This database was last updated in October 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new information that is not included here.

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For example: Rebeckah Adcock, Agriculture, White House, Heritage Foundation, Trump Organization

Staffers with Resumes

After discovering that the resumes of political appointees include information not revealed on their financial disclosure forms, Property of the People used data from Trump Town and Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain as many staff resumes as possible.

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Daniel Jorjani

Interior (joined: Jan. 20, 2017)

Special Assistant to the Secretary | Principal Deputy Solicitor | $170,000 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

Task force
Task force member

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Daniel Jorjani previously worked for groups connected to the billionaire brothers Charles G. and David H. Koch, owners of a conglomerate that sells coal, gasoline and other products. The groups include the Charles Koch Institute, the Charles Koch Foundation and Freedom Partners, an organization of conservative political donors led by the Koch brothers. — ProPublica

Former Positions Outside Government

Id badge

Derek T. Kan

Transportation (joined: June 5, 2017)

Senior Advisor to the Secretary | Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

Id badge

Benjamin Nikowa Keel departed April 16, 2018

Agriculture (joined: Nov. 26, 2017)

Director, Tribal Relations | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

Task force
Task force member

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Ben Keel was previously a senior field director for North Dakotans for Common Sense Conservation, a political organization funded by agriculture and energy industry groups that successfully defeated a measure to use oil tax revenue on environmental programs. — ProPublica

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Henry Kerner

Office of the Special Counsel (joined: Oct. 16, 2017)

Special Counsel | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Michael A. Khouri

Federal Maritime Commission (joined: Jan. 23, 2017)

Chairman | Resume »

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Brian A. Klippenstein departed Dec. 7, 2018

Agriculture (joined: July 3, 2017)

Senior Advisor | $179,700 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via Protect the Harvest:

Brian Klippenstein is Executive Director of Protect the Harvest. Brian grew up in Northwest Missouri on a 5,000 acre registered beef cattle farm. He’s worked for ranches and shown cattle from Canada to Argentina. While studying at George Washington University, Brian was Captain of the Varsity Rowing Team and began work part-time on Capitol Hill. After graduating with a degree in Business, Economics and Public Policy, he continued what became a 26-year career working for Congressman Tom Coleman, U.S. Senator Roy Blunt and U.S. Senator Kit Bond, the final five years for whom he was Chief of Staff. Brian and his wife Jackie have two kids and live on a small livestock farm outside of Platte City, MO. For additional fun and adventure, Brian is a competitive off-shore sailboat racer and has completed over 50 marathons, including over a dozen 50-milers and four single-day 100-milers…all fueled by a high-protein diet centered around nutrient-dense red meat.

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Ruth D. Knouse

Transportation (joined: Jan. 23, 2017)

Director of Executive Secretariat | $178,500 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

Russell weldon laird

Russell Weldon Laird departed Sept. 27, 2017

Agriculture (joined: Jan. 30, 2017)

Special Assistant | Special Assistant, Food Safety | $133,444 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via Rural Telephone Finance Company via Internet Archive:

Laird previously worked as executive director of the American Trucking Associations'Agricultural and Food Transporters’ Conference, which focuses on agriculture, food and commodity transportation issues. Earlier in his career, he worked on the staff of Rep. Larry Combest (R-Texas), dealing with agriculture, trade and environmental policy. He then moved to a position on the professional staff of the House Agriculture Committee, where he worked on legislation related to agricultural conservation and credit issues

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

  • National Cooperative Services Corporation Directed government relations efforts for the combined companies in conjunction with related trade associations. NCSC is affiliated with NRUCFC and RTFC. (Membership of NCSC is comprised of nearly 1,000 rural electric cooperatives and their affiliates.)
  • National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation Directed government relations efforts for the combined companies in conjunction with related trade associations. NCSC is affiliated with NRUCFC and RTFC. (Membership of NRUCFC is comprised of nearly 1,000 rural electric cooperatives.)
  • Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative Directed government relations efforts for the combined companies in conjunction with related trade associations. NCSC is affiliated with NRUCFC and RTFC. (Membership of RTFC is comprised of rural telecommunications cooperatives.)
Id badge

Zachary Todd Lamb

National Endowment for the Arts (joined: Dec. 3, 2017)

Public Affairs Specialist | Resume »

Dino luigi laverghetta

Dino Luigi LaVerghetta

White House Office

Special Assistant to the President and Associate Counsel to the President | $145,000 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via LinkedIn:

Mr. LaVerghetta has broad experience representing companies throughout the country in matters relating to fraud, corruption, and bribery. He has conducted litigation and investigations implicating a number of regulatory regimes, including the False Claims Act (FCA), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and those statutes’ state law equivalents. Mr. LaVerghetta also has significant experience representing banks and other financial services companies in conjunction with investigations by the CFPB, DOJ, Congress, and other regulators. Mr. LaVerghetta maintains an active pro bono practice. His pro bono work has included the drafting of amicus briefs on behalf of the Innocence Project and the representation of refugees seeking political asylum.

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

Id badge

Jesse Reed Law departed Sept. 7, 2018

Export-Import Bank (joined: Jan. 24, 2017)

White House Liaison | $124,406-$172,100 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via Export-Import Bank of the United States:

Mr. Law worked with the Presidential Transition Team for the Office of the General Counsel and the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign where he helped build a broad-based, grassroots coalition to support the integrity of the electoral process. Jesse has over 10 years of top-level political experience managing campaigns, including work as a general consultant, senior advisor for government affairs, and chief of staff. Also during his career, Jesse worked for ten years in banking as a residential lender, and as an executive to his own medical staffing agency provided over one hundred employees and contractors to the western Kansas hospital market. Jesse studied at the University of Nevada Las Vegas in the School of Music, where he became a classically trained opera singer. He lives in Washington D.C., has three children, and continues to enjoy the arts and performing on a regular basis.

