Treatment Tracker
The Doctors and Services in Medicare Part B
This database was last updated in December 2017. It should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data is available via the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ lookup tool.
Laboratories, Clinical Medical Laboratory
How This Provider Compares
This Provider
Avg in State & Specialty
Providers in this state and specialty were reimbursed, on average, $180 per patient in 2015.
They performed about 7 services per patient. Here’s how this provider compares.
Number of
Avg Services
Per Patient
Total Paid
by Medicare
Avg Paid
Per Patient
How This Provider’s Patients Compare
Doctors often say their patients are sicker or more complex than those of their peers. The measure displayed below, used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, takes into account patients’ characteristics to estimate whether they are expected to have above-average Medicare spending. It considers patients’ age, sex, diagnoses from the past year and other factors. This provider’s score below takes into account all of Part B patients.
This Provider's Services
This provider performed 365 different services in 2015
(201 were redacted as they were performed on less than 11 patients)
Show Only:
CATEGORYDescription of Service |
Times Performed (or Units) | This Service's Rank | Patients | Unique Visits Per Patient |
Billed to Medicare | Payments from Medicare |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYPathology examination of tissue using a microscope, inter... + Pathology examination of tissue using a microscope, intermediate complexity × Service Code: 88305Performed in an office |
25,509 times performed, 51% of services |
1st 35th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
12,318 patients got this service, 65% of patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$4,300,052.13an average of $168.57 per time performed |
$1,297,642.83 an average of $50.87 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYSpecial stained specimen slides to identify organisms inc... + Special stained specimen slides to identify organisms including interpretation and report × Service Code: 88312Performed in an office |
2,205 times performed, 4% of services |
2nd 224th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
1,994 patients got this service, 10% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$360,098.55an average of $163.31 per time performed |
$157,459.05 an average of $71.41 per time performed |
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMInsertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample + Insertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample × Service Code: 36415Performed in an office |
2,083 times performed, 4% of services |
3rd 2nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
2,014 patients got this service, 11% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 2.1) |
$47,034.14an average of $22.58 per time performed |
$6,124.02 an average of $2.94 per time performed |
Gene analysis (hemochromatosis) common variants Service Code: 81256Performed in an office |
1,533 times performed, 3% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
1,511 patients got this service, 8% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$706,789.65an average of $461.05 per time performed |
$133,631.61 an average of $87.17 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYTissue or cell analysis by immunologic technique Service Code: 88342Performed in an office |
1,039 times performed, 2% of services |
5th 225th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
913 patients got this service, 5% of patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$251,115.91an average of $241.69 per time performed |
$65,727.14 an average of $63.26 per time performed |
Special stained specimen slides to examine tissue Service Code: 88341Performed in an office |
969 times performed, 2% of services |
6th 217th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
383 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$217,317.63an average of $224.27 per time performed |
$44,011.98 an average of $45.42 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYSpecial stained specimen slides to examine tissue includi... + Special stained specimen slides to examine tissue including interpretation and report × Service Code: 88313Performed in an office |
838 times performed, 2% of services |
7th 361st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
695 patients got this service, 4% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$110,699.80an average of $132.10 per time performed |
$40,852.50 an average of $48.75 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYInhibin a (reproductive organ hormone) measurement Service Code: 86336Performed in an office |
779 times performed, 2% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
770 patients got this service, 4% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$69,588.07an average of $89.33 per time performed |
$15,502.10 an average of $19.90 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82677Performed in an office |
724 times performed, 1% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
717 patients got this service, 4% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$100,737.36an average of $139.14 per time performed |
$23,225.92 an average of $32.08 per time performed |
Gene analysis (coagulation factor v) leiden variant Service Code: 81241Performed in an office |
691 times performed, 1% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
686 patients got this service, 4% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$222,861.32an average of $322.52 per time performed |
$56,281.95 an average of $81.45 per time performed |
Service Code: 81479 Performed in an office |
644 times performed, 1% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
636 patients got this service, 3% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,636,642.28an average of $2,541.37 per time performed |
$1,379,692.72 an average of $2,142.38 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMicroscopic genetic analysis of tumor Service Code: 88360Performed in an office |
566 times performed, 1% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
203 patients got this service, 1% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$145,286.54an average of $256.69 per time performed |
$47,877.94 an average of $84.59 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82172Performed in an office |
554 times performed, 1% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
551 patients got this service, 3% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$61,527.24an average of $111.06 per time performed |
$11,440.10 an average of $20.65 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYHaptoglobin (serum protein) level Service Code: 83010Performed in an office |
548 times performed, 1% of services |
14th 130th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
545 patients got this service, 3% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$49,659.76an average of $90.62 per time performed |
$9,184.48 an average of $16.76 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYNephelometry, test method using light Service Code: 83883Performed in an office |
539 times performed, 1% of services |
15th 63rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
534 patients got this service, 3% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$52,881.29an average of $98.11 per time performed |
$9,761.29 an average of $18.11 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYGlutamyltransferase (liver enzyme) level Service Code: 82977Performed in an office |
509 times performed, 1% of services |
16th 81st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
506 patients got this service, 3% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$7,248.16an average of $14.24 per time performed |
