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to see its health and safety record
Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Feb 2015
Highest: 99 | Lowest: 84
Deficiencies (found in 11 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Feb 05, 2015 | Score: 95
Other-Fun Shops Special Occasions
The tethers on 8 serving scoops or tongs for containers of unwrapped self-service candy were either missing or unattached. Staff were aware of the issue and had ordered new tethers. Staff also stated that crew members working in the shop were trained to monitor the candy display and ensure that no serving utensils were contaminated.
Pantry-Deck 9 - Casino
The atmospheric vacuum breaker on the top of the hood-type dishwash machine was leaking from the top of the device while the machine was filling. The device was replaced immediately.
Bar-Deck 9 - Casino
The light intensity at the handwashing station was less than 110 lux during operations. A few deckhead lights were out. The bulbs were replaced and the proper light intensity was reached.
Other-Deck 9 Between Casino Bar and Cafe
A crew member was observed carrying two platters of cut fruit into the Diamonds Forever Night Club for a special function. The platters were not covered with lids, plastic film, or otherwise protected. When asked by the inspector why the food was unprotected, the crew member stated that the plastic film had fallen off on the stairs.
Medical-Immediate Contact Documentation
Staff stated that they asked crew members with reportable acute gastroenteritis about immediate contacts such as boyfriends, girlfriends, and spouses, but this information was only documented if the crew member had these immediate contacts. It was not documented when no such contacts existed.
Other-Deck 9 Between Casino Bar and Cafe
A crew member was observed carrying two platters of cut fruit into the Diamonds Forever Night Club for a special function. The platters were not covered with lids, plastic film, or otherwise protected. When asked by the inspector why the food was unprotected, the crew member stated that the plastic film had fallen off on the stairs.
Galley-Main Galley - Bakery/Pastry
Inside walk-in refrigerator 1-301 the practice was to place only one 7-day discard sticker on one tray containing dessert items prepared on the ship when multiple trays of that same item were stored on the shelves. So there were 4 trays with caramel cheesecakes stored on the racks with only one tray having a discard label. There were five trays containing New York cheesecakes and only one had a 7-day discard label. There were two trays of strawberry cheesecakes and only one tray had a 7-day discard label. In walk-in refrigerator #6 there was a trolley containing 12 trays of cheesecakes with only the top tray with a 7-day discard label.
Galley-Main Galley - Dishwash Port/Forward
The in-use conveyor dishwash machine had a significant build-up of scale on their interior upper and side panels between the rinse and final rinse, including the upper deflector, as well as on the upper final rinse spray arm and the piping leading to the side of the machine.
Galley-Main Galley - Forward Hot Service Line
The two previously cleaned grooved griddles had difficult-to-clean grill grease pan housings which were large but very deep. In addition, there were difficult to access and clean crevices surrounding the grease pan chute, on the underside where it enters the housing. The ranges had grease pan housings which were very deep with narrow access for routine cleaning, making them difficult to clean. Staff kept a 3 month log which documented when the range plates were physically removed to improve access to the grease pan housings for deep cleaning.
Galley-Main Galley - Forward Hot Service Line
The two previously-cleaned grooved griddles had a grease and food residue soil build-up in the interior and back sections, and there was a heavy residue of old grease along the crevices surrounding the grease pan chute opening. The one previously cleaned range had a grease pan housing which was heavily soiled with grease and food debris.
Galley-Main Galley - Hot Galley
There were 18 hotel pans of lasagna on two trolleys inside walk-in refrigerator 8/320-1 with preparation dates of 5 February and discard dates of 11 February. In reviewing the cooling log and the procedure with the ship's staff, it was clear that the meat and sauce mixture was cooked and cooled on 3 February, then the pasta was cooked, the mixture added, and the lasagna cooled on 5 February. The final cooking would be undertaken for the meal service. Staff did not use the first ingredient (meat and sauce mixture) for calculating the discard date, but instead used the last ingredient.
Galley-Main Galley - Appetizer Pantry
At the forward section above the center counter there was a deckhead air supply vent cover which was loose and nearly falling from the deckhead. Another very loose air supply vent cover was noted over the buffalo chopper in this area.
Galley-Hot Galley - Soup Station
The previously cleaned #5 tilt braising pan had a visible brown residue throughout the lower interior cooking surface that could be wiped off using an alcohol pad. Staff immediately prepared a 3-bucket manual cleaning set-up and re-cleaned the braising pan.
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Galley
The aft steam kettle had insulation around the steam pipes which was falling off and made the entire section very difficult to clean.
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Galley
The aft steam kettle had visible food residue on both the exterior and exposed interior surfaces of the loose insulation surrounding the steam piping,
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Service Line
The range tops had grease pan housings with very deep yet narrow openings for routine cleaning, making the area difficult to clean. Staff showed a 3 month cleaning log where technicians open the range plates to allow better access for cleaning the grease pan housing below.
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Service Line
The previously cleaned range #11 had heavy food and grease soil accumulated in the grease pan housing and standing water in the housing.
Galley-Crew Galley - Dishwash
The in-use conveyor dishwash machine had a freshwater final sanitizing rinse pressure between 9 and 10 psi, but the manufacturer's data plate specified a range of 15-25 psi. Staff corrected this during the inspection.
Provisions-Buffet Preparation Room
The previously cleaned, older Hobart slicer had loose sealant along the seam at the backplate of the slicer and a dry greenish colored debris stuck below the sealant. After removal it was clearly a debris wedged under the loose sealant.
Provisions-Buffet Preparation Room
The previously cleaned, older Hobart slicer had loose sealant along the seam at the backplate of the slicer and a dry greenish colored debris stuck below the sealant. After removal it was clearly a debris wedged under the loose sealant.
Galley-Main Galley - Bakery/Pastry
Inside walk-in refrigerator 1-301 the practice was to place only one 7-day discard sticker on one tray containing dessert items prepared on the ship when multiple trays of that same item were stored on the shelves. So there were 4 trays with caramel cheesecakes stored on the racks with only one tray having a discard label. There were five trays containing New York cheesecakes and only one had a 7-day discard label. There were two trays of strawberry cheesecakes and only one tray had a 7-day discard label. In walk-in refrigerator #6 there was a trolley containing 12 trays of cheesecakes with only the top tray with a 7-day discard label.
Galley-Main Galley - Hot Galley
There were 18 hotel pans of lasagna on two trolleys inside walk-in refrigerator 8/320-1 with preparation dates of 5 February and discard dates of 11 February. In reviewing the cooling log and the procedure with the ship's staff, it was clear that the meat and sauce mixture was cooked and cooled on 3 February, then the pasta was cooked, the mixture added, and the lasagna cooled on 5 February. The final cooking would be undertaken for the meal service. Staff did not use the first ingredient (meat and sauce mixture) for calculating the discard date, but instead used the last ingredient.
Inspection on Jul 14, 2014 | Score: 93
Medical-Close Contacts
Interviews with shared bathroom contacts for two different crew members with gastrointestinal illness were incomplete for the 7/5-7/10 voyage. The 48-hour interviews were not conducted or documented for shared bathroom contacts working in the food department. The initial and 24-hour interviews were conducted and documented for these two immediate contacts, but the food department did not conduct/document the 48-hour interviews.
Potable Water-Bunkering Record
The pH on the chart analyzer showed the pH to be greater than 7.8 during bunkering on 26 June from 1000-1400. Staff informed the inspector the pH and chlorine electrodes were not working for the midship chart analyzer and staff were manually recording the chlorine and pH. The bunkering log for 26 June documented the free residual chlorine, but a note in the pH column stated see chart recorder. Staff could not verify the pH levels during bunkering for 26 June and no documentation was available.
Potable Water-Production Record
The free residual chlorine was less than 2.0 ppm during water production using reverse osmosis according to the 22-23 June chart records from 1900-0600. No notations were observed on the chart recorder to indicate any explanation.
Potable Water-Cross Connection Log
The cross connection log listed a reduced pressure assembly (Watts 909) backflow prevention device installed in the pump room 2 starboard to protect the connection from potable water to technical water. Staff informed the inspector this connection and device have been removed, but it was still on the log. The device was last tested 03 December 2013.
Potable Water-Cross Connection Log
The cross connection log indicated the air gap on the mineralizer had a pipe size of 2 inches and air gap size of 2 inches. Upon inspection of the air gap, it was discovered the pipe size was 3 inches and the air gap was at least twice the diameter of the pipe.
Potable Water-Aft Mooring Station
The air gap between the potable water supply pipe and the technical water supply was not twice the diameter of the potable water supply pipe. This was corrected on site.
Buffet-Lido Beverage Stations
Large gaps were present between the decorative drop down panels over both beverage counters at the inside aft beverage stations and above the forward outside beverage station. The gaps exposed 1-2 meters of open plenum space above where cables, wires, and tubes were observed layered with dust debris that clearly falls to the lower drop down deckhead and beverage equipment below. The sides to most of the drop down panels were soiled with an accumulation of dust buildup. Also, the light fixtures above the inside beverage stations were heavily soiled with a buildup of dust accumulation. The same violation was written on the previous inspection for the aft inside beverage stations.
