Treatment Tracker
The Doctors and Services in Medicare Part B
This database was last updated in December 2017. It should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data is available via the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ lookup tool.
How This Provider Compares
This Provider
Avg in State & Specialty
Providers in this state and specialty were reimbursed, on average, $170 per patient in 2015.
They performed about 3 services per patient. Here’s how this provider compares.
Number of
Avg Services
Per Patient
Total Paid
by Medicare
Avg Paid
Per Patient
How This Provider’s Patients Compare
Doctors often say their patients are sicker or more complex than those of their peers. The measure displayed below, used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, takes into account patients’ characteristics to estimate whether they are expected to have above-average Medicare spending. It considers patients’ age, sex, diagnoses from the past year and other factors. This provider’s score below takes into account all of her Part B patients.
This Provider's Services
This provider performed 52 different services in 2015
(27 were redacted as they were performed on less than 11 patients)
Show Only:
CATEGORYDescription of Service |
Times Performed (or Units) | This Service's Rank | Patients | Unique Visits Per Patient |
Billed to Medicare | Payments from Medicare |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTEstablished patient office or other outpatient, visit typ... + Established patient office or other outpatient, visit typically 25 minutes × Service Code: 99214Performed in an office |
740 times performed, 16% of her services |
1st 3rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
381 patients got this service, 78% of her patients |
1.9 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$160,217.40an average of $216.51 per time performed |
$66,696.20 an average of $90.13 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYUltrasound pelvis through vagina Service Code: 76830Performed in an office |
693 times performed, 15% of her services |
2nd 10th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
423 patients got this service, 87% of her patients |
1.6 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$180,581.94an average of $260.58 per time performed |
$73,943.10 an average of $106.70 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 81002Performed in an office |
462 times performed, 10% of her services |
3rd 8th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
270 patients got this service, 55% of her patients |
1.7 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$2,661.12an average of $5.76 per time performed |
$1,575.42 an average of $3.41 per time performed |
PROCEDURESCervical or vaginal cancer screening; pelvic and clinical... + Cervical or vaginal cancer screening; pelvic and clinical breast examination × Service Code: G0101Performed in an office |
289 times performed, 6% of her services |
4th 4th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
289 patients got this service, 59% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$21,764.59an average of $75.31 per time performed |
$11,785.42 an average of $40.78 per time performed |
TEMPORARY CODESScreening papanicolaou smear; obtaining, preparing and co... + Screening papanicolaou smear; obtaining, preparing and conveyance of cervical or vaginal smear to laboratory × Service Code: Q0091Performed in an office |
267 times performed, 6% of her services |
5th 5th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
267 patients got this service, 55% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$22,275.81an average of $83.43 per time performed |
$13,008.24 an average of $48.72 per time performed |
URINARY SYSTEMNon-needle measurement and recording of electrical activi... + Non-needle measurement and recording of electrical activity of muscles at bladder and bowel openings × Service Code: 51784Performed in an office |
219 times performed, 5% of her services |
6th 34th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
152 patients got this service, 31% of her patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$86,851.02an average of $396.58 per time performed |
$18,413.52 an average of $84.08 per time performed |
URINARY SYSTEMInsertion of device into the abdomen with measurement of ... + Insertion of device into the abdomen with measurement of pressure and urine flow rate × Service Code: 51797Performed in an office |
219 times performed, 5% of her services |
7th 42nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
152 patients got this service, 31% of her patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$54,750.00an average of $250.00 per time performed |
$21,378.78 an average of $97.62 per time performed |
URINARY SYSTEMElectronic assessment of bladder emptying Service Code: 51741Performed in an office |
212 times performed, 4% of her services |
8th 40th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
152 patients got this service, 31% of her patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$14,719.16an average of $69.43 per time performed |
$1,447.96 an average of $6.83 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTNew patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 3... + New patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 30 minutes × Service Code: 99203Performed in an office |
210 times performed, 4% of her services |
9th 12th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
210 patients got this service, 43% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$51,149.70an average of $243.57 per time performed |
$19,154.10 an average of $91.21 per time performed |
RADIOLOGYService Code: 76700Performed in an office |
152 times performed, 3% of her services |
10th 55th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
87 patients got this service, 18% of her patients |
1.7 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.7) |
$46,600.16an average of $306.58 per time performed |
$16,379.52 an average of $107.76 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTEstablished patient office or other outpatient visit, typ... + Established patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 15 minutes × Service Code: 99213Performed in an office |
151 times performed, 3% of her services |
11th 1st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
110 patients got this service, 23% of her patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$24,214.36an average of $160.36 per time performed |
$8,981.48 an average of $59.48 per time performed |
URINARY SYSTEMInsertion of electronic device into bladder with voiding ... + Insertion of electronic device into bladder with voiding and bladder canal (urethra) pressure studies × Service Code: 51729Performed in an office |
150 times performed, 3% of her services |
12th 45th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
150 patients got this service, 31% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$92,620.50an average of $617.47 per time performed |
$44,218.50 an average of $294.79 per time performed |
DRUGSRingers lactate infusion, up to 1000 cc Service Code: J7120Performed in an office |
150 times performed, 3% of her services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in CA perform this service |
87 patients got this service, 18% of her patients |
1.7 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,650.00an average of $11.00 per time performed |
$190.50 an average of $1.27 per time performed |
