Treatment Tracker
The Doctors and Services in Medicare Part B
This database was last updated in December 2017. It should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data is available via the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ lookup tool.
Laboratories, Clinical Medical Laboratory
How This Provider Compares
This Provider
Avg in State & Specialty
Providers in this state and specialty were reimbursed, on average, $245 per patient in 2015.
They performed about 12 services per patient. Here’s how this provider compares.
Number of
Avg Services
Per Patient
Total Paid
by Medicare
Avg Paid
Per Patient
How This Provider’s Patients Compare
Doctors often say their patients are sicker or more complex than those of their peers. The measure displayed below, used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, takes into account patients’ characteristics to estimate whether they are expected to have above-average Medicare spending. It considers patients’ age, sex, diagnoses from the past year and other factors. This provider’s score below takes into account all of Part B patients.
This Provider's Services
This provider performed 48 different services in 2015
(1 were redacted as they were performed on less than 11 patients)
Show Only:
CATEGORYDescription of Service |
Times Performed (or Units) | This Service's Rank | Patients | Unique Visits Per Patient |
Billed to Medicare | Payments from Medicare |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMeasurement of substance using immunoassay technique Service Code: 83519Performed in an office |
263,050 times performed, 21% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
40,927 patients got this service, 90% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$38,136,989.00an average of $144.98 per time performed |
$4,740,161.00 an average of $18.02 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83921Performed in an office |
221,005 times performed, 17% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
42,730 patients got this service, 94% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$40,218,489.90an average of $181.98 per time performed |
$4,848,849.70 an average of $21.94 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood test, lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) Service Code: 80061Performed in an office |
51,331 times performed, 4% of services |
3rd 3rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
39,804 patients got this service, 87% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$4,542,793.50an average of $88.50 per time performed |
$628,804.75 an average of $12.25 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83695Performed in an office |
48,834 times performed, 4% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
38,159 patients got this service, 84% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,783,049.66an average of $56.99 per time performed |
$843,363.18 an average of $17.27 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYLipoprotein-associated phospholipase a2 (enzyme) level Service Code: 83698Performed in an office |
48,608 times performed, 4% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
38,075 patients got this service, 83% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$5,297,785.92an average of $108.99 per time performed |
$2,199,998.08 an average of $45.26 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMeasurement c-reactive protein for detection of infection... + Measurement c-reactive protein for detection of infection or inflammation × Service Code: 86141Performed in an office |
46,546 times performed, 4% of services |
6th 31st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
36,485 patients got this service, 80% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$2,419,926.54an average of $51.99 per time performed |
$803,849.42 an average of $17.27 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83525Performed in an office |
41,855 times performed, 3% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
32,941 patients got this service, 72% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,924,911.45an average of $45.99 per time performed |
$637,870.20 an average of $15.24 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMyeloperoxidase (white blood cell enzyme) measurement Service Code: 83876Performed in an office |
39,188 times performed, 3% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
31,198 patients got this service, 68% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$4,897,716.24an average of $124.98 per time performed |
$1,773,648.88 an average of $45.26 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82947Performed in an office |
34,821 times performed, 3% of services |
9th 37th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
27,653 patients got this service, 61% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$731,241.00an average of $21.00 per time performed |
$86,704.29 an average of $2.49 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82725Performed in an office |
29,880 times performed, 2% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
23,612 patients got this service, 52% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,344,600.00an average of $45.00 per time performed |
$530,668.80 an average of $17.76 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84550Performed in an office |
28,066 times performed, 2% of services |
11th 34th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
23,000 patients got this service, 50% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$617,452.00an average of $22.00 per time performed |
$60,341.90 an average of $2.15 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYCreatine kinase (cardiac enzyme) level Service Code: 82550Performed in an office |
27,522 times performed, 2% of services |
12th 33rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
22,312 patients got this service, 49% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$853,182.00an average of $31.00 per time performed |
$79,813.80 an average of $2.90 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYHomocysteine (amino acid) level Service Code: 83090Performed in an office |
27,493 times performed, 2% of services |
13th 51st most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
22,096 patients got this service, 48% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$2,473,820.14an average of $89.98 per time performed |
$618,042.64 an average of $22.48 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83704Performed in an office |
26,277 times performed, 2% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
21,529 patients got this service, 47% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$2,171,531.28an average of $82.64 per time performed |
$983,548.11 an average of $37.43 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84460Performed in an office |
25,875 times performed, 2% of services |
15th 28th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
21,157 patients got this service, 46% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$595,125.00an average of $23.00 per time performed |