Buffet-Forward Grill Sliding Door Track (Port & Starboard)
Heavy accumulation of old food debris, garbage, dust, and coffee condiment packages were observed in a recessed deck area underneath a moveable wood lattice cover which sits against the bulkhead adjacent to the automatic sliding doors that separate the inside Lido area from the outside. The starboard area, which was located below the Forward Grill's posted time control plans and to the immediate left of the Lido Galley entrance, was infested with small black fruit flies (>10 flies). No flies were observed at the port side area, but this area was also heavily soiled with old food residue.
Buffet-Forward Grill Sliding Door Track (Starboard)
The starboard area, which was located below the Forward Grill's posted time control plans and to the immediate left of the Lido Galley entrance, was infested with small black fruit flies (>10 flies).
Buffet-Forward Grill - Outside
Two live house flies were observed near the deep fat fryer located on the port side.
Galley-Ice Machine #16
Black residue, which appeared to be mold, was located inside the technical compartment on the side plastic panels behind the white plastic water supply lines above the evaporators.
Galley-Center Galley
The can opener housing on the preparation table was heavily soiled with metal shavings and a greasy residue. No can opener was present at the time of the observation.
Staff were drying previously washed cups and plates with cloth towels and not allowing them to air dry.
Staff were unaware that clean equipment and utensils have to be air dried.
The final rinse pressure to the in-use flight-type dishwash machine was between 5-10 psi. The data plate for this particular machine required 20 (+/-) 5 psi. This was corrected.
The temperature of the wash solution in the in-use multi-tank, conveyor dishwash machine was measured at 135°F by both the inspector's and crew member's thermometers. The data plate requires a wash temperature of 150°F.
Buffet-Lido Pantry #2
One fruit fly was observed near the counter-mounted toaster.
Buffet-Lido Pantry #1, #2
The counter-mounted toasters, located near the deep fat fryers of these outlets, were heavily soiled with a build-up of grease residue, dust and bread debris of more than a day's accumulation. This was primarily observed around the temperature knobs, air vents, and the side and bottom panels.
Buffet-Aft Starboard Beverage Station
One live house fly was observed at this location.
Buffet-Aft Beverage Station
The front panels to two of the coffee machines were cracked near the dispensing nozzle, making this area difficult to clean. Staff stated that a work order to replace these panels had already been made.
Three house flies were observed on the back counter at this outlet.
Bar-Lido Bar - Aft
The inside of the red plastic nozzle to the soda gun was soiled with a dark black residue.
Bar-Lido Bar - Aft
The red plastic soda nozzle cap, as described in the previous violation, was cracked making it difficult to clean.
Bar-Lido Bar - Aft
Two house flies were observed landing on the bar blender at this outlet.
Buffet-Deli - Lido Bar
Large gaps were present between the decorative drop down panels over the back bar counter, which was comprised of the Deli station and Lido Bar. The gaps exposed 1-2 meters of open plenum space above which had cables, wires and tubes observed layered with dust that can easily fall to the lower drop down deckhead equipment below. The sides to most of the drop down panels were soiled with an accumulation of dust buildup.
Dining Room-Imagination and Sensation
The top of the over shelves, where food equipment was stored at all the waiter stations, had artificial light levels below the required 220 lux for cleaning and could not be raised. Also, four soup stations between the two dining rooms had less than the required 220 lux of light. The light intensity at almost all the food landing areas in both dining rooms also failed to reach 220 lux of light for cleaning. A detailed plan was observed and work had been completed from the previous inspection and the install of the new lights is scheduled to be completed by September 1. 2014.
Deck grouting was missing or pitted in this area, especially in front of the deck-mounted ovens.
The underside of the rotating mixing arm, and in particular around the bolts to the previously cleaned deck-mounted mixer, was soiled with a dried yellow and sticky food residue. This mixer was located next to freezer A36F.
Galley-Forward Line
Deck tile grouting was missing or pitted in much of this area, making it difficult to clean.
Trays and dishes were observed being loaded too close together in the in-use flight-type dishwash machine, preventing proper exposure from all spray cycles.
Galley-Dishwash - Forward
The final rinse pressure gauge was measuring 50 psi at the in-use flight-type dishwash machine. The data plate to this machine requires a pressure of 20 (+/- 5) psi. The gauge was replaced and was observed working correctly.
Galley-Aft Line
The underside of the rotating mixing arm of the previously cleaned deck-mounted mixer was soiled with dried white food residue.
Galley-Aft Line
Deck tile grouting in this area was missing or pitted in several areas, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Aft Line
A small hotel container of a garlic and oil mixture was located on the active working counter top, but did not have a 4-hour discard label.
Galley-Hood Cleaning Cabinent
A small steady water leak was observed from the relief vent to the Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) backflow preventer on the hood cleaning line, indicating a possible malfunction.
Inspection on Mar 17, 2014 | Score: 95
Dining Room-Imagination Dining Room
Throughout the dining room and over all the buffet counters, waiter stations, and landing stations the gaps between the deckhead panels were heavily soiled with accumulated dust debris. There was a similar dust accumulation filling the individual pin hole deckhead panels over the ends of the waiter stations.
Dining Room-Imagination Dining Room
In waiter station #8 there were three plastic bins filled with clean creamer pitchers(40 in each) stored on the shelves under the soiled counter. The opposite clean counter had at least four empty under counter cabinets which these plastic bins could easily have been stored in. There was another bin of clean condiment cups stored on an undercounter shelf of the soiled counter of waiter station #6, where again the clean counter opposite had several empty undercounter cabinets where this bin of clean items could have been stored. This was found at the very end of the breakfast service when only one table of guests were observed in the dining room.
Dining Room-Imagination Dining Room
The overshelves for nearly all the waiter stations had artificial light levels below the 220 lux minimum and there was no way to elevate the existing lights to reach that level. As well, there were various landing stations where the artificial light level was below 220 lux, and this was a notation in the previous VSP inspection report. It was difficult to determine if the stations with acceptable light levels were part of the correction to the previous finding, which included the soiled waiter station service counters.
Dining Room-Imagination Dining Room
Several small sized, decorative storage cabinets with stone top were installed around the perimeter glass bulkhead throughout the dining room. One of these had two filled serving pitchers of coffee on top. The deck to cabinet foundation was not coved as these were installed on carpeting. Staff stated these were not for use as landing stations, but two specific cabinets on port and starboard sides aft were used as landing stations and were surrounded by carpeting. One of these had heavy liquid and dirt soil surrounding the station and both were used for landing of trays and foods. No hard deck or coving to the cabinets was provided.
Food Service General-Main and Crew Galleys
The Lang model range units had long and wide grease pans, which when removed revealed a deep and wide grease pan housing with a narrow access point for cleaning and many difficult crevices to access for cleaning. The corporate office has submitted a variance, which is under review, to address this finding. All the housings inspected were clean.
Galley-Main and Crew Galley - Hot Galley
There was a difficult-to-clean area in the housing for the Lang flat grills and grooved griddle grease pan chutes.
Galley-Main Galley - Hot Galley
There was heavy accumulated grease deposits surrounding the crevices of the grooved griddle and flat grill grease pan chutes in the main galley. Those in the crew galley were in active use and could not be inspected.
Galley-Main Galley - Garde' Manger
There was dirt residue which could be removed with an alcohol swab on the previously cleaned slicer blade (non-food contact portion).
Galley-Main Galley - Pot Wash
The pot wash machine was posted out of order. A faulty door requires replacement, but the manufacturer no longer makes this model and the unit has been in disrepair since 16 February. There was an excessive amount of soiled equipment that was all being manually washed, rinsed and sanitized by three workers. This ship has only one other much smaller pot wash machine in the crew galley and as the replacement door required custom manufacturing it was not clear when this repair could actually be made.
Room Service-Deck 7 Room Service Pantry
There was a heavy layered dust debris on the deckhead surrounding the exhaust and supply vent covers over the beverage and toast counter and near the 4 door reach-in refrigerator. The exhaust air vent over the beverage counter also had a heavy dust build-up in the grate area within the vent cover. Staff stated the entire deckhead had been cleaned last night, which indicates a need for a significant duct cleaning for both supply and exhaust ducts in serving this space.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Dining Room Buffet Area
At the end of the buffet counter there were two covered hotel pans with tongs for self-service on the counter beside the conveyor toaster oven. The pan covers required manual removal and exposed the bread in one and bagels in the other to contamination from crew serving themselves. The buffet counter beside had a fixed sneeze shield and two open spaces on the counter and on the over shelf which were large enough for both of the hotel pans or a different serving platter to hold the bread and bagels where both would be protected by shielding.
Buffet-Lido Pantry #2
The conveyor toaster oven on the back counter was installed on legs only 50 mm in height, making it difficult to clean below.
Buffet-Lido Pantry #2
One live filth fly was observed on the center of the deckhead during service.
Buffet-Aft Beverage Stations
There are large gaps between the decorative deckhead panels over both beverage counters and both are open to the plenum between the decorative drop deckhead and the fixed deckhead about 1-2 meters above. In the plenum between were several cables, wires, and tubes with layered dust debris that clearly falls to the lower deckhead and the beverage equipment and cups below. There was dust debris accumulating between the decorative deckhead panels.
