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to see its health and safety record
Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Jan 2015
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 88
Deficiencies (found in 10 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 30, 2015 | Score: 97
Medical-Acute Gastrroenteritis (AGE) Reporting
The AGE log for the 23-26 January voyage incorrectly indicated 1157 as the total number of crew members when actually the correct number was 863. The medical staff attributed this mistake to an error in their electronic medical records. A 24-hour report sent before arrival to Long Beach on 26 January reflected this incorrect number.
Other-Engine Workshop
Coffee and condiments were stored in a corner of this area along with an espresso machine. This area was not suited for food storage or preparation. The deckhead was open to soiled cables, deckhead and bulkheads were not easy to clean, and soiled tools were stored in several locations.
Other-Engine Workshop
Coffee cups were stored in a corner of this area along with an espresso machine. This area was not suited for storage of single-service utensils. The deckhead was open to soiled cables, deckhead and bulkheads were not easy to clean, and soiled tools were stored in several locations.
Other-Engine Workshop
Coffee, condiments, and cups were stored in a corner of this area along with an espresso machine. The deckhead was open to soiled cables, deckhead and bulkheads were not easy to clean, and soiled tools were all over the area.
Other-Engine Workshop
Next to the espresso machine, a wiping cloth was immersed in water. The water had no chlorine and was soiled with a white substance. The bucket was labeled as having a sanitation solution.
Other-Engine Workshop
Next to the espresso machine, a wiping cloth was immersed in water. The water had no chlorine and was soiled with a white substance. The bucket was labeled as having a sanitation solution.
Potable Water-Cross-conection Control Program
On the list of backflow prevention devices, the Watts N9 devices installed on the laundry washing machine in the engine changing room were listed as noncontinuous pressure type when they were for continuous pressure applications.
Pantry-Captain's Pantry
The temperatures of the yogurt containers in the upright refrigerator were 55-57°F. The yogurts were discarded.
Pantry-Captain's Pantry
The ambient temperature of the upright refrigerator with the out of temperature yogurt was 55-57°F.
Pantry-Steward Locker Across Cabin V-28
A previously cleaned and sanitized ice bucket had a piece of sand paper stored inside. The ice bucket was sent to be washed and sanitized.
Bar-Starboard Pool Bar
A liquor bottle had a dead fly immersed in the liquor. The bottle was discarded.
Bar-Starboard Pool Bar
A liquor bottle had a dead fly immersed in the liquor. The bottle was discarded.
Pantry-Starboard Pool Bar
The upper technical compartment of the left ice machine was soiled with a dark material that appeared to be mold.
Dining Room-Main
Over the waiter stations, the small openings between deckhead panels were soiled with dust.
Galley-Ice Machines
A drinking glass was one quarter-filled with water and stored behind the left ice machine. No employee was observed drinking from it.
Galley-Pantry 2
The time control discard label for the hotel pan of pancake mix was taped to the food preparation counter and not affixed to the pan.
Buffet-Lido Forward Line
A light fixture to the left of the omelet station was loose and hanging from the deckhead socket. Lighting was not impacted.
Buffet-Lido Forward Line
The time control discard label for the hotel pan of pasteurized eggs used at the omelet station was taped to the food preparation counter and not affixed to the pan.
Buffet-Lido Forward Beverage Station
The lights for the self-service beverage station were not turned on during the morning breakfast service resulting in a light intensity of less than 220 lux. When the lights were turned on, the light intensity at the end of the counter-mounted ice machines was still less than 220 lux.
Buffet-Salad Bar
The technical compartment of undercounter refrigerator #408 was heavily soiled with an accumulation of dust.
Buffet-Salad Bar
The sneeze shields for condiments (e.g. jams, jelly, peanut butter) did not have side protection. Passengers could stand less than one meter from the exposed condiments.
Buffet-Salad Bar
The condiment sneeze shields had fasteners, with a large central crevice, on each base that was mounted to the counter top. The crevice of each fastener was difficult to clean.
Dining Room-Mardi Grais Locker #7
The light intensity was less than 110 lux. Food condiments were stored in this locker.
Dining Room-Mardi Grais Locker #7
The deck/bulkhead juncture was not coved.
