This database was last updated in October 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new information that is not included here.

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Department of State

Do you know something about one of the political appointees at State or about the work they’re doing? Send us an email at [email protected] or send a Signal message to 347-244-2134.

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Jessica Moore

State (joined: July 8, 2018)

Legislative Management Officer | Financial Disclosure »

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Bio, via National Journal:

Bio required subscription but it does exist

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Farahn Morgan

State (joined: April 1, 2018)

Special Assistant, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs | Financial Disclosure »

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Hunter Michael Morgen departed May 6, 2017Transferred to State

State (joined: Jan. 20, 2017)

Staff Assistant, Office Of The Secretary | $54,972 | Financial Disclosure »

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Bio, via Rider University via Internet Archive:

A pair of 2016 grads, Hunter Morgen and Kevin Oswald, are employed by Donald Trump’s campaign. Morgen, who majored in political science at Rider, focuses on policy for the Republican campaign. (The Trump campaign did not permit him to be interviewed.)

Former Positions Outside Government

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Georgette Mosbacher

State (joined: Feb. 13, 2018)

Ambassador, Poland | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Matthew Mowers

State (joined: Jan. 20, 2017)

Senior Advisor | Chief Of Staff & Chief Policy Officer, Office Of The U.S. Global Aids Coordinator | $153,730 | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Compensation Sources

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Steven A. Munoz departed July 14, 2017

State (joined: Jan. 25, 2017)

Special Advisor to Transition, Office Of The Secretary | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

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Jay Patrick Murray Nomination or Appointment Failed


Alternate Representative to the United Nations for Special Political Affairs | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

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Tulinabo Mushingi

State (joined: May 18, 2017)

Ambassador, Republic of Senegal & Guinea-Bissau | Financial Disclosure »

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Tibor Nagy

State (joined: July 23, 2018)

Assistant Secretary for African Affairs | Financial Disclosure »

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Bio, via U.S. Department of State:

Ambassador Nagy, a retired career Foreign Service Officer, spent 32 years in government service, including over 20 years in assignments across Africa. He served as the United States Ambassador to Ethiopia (1999-2002), United States Ambassador to Guinea (1996-1999) as well as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Nigeria (1993-1995), Cameroon (1990-1993), and Togo (1987-1990). Previous assignments include Zambia, the Seychelles, Ethiopia, and Washington, DC. Ambassador Nagy has received numerous awards from the U.S. Department of State in recognition of his service, including commendations for helping prevent famine in Ethiopia; supporting the evacuation of Americans from Sierra Leone during a violent insurrection; supporting efforts to end the Ethiopian-Eritrean War; and managing the United States Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria during political and economic crises. Following his retirement from the Foreign Service, Ambassador Nagy served as Vice Provost for International Affairs at Texas Tech University from 2003 - 2018. During that time he lectured nationally on Africa, foreign policy, international development, and U.S. diplomacy, in addition to serving as a regular op-ed contributor to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal newspaper on global events. He co-authored “Kiss Your Latte Goodbye: Managing Overseas Operations,” nonfiction winner of the 2014 Paris Book Festival. Ambassador Nagy arrived in the United States in 1957 as a political refugee from Hungary; he received his B.A. from Texas Tech University and M.S.A. from George Washington University.

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

  • Magyar Visions, LLC Rental property management
  • TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Serve as Vice Provost for International Affairs overseeing the university's international programs and teach for the Honors College
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Dan Negrea

State (joined: April 15, 2018)

Senior Advisor, Office of Policy Planning | Financial Disclosure »

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Jennifer Gillian Newstead

State (joined: Dec. 19, 2017)

Legal Adviser | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Robert Noel

State (joined: Sept. 2, 2018)

Writer - Editor (Speech Writer) | Financial Disclosure »

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Heather Nauert Norby departed March 29, 2019

State (joined: April 24, 2017)

Spokesperson, Bureau Of Public Affairs | $179,700 | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Quinn M. Jones O'Brien departed July 1, 2019

State (joined: April 1, 2019)

Deputy White House Liaison | Financial Disclosure »

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Carol O'Connell

State (joined: March 28, 2017)

Special Advisor to Transition, Office Of The Secretary | Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau Of African Affairs | Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau Of Population, Refugees And Migration | $160,987 | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

  • Carson America To arrange an international trip for Dr. Be n Carson, candidate for president and his s enior staff.
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Catharine P. O'Neill

State (joined: May 19, 2017)

Staff Assistant, Office Of The Under Secretary For Civilian Security, Democracy, And Human Rights | $54,972 | Financial Disclosure »

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Andrew Peek

State (joined: Dec. 10, 2017)