Buffet-Forward Pantry - Outside
Staff working in the mongolian wok station was observed scrapping wok pans and long utensils, then rinsing in the single compartment deep sink, then using a bucket on the counter beside to wash the individual pieces, which after were rinsed in the same deep sink using the spray hose. After the pans and utensils were placed inverted inside two separate clean plastic bins for the cooks at the passenger service counter to use for preparation of the next order. There was no sanitizing solution or sanitize step involved with this process, which was repeated several times throughout the service.
Housekeeping-Deck Pantry 7-671 (Empress Deck Forward)
A white mold was observed on the exposed black absorbent material used between the bottom of the ice bin and the left back leg. This material was exposed to constant condensate moisture dripping from colder lines and the sides of the bin above. This leg was in a difficult to clean corner at the back of the machine.
There was heavy dust accumulations completely filling the gap between all the square decorative metal deckhead panels directly over the bank of individual self-service candy and snack bowls for passenger self-service.
Inspection on Aug 24, 2013 | Score: 95
Recreational Water Facilities-Monitoring Records
Chart recorder records for the children's water park and water slide indicated periods when the free chlorine residual was less than the required 2 PPM. On 6 August, the chart records showed that the free chlorine residual for the water park and water slide was approximately 1.5 PPM from 1145 to 1400. Also, charts indicated that the water park residual level was below 2 PPM on 31 July from 1100 to 1300. No comments were made on the charts where the residual values fell below 2 PPM.
Recreational Water Facilities-Water Slide Monitoring
The large blue slide and the yellow slide did not have independent free halogen and pH monitoring. At the time of the inspection, there was monitoring on the single return line where both slides drained.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
There was no safety sign at the starboard side entrance area to the children's waterpark play area. Also, there were no safety signs at the entrance area to either of the large slides.
Ventilation-Fan Room 1105 - Fwd
A water tap in this room was not clearly identified. Crew members were unsure if the water was potable or technical water.
Coving was missing at the bulkhead/deck juncture behind the self-service candy displays.
Galley-Center Lido Oven
The bulkhead to the left of the oven was soiled with an accumulation of old food debris.
Galley-Pre-Clean Check and Clean Storage Rack
The mechanical access panel on the deckhead was not flush against the bulkhead. This created a gap which allowed dust to accumulate and potentially contaminate the clean plates below. The three circle ventilation covers on the deckhead also had more than a days' worth of dust accumulation.
Galley-Food Lift
The deck and bulkhead corners were soiled with an accumulation of old food debris. Also, there were several gaps where the coving panel attaches to the bulkhead that were soiled with food debris.
Galley-Storage Area
The top four cleaned and sanitized plates on two plate trolleys were not inverted or otherwise protected from contamination during storage.
Food Service General-Lang Ranges
The drip tray housings for many of the ranges were soiled with an accumulation of grease and food debris. In particular, this was noted along the open side seams that ran the length of the housing. This was noted in the previous inspection report.
Food Service General-Lang Ranges
The drip tray housings to these units are not easily accessible for cleaning and they have open seams along the sides and corners of the housing. This was noted in the previous inspection report.
Galley-Center Galley
The water temperature at the handwash station across from the Chef's office could not reach the minimum required 100°F.
Galley-Ice Machine #10
There was a loose screw at the bottom of the water return bath tray. This screw was immediately removed from the water bath and screwed into its proper place.
Galley-Center Galley Blast Chiller
This piece of equipment has been out of order since 3/28/13. A plan was in place to repair this machine by the end of September 2013.
Galley-Potwash Machine
The mechanical access panel on the deckhead above the clean landing area was not flush against the deckhead creating a gap for dust to accumulate and potentially contaminate clean pots.
Buffet-Staff Mess Beverage Station
The coffee cups and drink cups were not allowed to properly air dry before being placed out for surface.
Buffet-Staff Mess Toaster Oven
The light socket on the deckhead immediately above the toaster had a buildup of more than a day's accumulation of dust.
Buffet-Staff Mess Beverage Station
The electrical cord for the counter mounted coffee machine next to the coin operated soda machine was draped on the counter hindering cleaning.
Provisions-Fish Freezer
A gap was present at the bulkhead and deckhead juncture on the right bulkhead about two feet from the far right corner. Condensate and ice were accumulating in this gap above stored food.
Dining Room-Waiter Stations
The lighting intensity at the waiter landing stations and on the soiled side of the waiter stations could not be raised to the required 220 lux. This was noted on the previous report and a comprehensive lighting plan to correct the deficiency was observed. Sample lighting to correct this issue was ordered on 13 August.
Inspection on May 23, 2013 | Score: 97
Provisions-Fruit Room
There was an open horizontal gap approximately 6 inches in length where the deck tiles meet the stainless bulkhead below the condenser nearest the entrance.
Preparation Room-
There was old deck stands, deck recesses, and deck projections from where an old pulper system was removed. This prevented the deck from being smooth and easily cleanable. Also, the bulkhead in the same area had many projections and crevices where equipment was attached.
Provisions-Poultry Freezer
There was evidence of water leaking from the deckhead/support column juncture and forming as ice along the length of the column and collecting at the deck around the base of the column. The column was located nearest the entrance and no food was impacted.
Provisions-Poultry Freezer
There was evidence of water leaking from the deckhead/support column juncture and forming as ice along the length of the column and collecting at the deck around the base of the column. The column was located nearest the entrance and no food was impacted.
Provisions-Outside Ice Cream Room Corridor
There were large openings to void spaces along the bulkhead/deckhead juncture where deck mounted refrigerators were recently removed.
Provisions-Ice Cream Room
There were broken and chipped deck tiles immediately to the left of the entrance.
Preparation Room-
There was excess sealant along the underside bowl of the pulper machine preventing the area to be easily cleaned.
Preparation Room-3 Compartment Sink
There was an approximate 6 inch open horizontal seam where the backsplash of the 3 compartment sink attached to the bulkhead.
Galley-Ice/Water Machine
There was a steady water leak from the condenser unit to the ice/water machine located inside the technical compartment.
Galley-Ice/Water Machine
Water was pooling inside the technical compartment.
Food Service General-Lang Ranges
The drip tray housings for many of the ranges were soiled with an accumulation of grease and food debris. In particular, this was noted along the open side seams that ran the length of the housing.
Food Service General-Lang Ranges
The drip tray housings to these units are not easily accessible for cleaning and they have open seams along the sides and corners of the housing.
Galley-Walk-in Refrigerator
The bottom of the middle bulkhead panel on the right side was dented and created an open gap at the bulkhead/deck juncture.
Galley-Soup Station
There were broken deck tiles near the combination oven.
Galley-Service Line
The stacked convection oven near the service line was listed and labeled as on time control, but during the inspection the unit was observed cooking rice. According to staff, the unit is on time control during service times, but is also used to cook foods during periods of no service.
Buffet-Beverage Station - Crew
There were open seams at the beverage counter where the backsplash met the bulkhead in several areas.
Buffet-Beverage Station - Crew
There was old ice cream residue of more than a service period on the black drip tray insert to the counter mounted ice cream machine. Also, the drip tray housing was soiled with what appeared to be old food residue and dust.
Buffet-Beverage Station - Staff Mess
There was a heavy accumulation of dust build-up on the top of the coin operated soda machine. A counter mounted espresso machine was to the immediate right of the soda machine.
Buffet-Beverage Station - Staff Mess
Newly installed fixed waiter stations in the buffet area and the restaurant area were installed with inadequate spacing from the bulkheads to allow access for cleaning along the sides and behind. The waiter stations were installed approximately 1/2 inch from the bulkheads.
Buffet-Officer Mess
There was no deck coving at the bulkhead/deck juncture.
Dining Room-Waiter Stations
The light intensity at all of the waiter stations could not be raised to 220 lux for cleaning. This was written on the previous inspection and the vessel has made some improvements. There was a plan for adding additional lighting.
Galley-Hot Galley - Aft
Condensate was collecting on the service shelf above two sections of actively boiling and uncovered bain maries. No food was impacted.
Galley-Soup Station
There were broken deck tiles and missing and recessed grouting in this area.
The light intensity behind the hood-type potwash machine was less than the required 110 lux of light. Also, the clean storage rack nearest the clean landing to the potwash machine and the clean landing to the machine was less than the required 220 lux of light.
Buffet-Hamburger Grill
The grooved tracks in the recessed deckhead light fixtures above the self-service line were soiled with greasy deposits and dust.
Buffet-Hamburger Grill - Beverage Station
There was a build-up of dark mold growth and debris on the bottom of the technical compartment to the ice/water machine where the coils to electrical cables sat.
Buffet-Hamburger Grill - Beverage Station
Electrical cables to the ice/water machine were laying on the bottom of the technical compartment to this unit.
Buffet-Port and Starboard Inside Beverage Stations
There was standing water and brown/black mold growth underneath the drain lines that were laying on the deck near the deck drain at the starboard beverage station. Approximately 5 fruit flies were observed in this area. Both the port and starboard beverage station had large deck drains for the beverage equipment in which the drains were heavily corroded and had buildup of black mold growth. It appeared that these drains are rarely examined and cleaned.