$53,820.00 an average of $2.08 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83701Performed in an office |
25,818 times performed, 2% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
19,520 patients got this service, 43% of patients |
1.3 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$4,146,112.62an average of $160.59 per time performed |
$854,575.80 an average of $33.10 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84450Performed in an office |
25,313 times performed, 2% of services |
17th 29th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
20,671 patients got this service, 45% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$430,321.00an average of $17.00 per time performed |
$38,728.89 an average of $1.53 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYBlood test, thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) Service Code: 84443Performed in an office |
25,255 times performed, 2% of services |
18th 11th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
20,569 patients got this service, 45% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$1,894,125.00an average of $75.00 per time performed |
$565,964.55 an average of $22.41 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82565Performed in an office |
25,196 times performed, 2% of services |
19th 27th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
20,596 patients got this service, 45% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$453,528.00an average of $18.00 per time performed |
$40,565.56 an average of $1.61 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYUrea nitrogen level to assess kidney function Service Code: 84520Performed in an office |
24,284 times performed, 2% of services |
20th 32nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
20,081 patients got this service, 44% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$364,260.00an average of $15.00 per time performed |
$32,054.88 an average of $1.32 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84075Performed in an office |
24,064 times performed, 2% of services |
21st 50th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
19,880 patients got this service, 44% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$360,960.00an average of $15.00 per time performed |
$31,764.48 an average of $1.32 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYFibrinogen (factor 1) activity measurement Service Code: 85384Performed in an office |
21,499 times performed, 2% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
17,703 patients got this service, 39% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,074,735.01an average of $49.99 per time performed |
$243,583.67 an average of $11.33 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82040Performed in an office |
21,025 times performed, 2% of services |
23rd 53rd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
17,110 patients got this service, 37% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$315,795.50an average of $15.02 per time performed |
$31,958.00 an average of $1.52 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83036Performed in an office |
13,736 times performed, 1% of services |
24th 12th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
11,280 patients got this service, 25% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$673,064.00an average of $49.00 per time performed |
$177,881.20 an average of $12.95 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82306Performed in an office |
10,937 times performed, 0.86% of services |
25th 20th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
8,916 patients got this service, 20% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$2,078,030.00an average of $190.00 per time performed |
$431,792.76 an average of $39.48 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84403Performed in an office |
8,583 times performed, 0.68% of services |
26th 78th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
7,066 patients got this service, 15% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$1,124,373.00an average of $131.00 per time performed |
$295,512.69 an average of $34.43 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82985Performed in an office |
8,514 times performed, 0.67% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
7,176 patients got this service, 16% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$468,270.00an average of $55.00 per time performed |
$171,131.40 an average of $20.10 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYDehydroepiandrosterone (dhea-s) hormone level Service Code: 82627Performed in an office |
7,574 times performed, 0.6% of services |
28th 100th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
6,339 patients got this service, 14% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$931,602.00an average of $123.00 per time performed |
$224,569.10 an average of $29.65 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82670Performed in an office |
7,377 times performed, 0.58% of services |
29th 98th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
6,175 patients got this service, 14% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$973,764.00an average of $132.00 per time performed |
$274,867.02 an average of $37.26 per time performed |
Gene analysis (coagulation factor v) leiden variant Service Code: 81241Performed in an office |
7,157 times performed, 0.57% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
7,151 patients got this service, 16% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,188,062.00an average of $166.00 per time performed |
$581,005.26 an average of $81.18 per time performed |
Gene analysis (prothrombin, coagulation factor ii) a variant + Gene analysis (prothrombin, coagulation factor ii) a variant × Service Code: 81240Performed in an office |
6,954 times performed, 0.55% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
6,947 patients got this service, 15% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,453,386.00an average of $209.00 per time performed |
$456,321.48 an average of $65.62 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroxine (thyroid chemical) measurement Service Code: 84439Performed in an office |
5,585 times performed, 0.44% of services |
32nd 42nd most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
4,601 patients got this service, 10% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$474,948.40an average of $85.04 per time performed |
$67,131.70 an average of $12.02 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYSex hormone binding globulin (protein) level Service Code: 84270Performed in an office |
4,858 times performed, 0.38% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
4,107 patients got this service, 9% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$490,658.00an average of $101.00 per time performed |
$140,833.42 an average of $28.99 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYGonadotropin, luteinizing (reproductive hormone) level Service Code: 83002Performed in an office |