$1,308.13 an average of $2.57 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYGonadotropin, chorionic (reproductive hormone) level Service Code: 84702Performed in an office |
477 times performed, 0.96% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
467 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$25,643.52an average of $53.76 per time performed |
$5,542.74 an average of $11.62 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84460Performed in an office |
433 times performed, 0.87% of services |
18th 53rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
430 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$5,984.06an average of $13.82 per time performed |
$1,186.42 an average of $2.74 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82247Performed in an office |
430 times performed, 0.86% of services |
19th 82nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
427 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$5,912.50an average of $13.75 per time performed |
$1,182.50 an average of $2.75 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYPathology examination of tissue using a microscope, moder... + Pathology examination of tissue using a microscope, moderately low complexity × Service Code: 88304Performed in an office |
415 times performed, 0.83% of services |
20th 264th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
367 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$54,941.85an average of $132.39 per time performed |
$13,379.60 an average of $32.24 per time performed |
Gene analysis (prothrombin, coagulation factor ii) a variant + Gene analysis (prothrombin, coagulation factor ii) a variant × Service Code: 81240Performed in an office |
384 times performed, 0.77% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
383 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$134,787.84an average of $351.01 per time performed |
$25,198.08 an average of $65.62 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDna testing for genetic defects Service Code: 88271Performed in an office |
368 times performed, 0.74% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
166 patients got this service, 0.87% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$60,120.16an average of $163.37 per time performed |
$7,341.60 an average of $19.95 per time performed |
Gene analysis (5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)... + Gene analysis (5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) common variants × Service Code: 81291Performed in an office |
265 times performed, 0.53% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
265 patients got this service, 1% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$99,361.75an average of $374.95 per time performed |
$15,425.65 an average of $58.21 per time performed |
Gene analysis (serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade a, alpha... + Gene analysis (serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade a, alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin, member 1) common variants × Service Code: 81332Performed in an office |
215 times performed, 0.43% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
212 patients got this service, 1% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$71,846.55an average of $334.17 per time performed |
$12,515.15 an average of $58.21 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis for detection of tumor marker Service Code: 86316Performed in an office |
203 times performed, 0.41% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
170 patients got this service, 0.89% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$45,269.00an average of $223.00 per time performed |
$5,633.25 an average of $27.75 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYScreening test for autoimmune disorder Service Code: 86038Performed in an office |
161 times performed, 0.32% of services |
26th 57th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
159 patients got this service, 0.84% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$13,092.52an average of $81.32 per time performed |
$2,595.32 an average of $16.12 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 88274Performed in an office |
157 times performed, 0.31% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
155 patients got this service, 0.82% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$61,638.20an average of $392.60 per time performed |
$7,287.94 an average of $46.42 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYPregnancy-associated plasma protein-a level Service Code: 84163Performed in an office |
147 times performed, 0.29% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
147 patients got this service, 0.77% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$13,597.50an average of $92.50 per time performed |
$1,709.61 an average of $11.63 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYFerritin (blood protein) level Service Code: 82728Performed in an office |
145 times performed, 0.29% of services |
29th 32nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
144 patients got this service, 0.76% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$9,990.50an average of $68.90 per time performed |
$2,634.65 an average of $18.17 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAlpha-1-antitrypsin (protein) blood test Service Code: 82103Performed in an office |
144 times performed, 0.29% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
142 patients got this service, 0.75% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$14,012.64an average of $97.31 per time performed |
$2,580.48 an average of $17.92 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDetection test for hepatitis c virus Service Code: 87522Performed in an office |
132 times performed, 0.26% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
126 patients got this service, 0.66% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$66,587.40an average of $504.45 per time performed |
$6,390.12 an average of $48.41 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis of substance using immunoassay technique Service Code: 83516Performed in an office |
128 times performed, 0.26% of services |
32nd 58th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
69 patients got this service, 0.36% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$14,914.56an average of $116.52 per time performed |
$1,931.52 an average of $15.09 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCardiolipin antibody (tissue antibody) measurement Service Code: 86147Performed in an office |
128 times performed, 0.26% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
55 patients got this service, 0.29% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$15,311.36an average of $119.62 per time performed |
$3,207.68 an average of $25.06 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood test, comprehensive group of blood chemicals Service Code: 80053Performed in an office |
112 times performed, 0.22% of services |
34th 3rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
112 patients got this service, 0.59% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.7) |
$6,871.20an average of $61.35 per time performed |
$953.12 an average of $8.51 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAlpha-1-antitrypsin (protein) blood test Service Code: 82104Performed in an office |
112 times performed, 0.22% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
110 patients got this service, 0.58% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$12,266.24an average of $109.52 per time performed |
$2,160.48 an average of $19.29 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 85610Performed in an office |
104 times performed, 0.21% of services |
36th 16th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
103 patients got this service, 0.54% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 3.9) |
$3,262.48an average of $31.37 per time performed |