URINARY SYSTEMInsertion of indwelling bladder catheter Service Code: 51703Performed in an office |
141 times performed, 3% of her services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in CA perform this service |
87 patients got this service, 18% of her patients |
1.6 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$34,450.53an average of $244.33 per time performed |
$7,869.21 an average of $55.81 per time performed |
URINARY SYSTEMUltrasound measurement of bladder capacity after voiding + Ultrasound measurement of bladder capacity after voiding × Service Code: 51798Performed in an office |
123 times performed, 3% of her services |
15th 51st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
106 patients got this service, 22% of her patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$7,530.06an average of $61.22 per time performed |
$2,062.71 an average of $16.77 per time performed |
PROCEDURESAnnual wellness visit, includes a personalized prevention... + Annual wellness visit, includes a personalized prevention plan of service (pps), subsequent visit × Service Code: G0439Performed in an office |
98 times performed, 2% of her services |
16th 17th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
98 patients got this service, 20% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$24,509.80an average of $250.10 per time performed |
$12,151.02 an average of $123.99 per time performed |
URINARY SYSTEMInsertion of electronic device into bladder with voiding ... + Insertion of electronic device into bladder with voiding pressure studies × Service Code: 51728Performed in an office |
68 times performed, 1% of her services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in CA perform this service |
67 patients got this service, 14% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$48,399.68an average of $711.76 per time performed |
$18,699.32 an average of $274.99 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDetection test for trichomonas vaginal (genital parasite) + Detection test for trichomonas vaginal (genital parasite) × Service Code: 87808Performed in an office |
63 times performed, 1% of her services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in CA perform this service |
62 patients got this service, 13% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,890.00an average of $30.00 per time performed |
$779.94 an average of $12.38 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYInfectious agent enzymatic activity to detect organism Service Code: 87905Performed in an office |
63 times performed, 1% of her services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in CA perform this service |
62 patients got this service, 13% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,890.00an average of $30.00 per time performed |
$1,026.90 an average of $16.30 per time performed |
FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEMService Code: 58100Performed in an office |
42 times performed, 0.89% of her services |
20th 48th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
40 patients got this service, 8% of her patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$9,200.10an average of $219.05 per time performed |
$3,872.40 an average of $92.20 per time performed |
FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEMFitting and insertion of vaginal support device Service Code: 57160Performed in an office |
36 times performed, 0.76% of her services |
21st 25th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
11 patients got this service, 2% of her patients |
3.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.2) |
$4,479.84an average of $124.44 per time performed |
$2,324.16 an average of $64.56 per time performed |
PROCEDURESAnnual wellness visit; includes a personalized prevention... + Annual wellness visit; includes a personalized prevention plan of service (pps), initial visit × Service Code: G0438Performed in an office |
29 times performed, 0.61% of her services |
22nd 61st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
29 patients got this service, 6% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$10,150.00an average of $350.00 per time performed |
$5,288.73 an average of $182.37 per time performed |
EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENTEstablished patient office or other outpatient, visit typ... + Established patient office or other outpatient, visit typically 40 minutes × Service Code: 99215Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.32% of her services |
23rd 7th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
14 patients got this service, 3% of her patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$4,275.00an average of $285.00 per time performed |
$1,833.60 an average of $122.24 per time performed |
PROCEDURESInitial preventive physical examination; face-to-face vis... + Initial preventive physical examination; face-to-face visit, services limited to new beneficiary during the first 12 months of medicare enrollment × Service Code: G0402Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.3% of her services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in CA perform this service |
14 patients got this service, 3% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$5,474.98an average of $391.07 per time performed |
$2,470.72 an average of $176.48 per time performed |
NERVOUS SYSTEMInsertion of sacral nerve neurostimulator electrodes, acc... + Insertion of sacral nerve neurostimulator electrodes, accessed through the skin × Service Code: 64561Performed in an office |
11 times performed, 0.23% of her services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in CA perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 2% of her patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$46,259.95an average of $4,205.45 per time performed |
$11,268.62 an average of $1,024.42 per time performed |
Office Visits
Medicare reimburses office visits using a five-point scale, with five being the most intensive and costly. The chart below shows what percentage of this provider’s office visits were reimbursed at each level. A higher than average proportion of costly visits is not necessarily an indication of a problem, but it may be worth asking about.
This provider charged Medicare for a lower percentage of 5’s than her peers
V Parisa Pourzand
Average for Obstetrics & Gynecology Providers in California
Notes: Medicare redacted this data for any services provided to fewer than 11 patients. The contact information listed above is the most current we have for this provider. The services listed on this page may have been delivered at a previous address or as part of a different practice.
Incorrect Info? If you are a provider and you believe your address is incorrect, check the listing you created on the National Provider Identifier registry. If you change your listing, send a note to and we will update your information. If you have other questions about this data, send a note to Here's a link to Medicare's data on this provider.
Sources: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Plan and Provider Enumeration System, American Medical Association
Services that begin with a letter come from CMS. All other codes and descriptions of the medical procedures are from the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code set, copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Where practical, AMA’s consumer friendly translation of the CPT descriptor was used. ProPublica has received permission from the AMA to use these codes on this site.