Galley-Forward Wine Cellar
Two stacks of wine storage racks had soiled wine glasses. According to staff these items were stored soiled and were not previously cleaned.
Galley-Forward Coffee Station
The three cabinets under the coffee station were filled with plates and bowls that were soiled and had standing water. According to staff these items were stored soiled and were not previously cleaned.
Galley-Forward Trolley Wash
According to staff, the trolley wash machine had been out of service for several months. Documentation was provided to the inspector that showed that spare parts were ordered on 25 January.
Galley-Female Toilet Room
The door did not close properly.
Galley-Forward Ice Machines
The sealant on the left ice cuber below the water dispensing tube had an accumulation of black debris. This was found in the far right ice machine.
Galley-Technical Cabinet
The top of each door for the technical cabinet across from the aft service line was heavily soiled with a sticky residue.
Galley-Forward Hot Line
There was a seam on the bulkhead between the far left Lange oven and the double stacked salamander that was difficult to clean.
Provisions-Dry Store 1
One moth flew around when the large bags of chickpeas were moved.
Galley-Soup Kettles
The water pipes for each kettle were heavily corroded and chipping in several locations.
Buffet-Counter Ice Machine
The plastic ice storage bin was severely scratched, chipped, and scored in several location making cleaning difficult.
Dining Room-Mardi Gras Dining Room
There were some of the permanently fixed short and taller waiter side stands (cabinet below and black stone top) installed throughout the dining room near bulkheads where only carpet surrounded the stand. There were two at port and starboard sides forward (tall stands) where carpet surrounded each, and one of the side stand counters at pantry #3 where carpet surrounded the working sides. The deck area around the stations were not heavily soiled during the service, but these surfaces were used for both food and beverage delivery and storage in cases, so the deck was not easy to clean, hard, or coved as required. This was noted on the previous inspection.
Buffet-Salad Bar
The condiment sneeze shields had a large slotted fastener on each base that was mounted to the counter top. Both of the crevices in the slotted fasteners were heavily soiled with old food debris.
Inspection on Jul 22, 2014 | Score: 96
Dining Room-Mardis Gras Dining Room
There were a number of areas around the dining room where food, beverages and trays were stationed that had artificial light levels below 220 lux and could not be raised, either due to no light fixture present or the light present was not adjustable. The low light areas included: starboard/aft waiter stand beside pantry #7, port/aft waiter stand beside pantry #8, port/aft waiter station beside pantry #6, forward/port waiter station beside pantry #4, cold basins 1-4 (in basins), permanent side stands forward port and starboard (verify light levels), forward/starboard side station attached to pantry #3, and starboard forward waiter station beside pantry #3. Conduct a full lighting survey of all side stations and stand alone short stands with cabinets below that were installed near bulkheads on both sides of the dining room, as lights were not installed in the deckhead above these small side stands that were present and serving trays and foods were set on these during the breakfast service.
Dining Room-Mardis Gras Dining Room
There were some of the permanently fixed short and taller waiter side stands (cabinet below and black stone top) installed throughout the dining room near bulkheads where only carpet surrounded the stand. There were two at port and starboard sides forward (tall stands) where carpet surrounded each, and one of the side stand counters at pantry #3 where carpet surrounded the working sides. The deck area around the stations were not heavily soiled during the sevice, but again these surfaces were used for both food and beverage delivery and storage in cases, so the deck was not easy to clean, hard, or coved as required.
Dining Room-Mardis Gras Dining Room
A layer of dust debris was accumulating between deckhead panels over pantry #6.
Dining Room-Mardis Gras Dining Room
Old liquid residue was visible on the deckhead over forward/starboard pantry #1. In addition, there were some missing deckhead panels over this pantry creating a large gap near the center deckhead area.
Galley-Forward and Aft Toaster Stations
The artificial light levels above the line of conveyor toaster ovens was below the minimum 220 lux in both toaster stations in the galley.
The piping connected to the steam kettle was very difficult-to-clean due to the heavy paint coating applied, which was very rough and chipped off easily.
Galley-Starboard/Aft Beverage Station
The artificial light levels behind and beside the counter-mounted beverage equipment was below the minimum 110 lux..