Buffet-Starboard Inside Beverage Stations
There were approximately 5 fruit flies in this area as noted in the previous violation.
Buffet-Port and Starboard Inside Beverage Stations
There was less than the required 220 lux of light at the self-service beverage dispensing equipment and at the center coffee station.
Buffet-Salad Bar
There were areas at the salad bar where the light intensity was less than 220 lux of light. Brighter lights were added to this area which was sufficient at the counter locations directly under the light, but not at the areas to the sides where there were no deckhead lights above.
Bar-Lobby Bar
A gallon of milk on time control was missing the 4 hour discard labeled. This area was open for longer than 4 hours.
Potable Water-Bunker Water Monitoring
It was noted that the free chlorine reagent used for calibrating the bunkered water disinfection was not the correct one to be used for this manual monitoring device. A difference was noted between the free chlorine residual measured by the manual test conducted by the ship and the one conducted by the inspector, though both verified that the residual exceeded the minimum required. The ship switched immediately to the manufacturer's recommended reagent which was already aboard.
Pantry-Ice Pantry
Two portable plastic ice chests used to take ice from the ice pantry to the passenger cabins had difficult to clean interiors. The heat of the warewash machines used to clean these ice chests had warped the interior of the each of them. The chests were immediately replaced with new ones.
Inspection on Feb 21, 2013 | Score: 84
Provisions-Class 14 Liquor Store Room
The vessel had a variance for storing Purell hand sanitizer in the same store room as consumable alcohol products. Although all of the procedures were followed, the vessel did not have a copy of the variance paperwork and the staff had no knowledge of the variance.
Provisions-Fruit Walk-in
Several deck tiles at the entrance adjacent to the stainless steel deck were cracked. In addition, the deck under some of the deck stands was soiled where the deck met the bulkhead.
Provisions-Dairy Walk-in
The deck was soiled under some of the shelves where the deck met the bulkhead. There was also a broken plastic jar of an off-white paste under one of the shelves and the paste was on the deck. The bulkhead behind this was also slightly soiled with a white material.
Preparation Room-
The legs on the pulper unit were corroded. In addition, a panel on the top of the unit was loose where it was missing a few rivets.
Preparation Room-
A broom with an attached scrubbing pad was on the deck under the pulper unit.
Preparation Room-Fish and Poultry
The three deck drains for the three-compartment sink were heavily corroded.
Provisions-Outside Ice Cream Freezer
Boxes of bottled water and canned goods were stored on two raw wood pallets. The beverages and food were removed.
Provisions-Outside Ice Cream Freezer
There were two holes in the deckhead above the stored boxes of bottled water and canned goods.
Provisions-Ice Cream Freezer
A few metal parts were stored on the deck in a soiled bin.
Provisions-Canned Dry Stores
The underside of one of the gray plastic pallets was soiled with a black material.
Preparation Room-
All of the pulper piping, wiring, and other components in the undercounter compartment were heavily soiled with dried food waste. In addition, there was dried food waste around the juncture between the pulper funnel and the underside of the counter. It appeared that the food waste was leaking through the sealant. A small fly was in this compartment.
Preparation Room-
A small fly was in the undercounter compartment for the pulper.
Preparation Room-Potato
There were six slotted fasteners inside the food-contact area of the potato peeler by the entrance. There were two slotted fasteners inside the food-contact area of the potato peeler by the back bulkhead. In this same potato peeler, one of the nonslotted fasteners for the water hose was corroded. In addition, there was a slotted fastener on each of the two plastic peeling inserts.
Provisions-Frozen Bread Freezer
Condensate from the evaporator on the back bulkhead had dripped and frozen onto a box of bagged bagels. The bottom of the deck stand holding this box and several other boxes of bagels was covered in ice, resulting in the bottoms of the boxes being in direct contact with the ice. The bagged bagels were removed from the boxes and the inside of the boxes also had an accumulation of ice. The condensate pan on the evaporator was completely full of ice. In addition, ice was on the deck and deck stand below the condensate pan.
Provisions-Frozen Bread Freezer
The condensate pan on the evaporator on the back bulkhead was completely full of ice. In addition, ice was on the deck and deck stand below the condensate pan.
Provisions-Frozen Bread Freezer
Ice was on the deck below the condensate pan for the evaporator on the bulkhead.
Provisions-Dry Stores
The deck was soiled under several shelves in the middle of the room. The deck was also soiled where it met the bulkhead under some of shelves around the perimeter of the room.
Provisions-Class 14 Liquor Stores
The chest in the corner of the room had raw wood feet. The chest was removed.
Provisions-Class 14 Liquor Stores
Three stacks of boxed, unused china plates were stored on the deck.
Provisions-Class 14 Liquor Stores
Various kinds of toner cartridges were stored on several shelves in this room. Consumable alcohol products were stored in the same room, although the toner cartridges were stored on separate shelving units from the alcohol.
Provisions-Class 14 Liquor Stores
The vessel had a variance for storing Purell hand sanitizer in the same store room as consumable alcohol products. Although all of the procedures were followed, the vessel did not have a copy of the variance paperwork and the staff had no knowledge of the variance.
When the water dispenser on the combined water/ice dispenser was activated, water sprayed in several directions.
The bottom of the technical compartment below the water/ice dispenser was heavily soiled.
The bottom, back of the technical compartment for undercounter refrigerator 374F was soiled.
Food Service General-Lang Ranges
The drip tray housings for all of the ranges were soiled with a heavy accumulation of grease and food debris.
There was a continuous leak from the vent for the backflow prevention device on the pulper. This was corrected.
Food Service General-Pulpers
The technical compartments below the pulpers in the dishwash and potwash areas in the crew galley, main galley, and lido galley were soiled on the underside of the counters and on the piping, wiring, and other components. In addition, there was dried food waste around the junctures between the pulper funnels and the undersides of the counters. It appeared that the food waste was leaking through the sealant at these junctures.
Galley-Potwash Area
There was excess sealant around the pulper funnel where it met the underside of the counter in the technical compartment.
There was missing and recessed grout in front of the conveyor oven.
Galley-Potwash Area
The back undercounter support in the technical compartment for the pulper was loose and hanging.
Buffet-Beverage Station
In the technical compartment for the water/ice dispenser, several cables were laying on the back, bottom of the compartment. The area around the cables was soiled.
Buffet-Beverage Station
The area around the cables was soiled in the bottom, back of the technical compartment for the water/ice dispenser. In addition, the drain tray for the ice maker in this compartment was heavily soiled.
Buffet-Beverage Station
The bottom of the technical compartment below the juice machine was soiled.
Buffet-Salad Bar
The top shelf of the service line had exposed food items that were not protected by the sneeze shield. According to the staff, there was an extension piece that was supposed to be installed. The service line was open at the time of the inspection.
Buffet-Senior Officer's Mess
The corner food storage shelves had raw wood on the undersides of the shelves. In addition, there were seams around the shelves and supports where they met the bulkhead.
Buffet-Senior Officer's Mess
There was no coving where the shelf supports for the corner food storage shelves met the deck.
Galley-Forward Beverage Station
There was a leak at the hot water handle on the utility sink.
Galley-Sensation Wine Celler
The light intensity to the right and behind the ice machine was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Sensation Dishwash Area
The condensate drain pan in the very front of the drying compartment for the in-use conveyor warewash machine was not secured completely and condensate was draining on the cleaned and sanitized dishes as they exited the machine.
Galley-Sensation Dishwash Area
The condensate drain pan in the very front of the drying compartment for the in-use conveyor warewash machine was not secured completely and condensate was draining on the cleaned and sanitized dishes as they exited the machine.
Galley-Men's Toilet Room
There were no paper towels at the handwashing station.
The bottom of the technical compartment for undercounter refrigerator A34F was soiled. In addition, the ribbed conduit lines were heavily soiled with dust in between the ribs.
The technical compartment below the hot plate was soiled above the drip tray housing.
The bottom of the technical compartment for undercounter refrigerator A47F was soiled and the ribbed conduit lines were soiled with dust in the ribs.
Dining Room-Sensation and Imagination
The light intensity at all of the waiter stations could not be raised to 220 lux for cleaning. This was written on the previous inspection and the vessel had made some improvements. There was a plan for completing the light improvements.
Pantry-Imagination Service
There were two small flies between the ice machine and clean storage racks. The bar was not open, but there were clean glass and utensils stored in the area.
Pantry-Imagination Service
The light intensity around and behind the ice machine was less than 110 lux. In addition, the light intensity in front of the clean storage racks was less than 220 lux.
A pipe was leaking inside the hood cleaning cabinet across from the aft hot service line.
Galley-Imagination Beverage Station
The light intensity behind the bulk milk dispenser was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Imagination Beverage Station
There was a leak from the potable water line on the ice machine closest to the hot service line.
Galley-Imagination Dishwash Area
There was a continuous leak from vent the backflow prevention device on the pulper. There was water and a brown material on the deck below the vent.
Galley-Imagination Dishwash Area
There was a brown material on the deck below the vent of the backflow prevention device for the pulper. This area was closed and had been previously cleaned.