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau Of Near Eastern Affairs | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Robert Frank Pence


Ambassador, Finland | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Christina N. Perrone

State (joined: Jan. 23, 2017)

Special Advisor to Transition, Office Of The Secretary | Senior Protocol Officer, Office Of The Chief Of Protocol | $131,767 | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

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Margaret Peterlin departed March 31, 2018

State (joined: Jan. 25, 2017)

Senior Advisor | Chief of Staff, Office Of The Secretary | $179,700 | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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David Peyman

State (joined: Aug. 5, 2018)

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs | Financial Disclosure »

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Bio, via U.S. Department of State:

Mr. Peyman joined the State Department from BlackRock, Inc., where he was Global Head of Sanctions and led the sanctions compliance framework for over $6 trillion in assets under management and offices in 30 countries. Prior to joining BlackRock, Mr. Peyman was a Special Assistant United States Attorney and Deputy Attorney General of California. During his service as a prosecutor, Mr. Peyman was also an adjunct law professor at Southwestern Law School, where he taught a course on Government Investigations and Prosecutions. Mr. Peyman began his law career at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP and was the senior sanctions advisor to United Against Nuclear Iran. Mr. Peyman served as Jewish Affairs and Outreach Director for the Trump-Pence campaign and on the Presidential Transition Team. Mr. Peyman obtained his law degree from Harvard Law School and his undergraduate degree from UCLA, where he graduated summa cum laude, received the Chancellor’s Service Award and was the class commencement speaker. He speaks fluent Persian.

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Yleem D. S. Poblete

State (joined: Sept. 11, 2017)

Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance | Senior Advisor, Bureau Of Legislative Affairs | $179,700 | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Michael Pomeo

State (joined: April 26, 2018)

Secretary of State

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Toni Porter

State (joined: May 27, 2018)

Advisor to the Secretary, Office of the Secretary | Financial Disclosure »

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Bio, via Politico:

Another important—if lesser-known—adviser to Pompeo is Toni Porter, who served as his chief of protocol at the CIA and also was an aide to Pompeo during most of his six years as a Republican Congressman from Kansas. Porter’s title now is senior adviser to the secretary of state, a somewhat fuzzy role in which she handles whatever tasks Pompeo asks her to do, including serving as a liaison to others in the department. Porter served as Pompeo’s district director in Kansas when he served in Congress. The Kansas State graduate’s resume also includes a stint as director of government relations for the Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce.

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Pamela D. Pryor

State (joined: Jan. 20, 2017)

Special Advisor to Transition, Office Of The Secretary | Senior Advisor, Office Of The Under Secretary For Civilian Security, Democracy, And Human Rights | $161,900 | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

  • Campaign Solutions Provided strengthsfinders training and ongo ing advice to small political consulting fi rm.
  • Coalition for Public Safety Faith outreach for criminal justice biparti san group.
  • Freedom Partners Coalition building around initiatives relat ed to government spending, healthcare, ener gy.
  • Fueling US Forward Represented client at a conference in FL. Provided emcee and attendance.
  • LoudDoor, LLC Commissions from connecting client with end users.
  • Nat'l Assn for Relationship and Marriage Educa tion Outreach to faith partners &strategic advic e related to initiative of Philanthropy Rou ndtable. Contract was with Nat'l. Assn of Relationship and Marriage Education.
  • SarahPAC Provided strategic advice and also cleared mail from p.o. box and sent to the right pe rson: treasurer and correspondents.
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Benjamin Swift Purser

State (joined: March 18, 2018)

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation | $160,000

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Zachary Quinn

State (joined: June 11, 2017)

Special Assistant, Office Of The Secretary | $66,510 | Financial Disclosure »

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John A. Rauch departed Sept. 30, 2017

State (joined: Aug. 15, 2017)

Staff Assistant, Office Of The Secretary | Staff Assistant, Office Of The Under Secretary For Management | Financial Disclosure »

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Former Positions Outside Government

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Joel Rayburn

State (joined: July 22, 2018)

Deputy Assistant Secretary and Special Envoy for Syria, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs | Financial Disclosure »

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Bio, via U.S. Department of State:

oel Rayburn began serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Levant Affairs and Special Envoy for Syria on July 23, 2018. He previously served in the Administration as Senior Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon at the National Security Council from January 2017 to July 2018. Rayburn is a retired U.S. Army officer who served in a variety of assignments in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States from 1992 to 2018. He also taught history at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and is the author of several books and articles on the Iraq War. He was commissioned into the Army after graduating from West Point in 1992 and holds a master’s degree in History from Texas A&M University and in National Security Studies from the National War College. He is originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

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