$544.96 an average of $5.24 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYProtein s (clotting inhibitor) measurement Service Code: 85306Performed in an office |
103 times performed, 0.21% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
85 patients got this service, 0.45% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$21,531.12an average of $209.04 per time performed |
$1,966.27 an average of $19.09 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) level Service Code: 82607Performed in an office |
98 times performed, 0.2% of services |
38th 21st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
98 patients got this service, 0.52% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$8,477.00an average of $86.50 per time performed |
$1,969.80 an average of $20.10 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDetection test for hepatitis b surface antigen Service Code: 87340Performed in an office |
94 times performed, 0.19% of services |
39th 105th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
94 patients got this service, 0.49% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$6,298.00an average of $67.00 per time performed |
$1,248.32 an average of $13.28 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis test for hepatitis c virus Service Code: 87902Performed in an office |
94 times performed, 0.19% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
94 patients got this service, 0.49% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$60,850.90an average of $647.35 per time performed |
$15,217.66 an average of $161.89 per time performed |
Molecular pathology procedure level 4 Service Code: 81403Performed in an office |
93 times performed, 0.19% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
91 patients got this service, 0.48% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$50,901.69an average of $547.33 per time performed |
$10,492.26 an average of $112.82 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood test, thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) Service Code: 84443Performed in an office |
91 times performed, 0.18% of services |
42nd 6th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
91 patients got this service, 0.48% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$7,521.15an average of $82.65 per time performed |
$2,029.30 an average of $22.30 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84478Performed in an office |
86 times performed, 0.17% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
86 patients got this service, 0.45% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,065.54an average of $12.39 per time performed |
$127.28 an average of $1.48 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCoagulation assessment blood test Service Code: 85730Performed in an office |
85 times performed, 0.17% of services |
44th 107th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
85 patients got this service, 0.45% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$3,698.35an average of $43.51 per time performed |
$680.85 an average of $8.01 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82465Performed in an office |
84 times performed, 0.17% of services |
45th 197th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
84 patients got this service, 0.44% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$991.20an average of $11.80 per time performed |
$125.16 an average of $1.49 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYProtein c antigen (clotting inhibitor) measurement Service Code: 85303Performed in an office |
80 times performed, 0.16% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
78 patients got this service, 0.41% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$14,462.40an average of $180.78 per time performed |
$1,475.20 an average of $18.44 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84450Performed in an office |
79 times performed, 0.16% of services |
47th 61st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
79 patients got this service, 0.42% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$957.48an average of $12.12 per time performed |
$142.99 an average of $1.81 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYComplete blood cell count (red cells, white blood cell, p... + Complete blood cell count (red cells, white blood cell, platelets), automated test × Service Code: 85025Performed in an office |
79 times performed, 0.16% of services |
48th 4th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
79 patients got this service, 0.42% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.6) |
$2,430.83an average of $30.77 per time performed |
$815.28 an average of $10.32 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83540Performed in an office |
78 times performed, 0.16% of services |
49th 26th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
76 patients got this service, 0.4% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$2,022.54an average of $25.93 per time performed |
$673.14 an average of $8.63 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYHomocysteine (amino acid) level Service Code: 83090Performed in an office |
76 times performed, 0.15% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
76 patients got this service, 0.4% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$13,629.84an average of $179.34 per time performed |
$1,709.24 an average of $22.49 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYPreparation of tissue for examination by removing any cal... + Preparation of tissue for examination by removing any calcium present × Service Code: 88311Performed in an office |
75 times performed, 0.15% of services |
51st 486th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
69 patients got this service, 0.36% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$4,854.00an average of $64.72 per time performed |
$1,044.00 an average of $13.92 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYRed blood cell sedimentation rate, to detect inflammation + Red blood cell sedimentation rate, to detect inflammation × Service Code: 85652Performed in an office |
74 times performed, 0.15% of services |
52nd 30th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
74 patients got this service, 0.39% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$2,379.84an average of $32.16 per time performed |
$267.14 an average of $3.61 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82746Performed in an office |
73 times performed, 0.15% of services |
53rd 47th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
73 patients got this service, 0.38% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$5,480.84an average of $75.08 per time performed |
$1,335.17 an average of $18.29 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAlpha-fetoprotein (afp) level, serum Service Code: 82105Performed in an office |
73 times performed, 0.15% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
73 patients got this service, 0.38% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,405.85an average of $101.45 per time performed |
$1,623.52 an average of $22.24 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBeta 2 glycoprotein 1 antibody (autoantibody) measurement + Beta 2 glycoprotein 1 antibody (autoantibody) measurement × Service Code: 86146Performed in an office |
73 times performed, 0.15% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
25 patients got this service, 0.13% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$8,760.73an average of $120.01 per time performed |
$1,465.11 an average of $20.07 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82947Performed in an office |
72 times performed, 0.14% of services |
56th 70th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
72 patients got this service, 0.38% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.6) |
$1,009.44an average of $14.02 per time performed |