There was a leak from the faucet between the wash and rinse sinks. This was corrected.
There was recessed deck grout and cracked deck tiles in this area.
There were two deck tiles missing under the motor for the pulper.
Galley-Soup Station
There was a leak from the faucet for kettle #6. This was corrected.
Galley-Soup Station
The steam line behind kettle #6 had exposed fabric insulation where the aluminum foil wrapping was peeling.
Galley-Appetizer Pantry
There was a continuous leak from the vent on the backflow prevention device for the pulper. Water was pooling on the deck below the vent.
Galley-Appetizer Pantry
The overflow pipe for the left sink on the two-compartment sink #8 was cracked and the bottom of the pipe was missing.
Galley-Forward Hot Line
A deck tile below the deep fat fryer was loose and the area to the left of the fryer and across from the fryer had missing and recessed deck grout.
Galley-Forward Hot Line
There was condensate collected on the deckhead exhaust hood above the combination oven.
Room Service-
The light intensity behind and around the milk and juice dispensers was less than 110 lux.
Room Service-
The deck drain below the juice dispenser was inaccessible for cleaning. There was a black material on the bottom of the drain and rough grout on the sides. Four to six small flies were around this deck drain as well as a roach nymph.
Room Service-
Four to six small flies and a roach nymph were around the deck drain below the juice dispenser.
Room Service-
There was a continuous leak from the vent of the backflow prevention device for the juice machine. There was scale buildup on the counter and deck below where it was dripping.
Galley-Dishwash Area
There was a leak from one of the pulper water lines.
On 10 February, an Assistant Waitress had symptoms of reportable acute gastroenteritis to include vomiting, headache, and stomach cramps. The STARDOCS medical surveillance system indicated she was provided anti-diarrheal medication, although her medical paperwork indicated she was provided pain medication, nausea medication (by mouth and intramuscular), and stomach cramp medication.
Medical-Crew Member Reporting
A 3rd Engineer had an onset of acute gastroenteritis symptoms on 5 February at 06:00, but reported to the medical center at 19:56 that day. The time card for this crew member indicated he worked 08:00 - 12:09. His 72-hour self-administered questionnaire indicated he went to the crew mess for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that day. According to the crew member, he did not eat anything on the day of his illness and went to the crew mess the day prior. He also stated he remained in his cabin following his work shift.
Recreational Water Facilities-Water Park and Water Toys
A review of the halogen analyzer-chart recorder charts indicated for several months prior to 14 February the water park was chlorinated at less than 2 ppm continuously during operation and prior to 6 February the water toys were chlorinated at less than 2 ppm continuously during operation. According to the staff, the systems had been updated in November 2012 and the halogen set point level was set too low.
Recreational Water Facilities-Water Park and Water Toys
The water park and water toys were chlorinated at less than 2 ppm continuously during operations for several months. The records had been reviewed and signed. According to the staff, the systems had been updated in November 2012 and the halogen set point level was set too low. In mid-February, staff increased the halogen set point level to 3.5 ppm.
Potable Water-Garbage Room
To the left of the handwash sink, there was a noncontinuous pressure backflow prevention device on the water press, but there was a valve downstream. Staff replaced the device with a continuous pressure device.
Pantry-Housekeeping Pantries
The light intensity was less than 220 lux on the soiled tables.
Children Area-
In the 2-5 year old's room, the exclusion policy was posted in the back corner to the left of the door where parents could not see when entering the area.
Housekeeping-Women's Toilet Room near Hotel Director's Office
The handicapped stall had a handwashing sink but did not have a method to dry hands.
Galley-Dishwash Area
The two backflow prevention devices on the potable water lines in the pulper technical compartment were installed with the vents pointing up. In addition, both of the vents were capped. This was corrected.
There were gaps where water lines penetrated the foil tape in the back of the technical compartment below the utility sink next to the bulk milk dispenser.
The drain line attached to the vent on the backflow prevention device in the hood cleaning cabinet next to the stack oven was connected to the drain line from the stack oven. There was water dripping from the end of the connected drain line and it could not be determined if the vent on the backflow prevention device was leaking until the drain line was disconnected. The device was not leaking.
Buffet-Starboard Aft Pantry
The deck grout under the cooking equipment was chipped and recessed.
Buffet-Forward Hamburger Grill
There was a large fly around the uncovered raw hamburger patties. The area was open during the inspection.
Buffet-Waiter Station Near Hamburger Grill
The deck in front of the waiter station was absorbent. The waiter station was used for collecting soiled dishware, utensils, and glasses and there were spots on the deck where liquid had spilled and been absorbed.
Buffet-Beverage Station Across From Hamburger Grill
There was a leak from the water line below the coffee machine.
Buffet-Beverage Station Across From Hamburger Grill
There was a continuous leak from the vent on the backflow prevention device for the water/ice dispenser.
Buffet-Italian Pantry
There was a damp, soiled wiping cloth on the counter. No one was in the area when the inspector arrived.
Buffet-Italian Pantry
The deck under the toaster was soiled with a brown, dried material. There was also chipped deck grout.
Buffet-Italian Pantry
Below the technical compartment for undercounter refrigerator L12F, the drain pipes were not directed to the deck drain. In addition, there was a leak from the bottom of the compartment.
Buffet-Port Beverage Station
There was a continuous leak from the vent on the backflow prevention device for the juice machine. There was scale build up on the bottom part of the device where the water was dripping down.
Buffet-Port and Starboard Inside Beverage Stations and Condiment Station
The light intensity along the front of the stations was less than 220 lux. The light intensity around and behind the equipment was less than 110 lux.
Buffet-Salad Bar
The light intensity along the salad bar was less than 220 lux.
Inspection on Jul 16, 2012 | Score: 93
Medical-Food Worker Isolation
A food worker was isolated as a regular crew member and not isolated as a food worker with 48-hour isolation after the last signs and symptoms of GI Illness. According to hotel staff, assistant stateroom stewards/stewardesses handle clean food related items such as cups and glasses. On 11 July 2012, an Assistant Stateroom Stewardess had an onset of diarrhea with 6-episodes at 9:30 AM. The stewardess was isolated starting on 11 July 2012 at 10:32 AM. The stewardess's last reported sign and symptom was 11 July 2012 at 10:32 AM. The stewardess was released from isolation on 12 July 2012 at 10:50 AM, with 12-hours of isolation and returned to work. (Case Id. provided)
Medical-Food Worker Isolation
A food worker was isolated as a regular crew member and not isolated as a food worker with 48-hour isolation after the last signs and symptoms of GI Illness. On 3 July 2012, a 'Galley Service Technician' had onset of diarrhea with 3-loose stool and stomach cramps at 4:30 PM. The technician was isolated on 3 July 2012 at 5:25 PM. The technician's last signs and symptoms were on 4 July 2012 at 7:00 AM. The technician was released from isolation on 5 July 2012 at 4:57 PM, with slightly more than 12-hours isolation and returned to work. (Case Id. provided)
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Management Procedures
Fleet guidelines for the Outbreak Prevention and Management Procedures listed disinfection for the bar counters and bar scoops as 1000-ppm of bleach.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fecal Accident Plan
The Procedure for Accident Response in Case of Fecal/Vomit in Recreational Water Facilities states that while a swimming pool or whirlpool spa is in recirculation mode, 'cartridge filters - wash and sanitize or change filter,' and not replace the cartridge filter as recommended in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Chart Recorders
Chart recorders or electronic data loggers with security features were not installed in each Recreational Water Facility (RWF) installed from the body of each RWF or from the return line of each RWF before the compensation tanks before filtration and Halogenation.
Recreational Water Facilities-Main Pool
The main pool had three gravity drains with ship yard installed drain covers that did not meet ASME A112.19.8 requirements. According to the ship staff, the drain covers may be retained in favor of installing an alarm system in lieu of complaint covers.
Recreational Water Facilities-Serenity Whirlpools
Serenity whirlpools had ASME A112.19.8 compliant covers installed on each of the four suction covers of each whirlpool. However, the distances between each covers could not be accurately determined because the suction lines were not traced. For example, each whirlpool had four suction fittings. The measure between each cover was measured less than 3-feet apart from each other, but the individual lines for filtration and suction for the jets may be plumbed on opposite sides or immediately adjacent to one another.
Recreational Water Facilities-Crew Pool
The ASME A112.19.8 drain cover for the single gravity drain on the crew pool was loose and appeared to missing fasteners. The pool was drained and out of service at the moment of inspection.
Buffet-Lido Fwd
The handle for the tongs used to dispense grapefruit were inside the container in direct contact with the grapefruit.
Galley-Ice machine #15
A large volume of gray sediment and one metal fastener were inside the water bath of the ice machine.
Galley-Ice machine #16
A large amount of thick gray sediment was noted in the right water bath compartment. Also, a rust-like material existed on the back panel of the ice dispensing compartment above the ice cubes.
Buffet-Lido Aft
The tongs slid into a container of hash browns and a passenger was seen by the inspector reaching into the food to get the tongs. The hash browns were replaced.
Buffet-Lido Aft
The tongs slid into a container of cut honey dew after they were used by one passenger and another passenger was seen by the inspector reaching into the food to get the tongs.