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Gary Michael Lawkowski

Interior (joined: July 9, 2017)

Counselor | Senior Counselor To The Deputy Secretary | $131,767 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Holly R. Lewis

Transportation (joined: Jan. 20, 2017)

Special Assistant for Scheduling | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Brandon Ray Lipps

Agriculture (joined: July 19, 2017)

Administrator | Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service | $179,700 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via Department of Agriculture via Internet Archive:

Most recently, Brandon Lipps worked for the Texas Tech University System as the Chief of Staff and Director of Federal Affairs in the Office of Chancellor Robert Duncan. In this role, Lipps was the leading force in developing policy initiatives and strategic priorities for the Chancellor. Prior to joining the Texas Tech University System, he served as counsel and senior professional staff to the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture. While there, he led the nutrition policy team in developing the first reforms to, and fiscal savings from, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since the welfare reforms of 1996. Lipps also served as Chancellor Duncan’s consultant, legislative aide, and rural district director during his time as a Texas State Senator. Lipps is also a former associate at the Lubbock law firm of Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam. He hails from Woodson, Texas and graduated from Texas Tech with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics. Lipps earned his law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law.

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

Margaret piggott lyons

Margaret Piggott Lyons

Agriculture (joined: July 9, 2017)

Chief of Staff, Office of the Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services | $138,000 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

  • National Grocers Association Served as Senior Director of Government Relations as a registered lobbyist. Worked with Congress and NGA members to advance the priorities of the independent supermarket industry.
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Alan Wayne Mackey

Agriculture (joined: Sept. 7, 2017)

Senior Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations | Resume »

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Downey P. Magallanes departed Sept. 1, 2018

Interior (joined: Jan. 30, 2017)

Senior Advisor and Counselor to the Secretary | $135,000 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via LinkedIn:

I am an attorney with over 10 years of federal government experience in the legislative and executive branches working on energy, environment, resources and transportation policy. Throughout my government career, I have managed and driven several high-profile policy initiatives through the regulatory and legislative processes. In my current role, I collaborate closely with the entire Communications and External Affairs team to advance BP America's business priorities before the United States Congress.

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C.J. Mahoney

U.S. Trade Representative

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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William Maloney departed Sept. 18, 2017


Confidential Assistant, Office Of The Associate Attorney General | Confidential Assistant, Office Of Justice Programs | $44,941 | Resume »

Shon j manasco

Shon J. Manasco

Defense (joined: Nov. 16, 2017)

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via United States Air Force:

Prior to his confirmation, Mr. Manasco was the co–founder of a product design and engineering startup after having served as Executive Vice President at one of America's leading financial services companies. Throughout his career in the private sector, Mr. Manasco has held executive leadership roles in the retail and investment banking, insurance, and energy industries. He has led global teams across functional areas that include technology, digital design, cyber-security, corporate development, sales and service and human resources. Mr. Manasco is a U.S. Army veteran who held command and staff roles at Fort Bragg, North Carolina before becoming the director of finance for the Office of Military Support, Washington, D.C. While in uniform, he held numerous staff and leadership positions supporting worldwide operational activities for Joint Special Operations Forces. Mr. Manasco holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Southern Methodist University.

Former Positions Outside Government

  • Haven for Hope Board Member (start date is an estimate)
  • Innovative Breakthroughs, LLC. Managing Member (Innovative Breakthroughs, LLC is a product design and manufacturing startup that has yet to bring a product to market. I am the Co-Founder of this effort and my partner and I are working through final engineering specs on a product that is an extension of commercial HVAC systems. The company agreement has yet to be finalized but it is envisioned that I would be a 38% owner in company. While we have a provisional patent that is pending, there are no other real assets to speak of other than a couple of 3D printers.)
  • McNay Art Museum Board Member (There is no compensation associated with this position.)
  • USAA Chief Administrative Officer

Former Compensation Sources

  • USAA Chief Administrative Officer
Id badge

Jeanette Manfra

Homeland Security (joined: July 9, 2017)

Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications, Office of the Under Secretary for National Protection and Programs Directorate | Resume »

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Pamela Marcus

U.S. Trade Representative

Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations) | $179,700 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

David marella

David Marella departed Dec. 31, 2017

Office of National Drug Control Policy (joined: July 3, 2017)

Director | $112,021 | Financial Disclosure » | Resume »

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Bio, via Gibbons Law:

Mr. Marella has extensive experience in representing public and private companies, financial institutions, and governmental agencies in connection with mergers and acquisitions, stock and asset purchase transactions, corporate governance matters, credit facilities, public finance, contract drafting, cross-border transactions, and general corporate matters. In 2017, Mr. Marella received a presidential political appointment to serve in the leadership role of Advisor to the Executive Director of the President’s Commission, serving in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, a component of the Executive Office of the President. In that role, he advised Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, as he chaired the bipartisan President’s Commission on Combatting Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, which pursuant to an executive order was to study the scope and effectiveness of the Federal response to the opioid crisis and to make recommendations to President Donald J. Trump for improving that response. In addressing the historic health crisis, Mr. Marella collaborated with officials from the White House, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Security Council.

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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