$136.08 an average of $1.89 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82306Performed in an office |
67 times performed, 0.13% of services |
57th 9th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
67 patients got this service, 0.35% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$16,320.53an average of $243.59 per time performed |
$2,641.81 an average of $39.43 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAntithrombin iii antigen (clotting inhibitor) activity Service Code: 85300Performed in an office |
65 times performed, 0.13% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
65 patients got this service, 0.34% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$12,888.20an average of $198.28 per time performed |
$1,027.65 an average of $15.81 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYHepatitis c antibody measurement Service Code: 86803Performed in an office |
65 times performed, 0.13% of services |
59th 90th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
65 patients got this service, 0.34% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$5,784.35an average of $88.99 per time performed |
$1,186.90 an average of $18.26 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroid hormone, t3 measurement Service Code: 84481Performed in an office |
64 times performed, 0.13% of services |
60th 69th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
64 patients got this service, 0.34% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$9,436.80an average of $147.45 per time performed |
$1,422.72 an average of $22.23 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83550Performed in an office |
63 times performed, 0.13% of services |
61st 36th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
63 patients got this service, 0.33% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$1,964.34an average of $31.18 per time performed |
$723.87 an average of $11.49 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMeasurement of antibody for assessment of autoimmune diso... + Measurement of antibody for assessment of autoimmune disorder × Service Code: 86235Performed in an office |
62 times performed, 0.12% of services |
62nd 46th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
14 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$7,947.16an average of $128.18 per time performed |
$1,457.62 an average of $23.51 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYClotting factor x assessment test Service Code: 85613Performed in an office |
61 times performed, 0.12% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
61 patients got this service, 0.32% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,581.69an average of $124.29 per time performed |
$778.97 an average of $12.77 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroxine (thyroid chemical) measurement Service Code: 84439Performed in an office |
56 times performed, 0.11% of services |
64th 14th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
56 patients got this service, 0.29% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$4,306.96an average of $76.91 per time performed |
$672.56 an average of $12.01 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCoagulation assessment blood test Service Code: 85732Performed in an office |
56 times performed, 0.11% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
39 patients got this service, 0.21% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$5,173.84an average of $92.39 per time performed |
$483.28 an average of $8.63 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMeasurement of hepatitis a antibody Service Code: 86708Performed in an office |
54 times performed, 0.11% of services |
66th 185th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
54 patients got this service, 0.28% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$4,756.86an average of $88.09 per time performed |
$892.08 an average of $16.52 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82657Performed in an office |
54 times performed, 0.11% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
52 patients got this service, 0.27% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$19,327.14an average of $357.91 per time performed |
$1,300.86 an average of $24.09 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYHepatitis b surface antibody measurement Service Code: 86706Performed in an office |
51 times performed, 0.1% of services |
68th 117th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
51 patients got this service, 0.27% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$4,259.52an average of $83.52 per time performed |
$726.24 an average of $14.24 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83735Performed in an office |
51 times performed, 0.1% of services |
69th 23rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
50 patients got this service, 0.26% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$2,442.90an average of $47.90 per time performed |
$454.41 an average of $8.91 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAntithrombin iii antigen (clotting inhibitor) level Service Code: 85301Performed in an office |
50 times performed, 0.1% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
50 patients got this service, 0.26% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$11,043.50an average of $220.87 per time performed |
$721.00 an average of $14.42 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83036Performed in an office |
47 times performed, 0.09% of services |
71st 7th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
47 patients got this service, 0.25% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.6) |
$2,651.27an average of $56.41 per time performed |
$595.49 an average of $12.67 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYLiver function blood test panel Service Code: 80076Performed in an office |
46 times performed, 0.09% of services |
72nd 41st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
46 patients got this service, 0.24% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$2,626.14an average of $57.09 per time performed |
$375.82 an average of $8.17 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84403Performed in an office |
44 times performed, 0.09% of services |
73rd 62nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
44 patients got this service, 0.23% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$5,315.64an average of $120.81 per time performed |
$1,507.88 an average of $34.27 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83921Performed in an office |
42 times performed, 0.08% of services |
74th 38th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
42 patients got this service, 0.22% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$9,847.32an average of $234.46 per time performed |
$921.48 an average of $21.94 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYGammaglobulin (immune system protein) measurement Service Code: 82784Performed in an office |
42 times performed, 0.08% of services |
75th 25th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
21 patients got this service, 0.11% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$2,806.86an average of $66.83 per time performed |
$501.06 an average of $11.93 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCreatine kinase (cardiac enzyme) level Service Code: 82550Performed in an office |
41 times performed, 0.08% of services |
76th 51st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
41 patients got this service, 0.22% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$1,009.42an average of $24.62 per time performed |
$154.98 an average of $3.78 per time performed |
Special stained specimen slides to examine tissue Service Code: 88344Performed in an office |
41 times performed, 0.08% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
41 patients got this service, 0.22% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$20,121.98an average of $490.78 per time performed |