The undercounter multiflow cabinet had several layers of dust and a plastic cap on both sides of the cardboard soda boxes. Also, there was a brown syrup residue on the outside of the upper left box of soda.
One large live fly was found over clean inverted plastic cups.
Dining Room-
The light intensity above all 8 waiter stations in both the Imagination and Sensation dining rooms could not be raised to 220 lux for cleaning purposes.
One large live fly was found over the clean dish storage across from the toaster ovens.
A tray of empanadas in walk-in fridge No. 6 was exposed and not otherwise covered or protected.
The gasket inside the door frame of undercounter fridge #4 was loose, making the door difficult to close. No food items were impacted.
The light intensity was less than 110 lux around the proofing ovens and large upright refrigerators.
Galley-Beverage Station Port
The gasket on the inside frame of the outside lid on ice machine #1 was partially missing.
Galley-Beverage Station Port
The gasket on the inside frame of the outside lid on ice machine #1 was soiled with a brown residue.
Galley-Beverage Station Port
The gasket on the inside frame of the outside lid on the ice machine #2 over the cuber panel was very worn.
Galley-Beverage Station Port
The gasket on the inside frame of the outside lid on the ice machine #2 over the cuber panel was soiled with a brown residue.
Galley-Beverage Station Port
A brown and rust-like residue was found on the inside of the protective panel over the water bath compartment in ice machine #2.
Galley-Beverage Station Port
The 2 most inner juice nozzles on the previously cleaned right juice machine were soiled with a thick brown residue.
Galley-Starboard Beverage Station
Less than 110 lux light intensity was measured behind the counter mounted coffee machines.
Galley-Beverage Stations
The time control plans for the milk in the WMF coffee machines were not posted at the outlets where time control was used.
Galley-Wine Cellar
Bottles of wine and bottled water were stored immediately adjacent to non-food items such as display items and gifts.
A large gap was noted under the bulkhead panel in the technical space that led to the potwash area. The technical space was located between pastry and the potwash area across from the Chef's office.
Galley-Center Galley
The grouting between the bulkhead panels and the coving tiles was recessed, worn, and cracked behind and around all of the tilting kettles.
Galley-Center Galley
Worn and recessed grout was found around the braising pans.
Galley-Aft Hot Service Line
Loose and peeling sealant was noted between two bulkhead panels to the left of the salamander grill. A gap existed between the bulkhead panel and the left side of the counter below the salamander grill.
Galley-Starboard Water Station
Several pieces of soft threadlike blue filter material were noted on both sides of the water filler machine, making cleaning difficult. Excess and peeling sealant eisted on both sides of the water filler dispensers and on the inside of the splash guard on the drain directly below the dispensers.
A pink residue was noted to the left of the cuber panel and above the water bath in ice machine #2 next to the water filler machine. A thick gray sediment was found in the right side of the water bath.
Room Service-
A thick gray sediment was found in the right water bath compartment of ice machine #1 and #3.
Room Service-
Soiled sealant was was noted on the left outside of the water bath compartment on ice machine #1.
Room Service-
Peeling sealant was noted on the left outside of the water bath compartment on ice machine #1.
Room Service-
Peeling sealant was found on the front panel of the water bath and technical compartment of ice machine #3.
Room Service-Consumer Advisory
Smoked salmon is on the breakfast menu, but no consumer advisory identified this food as served undercooked.
Dining Room-Sensation
One large live fly was found on top of the glass of the self-service starboard buffet. The buffet was not in-use.
Less than 110 lux of light intensity was measured on the left side of the deck-mounted time control double hot hold compartments.
Loose gaskets were noted on the inside door frames of three undercounter compartments of fridge 3-69F. The doors were hard to close but no foods were impacted.
A deck-mounted mixer frame next to the tilting pan had not been used for at least one year and is not necessary for the operation.
Dining Room-Crew Mess
Less than 220 lux of light intensity was measured in front of the toaster oven.
Dining Room-Crew Mess
Less than 110 lux of light intensity was measured around the counter-mounted equipment on the beverage station.
Dining Room-Staff Mess
The coating on the left most heat lamp over the buffet was peeling.
Provisions-Fruit Cooler
The door handle on the front of the walk-in cooler was broken and the door was very difficult to open.
Provisions-Beer and Soda Cooler
A sprayed liquid brown residue was found on the deckhead in two areas above the stored cans of soda. Also, a thick black material was found in a few places on the deckhead seam to the right of where the soda was stored in the center of the cooler.
Inspection on Dec 19, 2011 | Score: 99
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair Strainers
The hair strainers were cleaned and disinfected as part of a monthly program. Only an inspection through the sight window occurred weekly.
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Antientrapment
The larger whirlpool drain covers did not have certification year, type of drain use, life expectancy or mounting orientation stamped on the cover.
Recreational Water Facilities-Serenity Whirlpool Antientrapment
The documentation for the suction fitting covers did not indicate what information was stamped on the cover, there was no spare cover, and the whirlpools were full of water, so it was not known if the covers contained all of the required information. Also, the recirculation was by suction and there was no safety vacuum release system or automatic pump shut-off system installed. There was documentation of a work request to install a secondary antientrapment system.
Recreational Water Facilities-Pool Antientrapment
The pools had multiple drains more than 3 feet apart, but the covers were standard and there was no alarm system for the draining of the pools.
Recreational Water Facilities-Turn over Rate and Bather Load
The turn over rate and bather load were not calculated for any of the recreational water facilities.
Recreational Water Facilities-Chart Recorders
Analyzer-chart recorders were recently installed for the main pool and whirlpools, but these did not appear to be fully operational. The pH was continuously indicating above 8.0 on the charts and there were instances where the halogen level was below the required level with no documentation. Also, the sample line for the analyzer was after the compensation tank. The other RWFs did not have analyzer chart recorders installed. The vessel continued to take manual samples from inside each facility and no discrepancies were found with the recorded free halogen levels.
Recreational Water Facilities-Water Testing
There was no pH monitoring for the swimming pools. There was no monitoring of alkalinity or total chlorine in any of the recreational water facilities.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The whirlpool safety signs did not include a caution against use by persons with low blood pressure, children or elderly persons. No recreational water facility sign included the bather load.
Recreational Water Facilities-Depth Markers
The depth markers were in feet and did not include meters.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The list of air gaps did not include the cross-connection/plumbing component. There were several locations in the list of cross-connections where ORAS was listed as the manufacturer and 288A was listed as the model, and 'checked by ECOLAB' was indicated as the inspection date. Watts was the correct manufacturer for that model and these devices were visible for inspection by the crew.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
In the deck 3 crew laundry, the potable water lines to the 3 clothes washers on the center bulkhead had noncontinuous pressure backflow prevention devices installed. The flow of water is controlled after these devices.
Potable Water-Distillate and Permeate Lines
The water lines between the evaporators and reverse osmosis unit and the production halogenation station were not striped blue/gray/blue.
Recreational Water Facilities-Dumping of Whirlpool Water
There was no documentation of the time of dumping of the water from the whirlpools.
Integrated Pest Management-
There was no documentation of the time of the active monitoring for pests. Only 'N' or 'D' was indicated for night and day. With the corporate-produced forms used by the vessel, when pests were identified during active or passive monitoring, it was unclear which day during the week the pests were found or the results of any follow-up inspections.
The Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan did not include how passengers and crew were informed of an outbreak or the procedures for returning the vessel to normal operating conditions following an outbreak.
The vessel used STARDOCs to record and produce the acute gastroenteritis surveillance log. A log in the required format could not be produced and there was no case identification number assigned to each individual in the log.
Pantry-Deck 5 Forward
The flange on the hot water line to the handwash sink was loose and not flush against the bulkhead.
The light intensity between the deck-mounted stacked ovens and the bulkhead was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Hot Line, Aft
The right side of the stainless steel splash shield/guard of the grooved griddled was cracked.
Galley-Garde Manager
The end of the plastic guard attached to the moving carriage of the slicer was broken off, creating a difficult to clean surface.
Corrosion and scale were on the atmospheric vacuum breaker on the final rinse water supply line. In addition, a small stream of water was weeping from the vacuum breaker.
Galley-Warewash, Aft
A stack of soiled plastic bins was directly on the deck behind the flight-type warewash machine that was out of service.
Room Service-Refrigerators
The undercounter refrigerator door gaskets had gaps and seams when the doors were closed. In addition, some of the doors of the refrigerators appeared to be bent and/or misaligned.
A soiled mop was on the deck between the flight-type glass wash machine and a dish storage rack.
Room Service-
The light intensity adjacent to and behind the ice machine on the left side next to the clean dish storage rack was less than 110 lux.
Provisions-Deck 3 - Ice Cream Freezer
A layer of ice was on three unopened boxes of danishes that were stored below the drip-pan housing of the refrigeration unit.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Beverage Station
The light intensity along the counter surface to the front of the beverage dispensers and soft-serve ice cream machines was less than 220 lux and it was less than 110 lux behind the machines.
Two of the five final rinse nozzles on the top side of the in-use flight-type warewash machine sprayed an ineffective pattern. Most nozzles on the manifold were heavily corroded and covered in scale.