4,496 times performed, 0.36% of services |
34th 138th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
3,781 patients got this service, 8% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$409,136.00an average of $91.00 per time performed |
$111,051.20 an average of $24.70 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYProgesterone (reproductive hormone) level Service Code: 84144Performed in an office |
4,452 times performed, 0.35% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
3,769 patients got this service, 8% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$422,940.00an average of $95.00 per time performed |
$123,854.64 an average of $27.82 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYGonadotropin, follicle stimulating (reproductive hormone)... + Gonadotropin, follicle stimulating (reproductive hormone) level × Service Code: 83001Performed in an office |
4,388 times performed, 0.35% of services |
36th 135th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
3,701 patients got this service, 8% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$408,084.00an average of $93.00 per time performed |
$108,734.64 an average of $24.78 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroid hormone, t3 measurement Service Code: 84481Performed in an office |
3,598 times performed, 0.28% of services |
37th 86th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
2,922 patients got this service, 6% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$580,249.46an average of $161.27 per time performed |
$81,278.82 an average of $22.59 per time performed |
Gene analysis (cytochrome p450, family 2, subfamily c, po... + Gene analysis (cytochrome p450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 19) common variants × Service Code: 81225Performed in an office |
3,539 times performed, 0.28% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
3,534 patients got this service, 8% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$1,596,089.00an average of $451.00 per time performed |
$1,009,499.75 an average of $285.25 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83721Performed in an office |
3,254 times performed, 0.26% of services |
39th 77th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
2,348 patients got this service, 5% of patients |
1.4 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$133,414.00an average of $41.00 per time performed |
$39,828.96 an average of $12.24 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroid hormone, t3 measurement Service Code: 84480Performed in an office |
2,778 times performed, 0.22% of services |
40th 107th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
2,402 patients got this service, 5% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.3) |
$213,906.00an average of $77.00 per time performed |
$52,504.20 an average of $18.90 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 84478Performed in an office |
2,016 times performed, 0.16% of services |
41st 205th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
1,348 patients got this service, 3% of patients |
1.5 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.5) |
$52,416.00an average of $26.00 per time performed |
$10,463.04 an average of $5.19 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 82465Performed in an office |
919 times performed, 0.07% of services |
42nd 137th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
751 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$20,218.00an average of $22.00 per time performed |
$4,631.76 an average of $5.04 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYNatriuretic peptide (heart and blood vessel protein) level + Natriuretic peptide (heart and blood vessel protein) level × Service Code: 83880Performed in an office |
773 times performed, 0.06% of services |
43rd 79th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
695 patients got this service, 2% of patients |
1.1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.6) |
$101,263.00an average of $131.00 per time performed |
$34,993.71 an average of $45.27 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYThyroxine (thyroid chemical) measurement Service Code: 84436Performed in an office |
398 times performed, 0.03% of services |
44th 108th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
323 patients got this service, 0.71% of patients |
1.2 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.2) |
$14,328.00an average of $36.00 per time performed |
$3,645.68 an average of $9.16 per time performed |
Gene analysis (5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)... + Gene analysis (5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) common variants × Service Code: 81291Performed in an office |
69 times performed, 0.01% of services |
most performed service for this provider 5 or fewer providers in this specialty in MA perform this service |
69 patients got this service, 0.15% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service |
$17,664.00an average of $256.00 per time performed |
$4,016.49 an average of $58.21 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYMeasurement of substance using immunoassay technique Service Code: 83520Performed in an office |
69 times performed, 0.01% of services |
46th 112th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
42 patients got this service, 0.09% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1) |
$5,052.87an average of $73.23 per time performed |
$925.98 an average of $13.42 per time performed |
PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORYService Code: 83718Performed in an office |
55 times performed, 0% of services |
47th 175th most performed service for this provider most performed service in this state & specialty |
55 patients got this service, 0.12% of patients |
1 average number of visits a patient made for this service (Peers: 1.1) |
$2,200.00an average of $40.00 per time performed |
$600.60 an average of $10.92 per time performed |
Notes: Medicare redacted this data for any services provided to fewer than 11 patients. The contact information listed above is the most current we have for this provider. The services listed on this page may have been delivered at a previous address or as part of a different practice.
Incorrect Info? If you are a provider and you believe your address is incorrect, check the listing you created on the National Provider Identifier registry. If you change your listing, send a note to and we will update your information. If you have other questions about this data, send a note to Here's a link to Medicare's data on this provider.
Sources: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Plan and Provider Enumeration System, American Medical Association
Services that begin with a letter come from CMS. All other codes and descriptions of the medical procedures are from the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code set, copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Where practical, AMA’s consumer friendly translation of the CPT descriptor was used. ProPublica has received permission from the AMA to use these codes on this site.