$3,463.27 an average of $84.47 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84402Performed in an office |
40 times performed, 0.08% of services |
78th 92nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
40 patients got this service, 0.21% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$4,834.40an average of $120.86 per time performed |
$1,358.40 an average of $33.96 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMeasurement c-reactive protein for detection of infection... + Measurement c-reactive protein for detection of infection or inflammation × Service Code: 86140Performed in an office |
40 times performed, 0.08% of services |
79th 37th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
39 patients got this service, 0.21% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$2,748.00an average of $68.70 per time performed |
$274.40 an average of $6.86 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYProtein s (clotting inhibitor) level Service Code: 85305Performed in an office |
39 times performed, 0.08% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
39 patients got this service, 0.21% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,730.97an average of $198.23 per time performed |
$603.33 an average of $15.47 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82390Performed in an office |
38 times performed, 0.08% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
38 patients got this service, 0.2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,726.12an average of $71.74 per time performed |
$544.54 an average of $14.33 per time performed |
Gene analysis (cytochrome p450, family 2, subfamily c, po... + Gene analysis (cytochrome p450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 19) common variants × Service Code: 81225Performed in an office |
38 times performed, 0.08% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
38 patients got this service, 0.2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$16,869.72an average of $443.94 per time performed |
$10,796.56 an average of $284.12 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84550Performed in an office |
38 times performed, 0.08% of services |
83rd 24th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
38 patients got this service, 0.2% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$1,011.56an average of $26.62 per time performed |
$137.56 an average of $3.62 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYProtein c, (clotting inhibitor) activity Service Code: 85302Performed in an office |
36 times performed, 0.07% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
36 patients got this service, 0.19% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$6,602.76an average of $183.41 per time performed |
$576.72 an average of $16.02 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 88275Performed in an office |
36 times performed, 0.07% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,344.36an average of $204.01 per time performed |
$1,928.16 an average of $53.56 per time performed |
Molecular pathology procedure level 1 Service Code: 81400Performed in an office |
33 times performed, 0.07% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
33 patients got this service, 0.17% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$12,179.31an average of $369.07 per time performed |
$1,789.92 an average of $54.24 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYScreening test for red blood cell antibodies Service Code: 86850Performed in an office |
31 times performed, 0.06% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
31 patients got this service, 0.16% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,012.77an average of $32.67 per time performed |
$277.76 an average of $8.96 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82670Performed in an office |
31 times performed, 0.06% of services |
88th 140th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
31 patients got this service, 0.16% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$3,686.21an average of $118.91 per time performed |
$1,133.05 an average of $36.55 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYHepatitis b core antibody measurement Service Code: 86704Performed in an office |
30 times performed, 0.06% of services |
89th 145th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
30 patients got this service, 0.16% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$2,914.80an average of $97.16 per time performed |
$471.00 an average of $15.70 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMeasurement of antibody for rheumatoid arthritis assessment + Measurement of antibody for rheumatoid arthritis assessment × Service Code: 86200Performed in an office |
30 times performed, 0.06% of services |
90th 96th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
30 patients got this service, 0.16% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$1,626.90an average of $54.23 per time performed |
$518.10 an average of $17.27 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYComplete blood cell count (red cells, white blood cell, p... + Complete blood cell count (red cells, white blood cell, platelets), automated test × Service Code: 85027Performed in an office |
30 times performed, 0.06% of services |
91st 20th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
30 patients got this service, 0.16% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$999.30an average of $33.31 per time performed |
$250.80 an average of $8.36 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYClotting factor viii (ahg) measurement Service Code: 85240Performed in an office |
30 times performed, 0.06% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
30 patients got this service, 0.16% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,696.80an average of $256.56 per time performed |
$716.40 an average of $23.88 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMicrosomal antibodies (autoantibody) measurement Service Code: 86376Performed in an office |
30 times performed, 0.06% of services |
93rd 116th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
29 patients got this service, 0.15% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$2,740.80an average of $91.36 per time performed |
$573.00 an average of $19.10 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84100Performed in an office |
28 times performed, 0.06% of services |
94th 49th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
28 patients got this service, 0.15% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.7) |
$543.48an average of $19.41 per time performed |
$68.88 an average of $2.46 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYPhospholipid antibody (autoimmune antibody) measurement Service Code: 86148Performed in an office |
28 times performed, 0.06% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$3,996.44an average of $142.73 per time performed |
$582.12 an average of $20.79 per time performed |
Gene analysis (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolo... + Gene analysis (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog b1) × Service Code: 81210Performed in an office |
26 times performed, 0.05% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
26 patients got this service, 0.14% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$14,017.12an average of $539.12 per time performed |
$4,555.72 an average of $175.22 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDihydroxyvitamin d, 1, 25 level Service Code: 82652Performed in an office |
26 times performed, 0.05% of services |
97th 146th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
26 patients got this service, 0.14% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$3,011.06an average of $115.81 per time performed |
$1,334.84 an average of $51.34 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 86592Performed in an office |