A brown plastic plate trolley had a large crack on the plate contact surface, which made cleaning difficult.
Bar-Pool Bar (Port Side)
The refrigerator door gaskets had gaps and seams when the doors were closed.
Bar-Pool Bar (Port Side)
Condensation dripped from the technical compartment located above the refrigerated compartments onto sealed cans of beer and cartons of thawing drink mix.
Pantry-Shared Pantry: Bogart's/Disco/Passage to India
The light intensity in front of the ice machine and at the clean storage rack to the right was less than 220 lux.
A nonrecessed bulb for the pizza hot-holding unit was not shatter-resistant. The bulb was removed.
Corrosion and scale were on the atmospheric vacuum breaker on the final rinse water supply line. In addition, the atmospheric vacuum breakers on the wash and rinse lines had corrosion and scale.
Ventilation-HVAC Unit Cleaning
Technical water was used to clean and disinfect all components of the heating, ventilation and air condition (HVAC) systems.
There was recessed grout and broken deck tiles at the entrance to the main galley from the dining room. In addition, there were a few broken deck tiles along deck bulkhead junctures behind equipment such as tilting pans and kettles.
Inspection on Aug 20, 2011 | Score: 99
Housekeeping-Housekeeping Manager's Office
Three cases of bottled water were stored directly on the deck.
Integrated Pest Management-Records
The ship's integrated pest management (IPM) plan required pest traps to be replaced on a monthly basis. The traps were to be replaced by 1 August 2011, but according to the record they were replaced on 11 August 2011. The staff explained that the traps were replaced on 1 August 2011 as planned, but it was recorded incorrectly in the IPM form and not noticed during the record review. The accuracy of this documentation was unclear.
Pantry-Main/Aft - Deck 5
There was a screw and black and white debris in the right water bath under the cuber panel of the starboard ice machine. According to the staff, this machine was last cleaned about three weeks ago.
Ventilation-Fan Room #1107
The condensate collection pan of the ventilation unit was soiled with a black material.
Buffet-Forward Buffet Line (Pool-Side)
Inside the rotisserie oven, there were slotted fasteners around the light covers.
Galley-Center Galley
On a counter near the ice machines, there were four stacks of plates that were not covered or inverted. This was corrected.
Galley-Center Galley
On the bulkhead to the right of the Lang stack ovens, the bottom of the bulkhead was bent outward. This caused a gap between the bulkhead and the top of the coved tiles.
Buffet-Pantry #1
Below the handwash station, two decorative bulkhead tiles were missing and others were not flush to the bulkhead.
Buffet-Pantry #2
Below the bain marie, the area around the deck penetrations was rough and one tile was lifting away from the deck.
Galley-Aft Hot Line
On the bulkhead to the left of the double salamanders, a vertical profile strip was loose. The tack welds were broken on the left side of the profile.
Galley-Hot Galley - Tilting Pans
There was peeling sealant on the back of the turning handle for the left tilting pan. Correction began during the inspection.
Galley-Soup Station
Throughout this area, deck grout was recessed between and below equipment and counters.
Galley-Center Forward - Ovens
Above the second and third combination oven from the left, the profile strip between the ovens was bent upward.
Galley-Forward Dishwash
During the active use of the dishwash machine, the speed of the conveyor was measured at approximately 6 feet in 40 seconds. The data plate indicated that the conveyor speed should be 5-6 feet per minute. Technicians began to correct the speed during the inspection. The plate surface temperature was measured at greater than 160 °F.
Room Service-
Below the 3-compartment sink, there was no deck grout around the deck penetrations.
Provisions-Frozen Vegetables (3-262)
Immediately inside and to the left of the entrance, there was a gap between the bulkhead panels.
Provisions-Wine and Liquor Storage
Along the bulkhead with the entrance door, the deck/bulkhead juncture was not coved. This bulkhead was altered to make it fire resistant during the most recent dry dock.
Preparation Room-Potato Room
There was a seam between the gasket and the metal frame around the inside of the chute of the potato peeler.
The temperature gauge on the sanitizing compartment was indicating approximately 10 degrees lower than the measured water temperature (185 °F vs. 194.5 °F)
Galley-Hot Line
Inside the right technical compartment of the bain marie, the back right area of the compartment was soiled.
Galley-Hot Galley
The water hose for the combination oven was leaking at the end by the sprayer connection.
Pantry-Beverly Hills
The deck was soiled with a black material behind the soiled end of the glasswash machine. This area was not active at the time of the inspection.
Inspection on Feb 28, 2011 | Score: 99
Buffet-Mongolian Line
The temperature of the water at the port handwash sink was measured at 128 °F. The cold water line was shut off and the user could not adjust the temperature of the water. This was corrected.
Buffet-Lido Pantry #1
There was missing grout between the deck tiles around the pipe penetrations below the technical space for the bain marie.
There was missing and recessed grout between the deck tiles.
There was grease on the window and on the top of the window frame above the panini sandwich grills. This was corrected.
Buffet-Lido Salad Bar
There were two plates of apples and one plate of pears at the back of the service line. There were no serving utensils, and to access the fruit the consumer would have to reach excessively under the sneeze shield, possibly contaminating other food on the service line. According to the staff, the fruit was meant for decoration only.
Galley-Dishwash Area
There was no conveyor speed on the data plate for the conveyor warewash machine. This was corrected.
Buffet-Grill, Rotisserie, and Mongolian Lines
There was no coving at the buffet counter/deck juncture on the consumer side.
Galley-Forward Service Line
There was water under the deck tiles at the juncture with the scupper between the flat griddle and fryer.
Food Service General-Decks
There was missing and recessed grout in the main and crew galleys.
Galley-Hood Cleaning Cabinet
There was a leak from the vent on the reduced pressure assembly.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The four drip tray housings on the forward hot plates were deep and narrow. There were also gaps and crevices, making cleaning difficult.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The four drip tray housings on the forward hot plates were heavily soiled. According to the staff, the housings were cleaned about every three months because the units needed to be opened by a technician.
Buffet-Crew Mess
There were no side shields at the entrance to the hot line and at the entrance to the cold line. Staff stated that food would be placed within one meter of where crew members lined up.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The sneeze shield on the upper display of the salad bar did not adequately protect the food on display. This was corrected.
Buffet-Crew Mess
Milk from the bulk milk container on the beverage line was measured at 45.5 °F. The milk in the bulk milk bag was measured at 43.6 °F. The reading on the ambient air thermometer in the bulk milk refrigerator was greater than 41 °F. The milk was discarded and the refrigerator was adjusted.
Preparation Room-Poultry
The paper towels at the handwash station were wet. The area was closed at the time of the inspection.
There was missing grout between a couple of deck tiles below technical space P18B.
There were gaps around two of the decorative water poles where they penetrated the deckhead. It appeared that the profiles had slipped to the bottom of the poles.
Bar-Bogart's Cafe
The two espresso machines had slotted fasteners in the food contact area of the croup (where the espresso coffee dispenses). This issue was already being discussed by the corporate office and the manufacturer. According to the staff, these machines will be replaced.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Deck 8 - Serenity Whirlpool Mechanical Room
There was blue striping after the backflow prevention devices, indicating potable water.
Inspection on Jul 19, 2010 | Score: 99
Food Service General-Decks
There was recessed/missing grout and damaged deck tiles in the food preparation rooms, crew galley, main galley, and lido pantries.
Provisions-Poultry Freezer
The deck was damaged at the threshold of the poultry freezer door.
Preparation Room-
There was a pan of pasta salad in the walk-in refrigerator with a 7-day discard label that had a start date of 7/19. Per staff, and the cooling logs, the pasta for this salad was prepared on 7/18.
Dining Room-Officers Mess
The microwave oven was not a commercial unit. The microwave was removed.
Galley-Front Service Line
There was steam coming from the bain marie and condensate was forming on the bottom of the over shelf. No condensate was observed dripping and no food was in the unit at the time.
Buffet-Cold Top 3-61F
The foods on the upper shelf of the cold top were not adequately protected by the sneeze shield.
Galley-Hot Service Line
There was excessive sealant on the front technical panels of the flat grill.
Bar-Pizzeria Bar Stores
There were 2-3 small flies in this area.
The drain lines below under counter refrigeration units LP1F and LD1F were on the deck and obstructed cleaning of the deck. The deck surfaces behind the lines were heavily soiled with food, debris, and mold.
Buffet-Poolside Service Line
There were several open containers of cream cheese on the top tier of the service line. These containers of food were not adequately protected.
Buffet-Poolside Service Line
The deck was heavily soiled under the counter below the display case.
The ramp between the galley and the service line had holes, and torn/loose anti-slip strips, making cleaning difficult. The ramp was soiled.
There were slotted fasteners in the upper compartment of the ice machines.
The milk in the partially used bulk milk container was tested at 51°F. The temperature of the refrigeration unit was 40°F.
Potable Water-
Several of the locations for the monthly distribution system E. coli tests were repeated.
Potable Water-
The potable water line in the garbage room by the inside handwash station was protected by a non-continuous pressure-type backflow prevention device. There was a hose with a spray gun attached to this connection. The bin washer in the garbage room was not on the cross-connection control list.
