CPT descriptor was used. ProPublica has received permission from the AMA to use these codes on this site.