26 times performed, 0.05% of services |
98th 101st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
26 patients got this service, 0.14% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$988.26an average of $38.01 per time performed |
$147.94 an average of $5.69 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis for antibody to herpes simplex virus, type 1 Service Code: 86695Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.05% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
25 patients got this service, 0.13% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$795.50an average of $31.82 per time performed |
$439.75 an average of $17.59 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis for antibody to herpes simplex virus, type 2 Service Code: 86696Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.05% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
25 patients got this service, 0.13% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,166.50an average of $46.66 per time performed |
$645.25 an average of $25.81 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 86900Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.05% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
25 patients got this service, 0.13% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,005.25an average of $40.21 per time performed |
$99.50 an average of $3.98 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood typing for rh (d) antigen Service Code: 86901Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.05% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
25 patients got this service, 0.13% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,003.25an average of $40.13 per time performed |
$99.50 an average of $3.98 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThrombin time, fibrinogen screening test Service Code: 85670Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.05% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
25 patients got this service, 0.13% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,787.00an average of $71.48 per time performed |
$192.25 an average of $7.69 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYRed blood count, automated test Service Code: 85045Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.05% of services |
104th 106th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
25 patients got this service, 0.13% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$1,032.00an average of $41.28 per time performed |
$133.25 an average of $5.33 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 87086Performed in an office |
25 times performed, 0.05% of services |
105th 11th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
23 patients got this service, 0.12% of patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$1,305.25an average of $52.21 per time performed |
$269.25 an average of $10.77 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYFibrinogen (factor 1) activity measurement Service Code: 85384Performed in an office |
23 times performed, 0.05% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
22 patients got this service, 0.12% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,132.79an average of $92.73 per time performed |
$260.59 an average of $11.33 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis for antibody to hiv-1 and hiv-2 virus Service Code: 86703Performed in an office |
22 times performed, 0.04% of services |
107th 198th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
22 patients got this service, 0.12% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$3,105.30an average of $141.15 per time performed |
$394.68 an average of $17.94 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYTransferrin (iron binding protein) level Service Code: 84466Performed in an office |
22 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
22 patients got this service, 0.12% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,939.96an average of $88.18 per time performed |
$373.78 an average of $16.99 per time performed |
Opiate(s), drug and metabolites, each procedure Service Code: G6056Performed in an office |
22 times performed, 0.04% of services |
109th 12th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
18 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$1,774.30an average of $80.65 per time performed |
$552.86 an average of $25.13 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis for antibody to rubella (german measles virus) Service Code: 86762Performed in an office |
21 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
21 patients got this service, 0.11% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,488.90an average of $70.90 per time performed |
$402.78 an average of $19.18 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCoagulation function measurement Service Code: 85379Performed in an office |
21 times performed, 0.04% of services |
111th 187th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
21 patients got this service, 0.11% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$4,200.42an average of $200.02 per time performed |
$235.62 an average of $11.22 per time performed |
Gene analysis (janus kinase 2) variant Service Code: 81270Performed in an office |
21 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
20 patients got this service, 0.11% of patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$8,999.97an average of $428.57 per time performed |
$2,567.25 an average of $122.25 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYClotting factor xi (pta) measurement Service Code: 85270Performed in an office |
20 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
20 patients got this service, 0.11% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$5,220.00an average of $261.00 per time performed |
$477.60 an average of $23.88 per time performed |
PROCEDURESDrug screen, qualitative; multiple drug classes by high c... + Drug screen, qualitative; multiple drug classes by high complexity test method (e.g., immunoassay, enzyme assay), per patient encounter × Service Code: G0431Performed in an office |
20 times performed, 0.04% of services |
114th 27th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
20 patients got this service, 0.11% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$3,757.40an average of $187.87 per time performed |
$1,818.00 an average of $90.90 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 86431Performed in an office |
20 times performed, 0.04% of services |
115th 75th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
20 patients got this service, 0.11% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$889.80an average of $44.49 per time performed |
$151.40 an average of $7.57 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAnalysis for antibody to varicella-zoster virus (chicken ... + Analysis for antibody to varicella-zoster virus (chicken pox) × Service Code: 86787Performed in an office |
20 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
18 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,995.00an average of $99.75 per time performed |
$343.60 an average of $17.18 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 85598Performed in an office |
19 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
19 patients got this service, 0.1% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$3,048.93an average of $160.47 per time performed |
$399.76 an average of $21.04 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYHemoglobin analysis and measurement Service Code: 83021Performed in an office |
19 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
19 patients got this service, 0.1% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,671.40an average of $140.60 per time performed |
$457.71 an average of $24.09 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYPlasminogen (fibrinolytic factor) measurement Service Code: 85420Performed in an office |