Potable Water-
There was a threaded connection in the production chlorine dosing station that was not on the cross-connection control list. There was a threaded connection on the mineralizer line after the chlorine dosing point that was not on the cross-connection control list. Neither of these connections were fitted with a backflow prevention device.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan
There was no disinfection frequency mentioned for the passenger and crew launderettes, gangways and tenders.
A close contact of a crew member who was diagnosed with gastrointestinal illness did not receive a second verbal interview on July 18.
The bulkhead tile under the front bar was soiled.
There was a loose panel on the right side of the right chest refrigeration unit.
There were four round opening on the bottom of the pantry door which could allow the entry of pests.
There were two openings under the front bar counter that were previously used for beer lines. These openings were not sealed.
The soda system lines were too close to the deck under the front counter, making cleaning difficult. The deck behind this line was soiled.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 30 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Apr 20, 2015
SOLAS 74 (97 Cons. Ch II-2 Reg 15.2) PSCO noticed MGO feeder pumps for Diesel Generators #5 & #6 were leaking from the seal.
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
SOLAS 74 (97 Cons. Ch II-2 Reg 16.8) PSCO found 03 fire dampers control indicators inoperable at the following location (A130, A301, A045)
SOLAS 74 (97 Cons. Ch II-2 Reg 30.4.5) PSCO found double leaf FSD 1204 not closing in the right sequence.
Inspection on Apr 16, 2015
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 19, 2015
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 03, 2014
Means of escape shall be marked by low location lighting. A five foot section of low location lighting was found extinguished on deck 6 near passenger cabin U289
0610- Lifeboats- Partially enclosed lifeboats shall be fitted with a permanently attached foldable canopy which together with the rigid covers completely encloses the occupants in a weatherproof shelter. Two lifeboats found with excessive water in bilges due to heavy rains. Rain entered through holes at davit hook fittings.
Fire Fighting
0986- Bulkheads Operational Damages- Ships of all types shall be subdivided into spaces by thermal and structural divisions having regard to the fire risk in the spaces. Insulation installed on aft bulkhead portside of purifier room was removed for welding in two places.
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
0999- Other safety in general- Efficient guard rails shall be fitted to all exposed parts of the freeboard and superstructure decks. Railing in way of lifeboat #10 at Deck 10 could not be closed due to bent hinge.
Inspection on Sep 08, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 24, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 28, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 19, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 16, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 07, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 26, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 01, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 11, 2013
Fire Fighting
0710- Fire Prevention - Fire Doors in main vertical zone bulkheads & stairway enclosures shall be of the self-closing type. (4) Four fire screen doors were observed not to be self-closing, doors identified as # 367, 013, 1204, 12637. - 74 Solas (81 Amend) ChII-2 Part B 30.4. (10c)
Fire Fighting
0710- Fire Prevention- Doors and door framess in B class divisions and means of securing them shall provide a method of closure which shall have presistance to fire as fas as practicable to that division. Linen closet/ locker door located in section 36 7-554A did not function as designed.- 74 SOLAS (81 Amend) ChII-2 Part B Reg. 31.1 - (10c)
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
0111- Construction - The condition of the ship and its equipement shall be maintained to conform with the provision of th epresent regulations to ensure what the ship in all respects will remain fit to proceed to sea without danger to the ship or persons onboard. Potable water supply bunker line at the chemical injection point was found wasted & leaking excessively. Solas 74 (09cons) Ch.1 Reg.11
Inspection on Dec 17, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Dec 05, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 16, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 17, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 14, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 17, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 23, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 14, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 28, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 22, 2010
Pollution Prevention/Response
0999-The condition of the ship and its components shall be maintained to conform with provisions of the present regulations. Multiple temporary patches were found throughout piping on the #2 sewage plant. SOLAS 74 (2009 con) Ch I/Reg 11 (50a)
Fire Fighting
0725-Containers for storage of fire-extinguishing medium and associated pressure components shall be designed to pressure codes of practice to the satisfaction of the admin. Multiple flexible hoses located in the CO2 storage room were either too short in length or had couplings connecting short flexible hoses. SOLAS 74(1992 con) CH II-2/REG 5 (40a/b)
Fire Fighting
0799- Ships of all types shall be subdivided into spaces by thermal and structural divisions having regard to the fire risk in the spaces. Insulation installed overhead in the starboard steering gear room is not permanently attached to the overhead. SOLAS 74(2009 con) CH II-2/REG 9 (50a)
Inspection on Aug 31, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 06, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 03, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 29, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 01, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 24, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 31, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Jan 11, 2014
Passenger claimed he was battered by another passengers who "choked"him and "slammed" him to the ground
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesDec 11, 2013
natural death of passengers
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesSep 26, 2013
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardSep 19, 2013
attempted suicide
No Summary Available
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesSep 07, 2013
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Investigation (non-casualty)
Source: US Coast GuardAug 04, 2013
criminal mischief
passenger broke glass in display case
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJul 30, 2013
large struggle/fight between two passengers
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJul 22, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
A crewmember on the C/S CARNIVAL FASCINATION was found unresponsive in his cabin. The Medical Examiner determined that the cause of death was from natural causes.
Source: US Coast GuardJul 22, 2013
crew member was unresponsive after complaining of neck pain.
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJul 05, 2013
marijuana seized in passengers cabin
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJul 01, 2013
information visit
deputies investigated a possible sexual assault that didn't occur
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJun 13, 2013
Man died of apparent heart attack while on private island
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJun 03, 2013
information visit
parents claim man offered three women and offered to buy them shots and to come back to his room to take pictures of them
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMay 29, 2013
inappropriate behavior
Woman claimed 16 year old son was engaged in inapproriate conversation/setting with two male passengers
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMay 18, 2013
temporary protection order
man had protection order - thought it was disposed of
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMay 02, 2013
Violation of injunction
Subject was in violatino of an injunction for protection
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMay 02, 2013
woman says passengers touched her
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesApr 30, 2013
inapprporiate touching
women claimed a man touched them
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesApr 22, 2013
Violation of injunction
Subject was in violatino of an injunction for protection
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesFeb 11, 2013
outstanding warrant
man had outstanding warrant
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJan 28, 2013
injuction for protection
man had injunction for protection
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 24, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
A female passenger was using a walker when she tripped over a metal threshold on the P/V CARNIVAL FASCINATION. Medical care was provided by the vessel with further treatment by doctors in Nassau, Bahamas.
Source: US Coast GuardNov 18, 2012
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardSep 18, 2012
Acknowledged Pollution Source
Source: US Coast GuardSep 12, 2012
Damage to the Environment
On 12SEP12 at 0952 Sector Key West received notification (NRC #1024172) that a rescue boat from CARNIVAL FASCINATION discharged approximately 0.05 gallon of diesel into the Port of Key West, a navigable waterway of the United States. The diesel created a sheen on the surface of the water that was non recoverable and quickly dissipated.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 21, 2012
Person Overboard : 1 death
Seen jumping by security officer
Source: Media ReportsApr 08, 2012
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Investigation (non-casualty)
Source: US Coast GuardNov 23, 2011
Loss of Electrical Power
Diesel-electric powered cruise ship lost propulsion as a result of crewmember accidently closing fuel supply valve to one of the diesel generators. Crew discovered the cause of the shut down and propulsion was restored approx. 13 min. later. No injuries, pollution, or damage reported.
Source: US Coast GuardOct 30, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
CARNIVAL FASCINATION (O.N. 9041253): SECMIA received a report of a male (US) o/b cruise ship complaining of sharp chest and abdominal pain. Duty flight surgeon was briefed and recommended MedEvac of the patient. Cruise ship enroute to Key West from Jacksonville when the vessel diverted to Miami. Vessel moored at Pier 3, Port of Miami, FL, to disembark patient shoreside. Patient transferred to EMS in stable condition and enroute Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital while accompanied by his wife. Thereafter, the vessel resumed route to the Port of Key West, Florida, following the previously arranged itinerary. Note: Incident investigation treated as a Data Collection due to the injury resulting from an apparent pre-existing medical condition and not from a marine operation.
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 27, 2011
Material Failure (Vessels)
While transiting to Jacksonville, FL the port propulsion motor circuit breaker PM2B tripped in service subsequently reducing the service revolution speed from 103 rpm to 80 rpm on the port propulsion shaft. Trouble shooting by ship's crew revealed a printed circuit board flat cable connector had come loose from the connector base. Class surveyor tested propulsion motor at 100% and 50%, all sat. No injuries or pollution reported.
Source: US Coast GuardJun 30, 2010
Loss of Electrical Power
Failure of the #2 Cycoloconverter occurred. Causing a complete blackout.
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 04, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
On 04FEB10 while at sea, a passenger on board the C/S CARNIVAL FASCINATION was brought to the ship's medical center complaining of chest pains. Passenger was monitored, and shortly after suffered cardiac arrest. Ship's medical staff attempted to resuscitate the passenger but were unable. The passenger was pronounced dead at 0205. Investigation level is downgraded to Data Collection due to cause of death being natural.
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.