18 times performed, 0.04% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
18 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$3,240.00an average of $180.00 per time performed |
$156.78 an average of $8.71 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82248Performed in an office |
17 times performed, 0.03% of services |
120th 45th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
17 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$219.81an average of $12.93 per time performed |
$22.95 an average of $1.35 per time performed |
PROCEDURESDrug screen, other than chromatographic; any number of dr... + Drug screen, other than chromatographic; any number of drug classes, by clia waived test or moderate complexity test, per patient encounter × Service Code: G0434Performed in an office |
17 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
17 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$3,399.15an average of $199.95 per time performed |
$311.44 an average of $18.32 per time performed |
Alcohol (ethanol); any specimen except breath Service Code: G6040Performed in an office |
17 times performed, 0.03% of services |
122nd 110th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
17 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$569.67an average of $33.51 per time performed |
$244.63 an average of $14.39 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood test, lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) Service Code: 80061Performed in an office |
17 times performed, 0.03% of services |
123rd 5th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
17 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$1,410.15an average of $82.95 per time performed |
$205.53 an average of $12.09 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82140Performed in an office |
17 times performed, 0.03% of services |
124th 156th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
17 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$1,930.01an average of $113.53 per time performed |
$330.31 an average of $19.43 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMass spectrometry (laboratory testing method) Service Code: 83789Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.03% of services |
125th 222nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
16 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$1,184.00an average of $74.00 per time performed |
$385.44 an average of $24.09 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroglobulin (thyroid protein) antibody measurement Service Code: 86800Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.03% of services |
126th 134th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
16 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$1,664.64an average of $104.04 per time performed |
$339.52 an average of $21.22 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYManual urinalysis test with examination using microscope + Manual urinalysis test with examination using microscope × Service Code: 81001Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.03% of services |
127th 18th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
16 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$532.00an average of $33.25 per time performed |
$67.52 an average of $4.22 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroxine (thyroid chemical) measurement Service Code: 84436Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.03% of services |
128th 39th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
16 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$709.60an average of $44.35 per time performed |
$142.08 an average of $8.88 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYRed blood cell sickling measurement Service Code: 85660Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
16 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$812.80an average of $50.80 per time performed |
$117.60 an average of $7.35 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCortisol (hormone) measurement Service Code: 82533Performed in an office |
16 times performed, 0.03% of services |
130th 144th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$1,465.44an average of $91.59 per time performed |
$348.00 an average of $21.75 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYLactate dehydrogenase (enzyme) level Service Code: 83615Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.03% of services |
131st 64th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
15 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.9) |
$473.55an average of $31.57 per time performed |
$70.50 an average of $4.70 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCreatinine level to test for kidney function or muscle in... + Creatinine level to test for kidney function or muscle injury × Service Code: 82570Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.03% of services |
132nd 17th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
15 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$229.50an average of $15.30 per time performed |
$102.90 an average of $6.86 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYIge (immune system protein) level Service Code: 82785Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.03% of services |
133rd 125th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
15 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$1,527.30an average of $101.82 per time performed |
$329.40 an average of $21.96 per time performed |
Test for detecting genes associated with prostate cancer + Test for detecting genes associated with prostate cancer × Service Code: 81313Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
15 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$8,550.00an average of $570.00 per time performed |
$3,822.00 an average of $254.80 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYAngiotensin l - converting enzyme (ace) level Service Code: 82164Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.03% of services |
135th 191st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
15 patients got this service, 0.08% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$1,470.00an average of $98.00 per time performed |
$292.05 an average of $19.47 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82525Performed in an office |
15 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,222.95an average of $81.53 per time performed |
$248.25 an average of $16.55 per time performed |
Service Code: G6031 Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.03% of services |
137th 40th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
14 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$462.84an average of $33.06 per time performed |
$329.28 an average of $23.52 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82565Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.03% of services |
138th 43rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
14 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.6) |
$408.80an average of $29.20 per time performed |
$46.06 an average of $3.29 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDehydroepiandrosterone (dhea-s) hormone level Service Code: 82627Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.03% of services |
139th 211th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
14 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$2,185.12an average of $156.08 per time performed |
$415.10 an average of $29.65 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood glucose (sugar) level after receiving dose of glucose + Blood glucose (sugar) level after receiving dose of glucose × Service Code: 82950Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
14 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$513.24an average of $36.66 per time performed |
$88.62 an average of $6.33 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBone marrow, smear interpretation Service Code: 85097Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
14 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$3,220.00an average of $230.00 per time performed |
$938.42 an average of $67.03 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83525Performed in an office |
14 times performed, 0.03% of services |
142nd 195th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
14 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$1,081.78an average of $77.27 per time performed |
$211.26 an average of $15.09 per time performed |
Amphetamine or methamphetamine Service Code: G6042Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
143rd 59th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$264.94an average of $20.38 per time performed |
$259.61 an average of $19.97 per time performed |
Service Code: G6044 Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
144th 55th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$258.83an average of $19.91 per time performed |
$253.63 an average of $19.51 per time performed |
Service Code: G6053 Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
145th 42nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$277.16an average of $21.32 per time performed |
$271.57 an average of $20.89 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 85597Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,097.68an average of $161.36 per time performed |
$266.37 an average of $20.49 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDetection test for hepatitis c virus Service Code: 87521Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$5,426.59an average of $417.43 per time performed |
$425.23 an average of $32.71 per time performed |
Gene analysis (cytochrome p450, family 2, subfamily d, po... + Gene analysis (cytochrome p450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 6) common variants × Service Code: 81226Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,702.76an average of $592.52 per time performed |
$5,738.85 an average of $441.45 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThromboplastin inhibition (circulating anticoagulant) mea... + Thromboplastin inhibition (circulating anticoagulant) measurement × Service Code: 85705Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,864.85an average of $143.45 per time performed |
$166.92 an average of $12.84 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroid hormone, t3 measurement Service Code: 84482Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
150th 190th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
13 patients got this service, 0.07% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.4) |
$3,227.25an average of $248.25 per time performed |
$273.26 an average of $21.02 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83690Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
151st 91st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$652.08an average of $50.16 per time performed |
$119.47 an average of $9.19 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCarcinoembryonic antigen (cea) protein level Service Code: 82378Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
152nd 118th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.9) |
$1,260.35an average of $96.95 per time performed |
$328.77 an average of $25.29 per time performed |
Service Code: 88364 Performed in an office |
13 times performed, 0.03% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$4,056.13an average of $312.01 per time performed |
$837.98 an average of $64.46 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYPsa (prostate specific antigen) measurement Service Code: 84153Performed in an office |
12 times performed, 0.02% of services |
154th 29th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$948.60an average of $79.05 per time performed |
$294.36 an average of $24.53 per time performed |
Gene analysis (breast cancer 1 and 2) variants Service Code: 81212Performed in an office |
12 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$7,200.00an average of $600.00 per time performed |
$2,072.76 an average of $172.73 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYTissue culture to identify white blood cell disorders Service Code: 88230Performed in an office |
12 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$3,383.28an average of $281.94 per time performed |
$1,864.44 an average of $155.37 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYChromosome analysis for genetic defects Service Code: 88262Performed in an office |
12 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
12 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$6,401.04an average of $533.42 per time performed |
$1,994.76 an average of $166.23 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 88365Performed in an office |
12 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$4,191.96an average of $349.33 per time performed |
$1,319.64 an average of $109.97 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYActivated protein resistance assay Service Code: 85307Performed in an office |
11 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,642.96an average of $149.36 per time performed |
$209.55 an average of $19.05 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYProgesterone (reproductive hormone) level Service Code: 84144Performed in an office |
11 times performed, 0.02% of services |
160th 216th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$1,653.19an average of $150.29 per time performed |
$303.71 an average of $27.61 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84207Performed in an office |
11 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,156.99an average of $196.09 per time performed |
$412.28 an average of $37.48 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYFlow cytometry technique for dna or cell analysis Service Code: 88189Performed in an office |
11 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$4,180.00an average of $380.00 per time performed |
$954.69 an average of $86.79 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYUrea nitrogen level to assess kidney function Service Code: 84520Performed in an office |
11 times performed, 0.02% of services |
163rd 60th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$300.08an average of $27.28 per time performed |
$31.57 an average of $2.87 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84630Performed in an office |
11 times performed, 0.02% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in NC perform this service |
11 patients got this service, 0.06% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,100.99an average of $100.09 per time performed |
$167.09 an average of $15.19 per time performed |
Notes: Medicare redacted this data for any services provided to fewer than 11 patients. The contact information listed above is the most current we have for this provider. The services listed on this page may have been delivered at a previous address or as part of a different practice.
Incorrect Info? If you are a provider and you believe your address is incorrect, check the listing you created on the National Provider Identifier registry. If you change your listing, send a note to and we will update your information. If you have other questions about this data, send a note to Here's a link to Medicare's data on this provider.
Sources: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Plan and Provider Enumeration System, American Medical Association
Services that begin with a letter come from CMS. All other codes and descriptions of the medical procedures are from the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code set, copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Where practical, AMA’s consumer friendly translation of the CPT descriptor was used. ProPublica has received permission from the AMA to use these codes on this site.