Galley-Starboard/Aft Beverage Station
The power cable to the juice dispenser was draped on the counter top, making cleaning in the area difficult.
Galley-Pantry - Garde' Manger
The artificial light level at the preparation counter over undercounter refrigerator #4319/488 was below the minimum 220 lux.
Room Service-Deck 7 Room Service Pantry
The artificial light level at the counter model toaster oven and the double clean storage rack beside were below the minimum 220 lux.
Food Service General-Galleys, Pantries, Provisions
Braided rope was installed along the overshelves throughout the hot service line in the main galley and some walk-in refrigerators in the main galley, in deck 7 room service pantry to control the large hot and cold portable beverage dispensers stacked along one corner of the space, and throughout the provisions cold rooms, including in the dry storage room. These ropes were made of plastic or fabric and most were abosorbent and visibly clean, but all were very difficult to clean.
Food Service General-Galleys
The grease pan housings (two per unit) for all the Lang range tops were deep channels which were difficult to fully access and clean. There was an especially difficult channel in the lower panel left and right inside the housing where grease and food debris could accumulate. The difficult-to-clean grease pan housings in these ranges was noted in the previous VSP inspection in January, 2014.
Food Service General-Galleys
There was an accumulation of grease and food residue built-up inside the Lang range top grease pan housings, particularly at a channel in the lower panel left and right inside the housing.
Galley-Crew Galley - Dishwash
The two far right final rinse upper spray arm nozzles were completely clogged on the in-use conveyor dishwash machine. The nozzles were repaired immediately.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Buffet/Beverage Station
The artificial light level was below 110 lux behind and between the counter model juice and milk dispensers, and below 220 lux at the counter level in the adjacent cold buffet in the port/aft corner, and at the port bulkhead over the #1 warming cabinet and adjacent microwave oven.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Soiled Station Drop-Off
A dual bucket with wash water and sanitizing solution had no chlorine residual in the sanitizer side and bubbles in the solution.
Preparation Room-Provisions - Buffet Preparation Room
There was a deckhead water leak onto the stainless steel waste bin beside the preparation counter in the center of the room. Additionally, there was a deckhead water leak in the center of walk-in refrigerator #11 beside a food storage shelf. Water dripped to the deck below and no food was impacted.
Preparation Room-Provisions - Buffet Preparation Room
The grey plastic food guide for the counter model slicer was damaged, with split plastic at the surface, making the piece very difficult to clean.
Preparation Room-Provisions - Potato Preparation Room
There was one live fruit fly observed in the lower technical space of the potato peeler in the corner of the room.
Buffet-Lido - Forward Pool Pantry
The artificial light level behind the two counter-mounted rotisserie ovens was below the minimum 110 lux.
Buffet-Lido - Dishwash
There was a significant layer of scale visible on the interior side panel seams and the top panel extension in the final rinse compartment of the in-use conveyor dishwash machine. There was a heavy scale layer on the upper final rinse spray arm and on the large pipe near the right interior panel of the rinse compartment inside the machine.
Buffet-Lido - Dishwash
There was less than 220 lux of artificial light at the aft/port bulkhead soiled dishwash counter.
Buffet-Lido - Deli
The artificial light in all the preparation counters and at the handwash station was below the minimum 220 lux.
Buffet-Lido - Deli
One live fruit fly was observed on the deckhead in the center of the deli during active preparation and service.
Bar-Lido - Brasserie Bar
The artificial light level along the back bar counter equipment from the chest freezer on one end to the beverage counter and coffee machine was below 220 lux in front and below 110 lux behind and beside the counter-mounted equipment.
Medical-Immediate Contact Interviews
The ship has an approved variance to be exempt from the 8 hour requirement to conduct the first verbal interview with immediate contacts of symptomatic acute gastroenteritis (AGE) crew members who share communal restrooms in their corridors. The variance allows for up to 16 hours to conduct the initial interviews for these immediate contacts. On 17 July, a Demi Chef de Partie experienced AGE symptoms and reported to the medical center at 13:40. Approximately 27 crew members share the communal restroom with this crew member. The initial interview for these crew members should have occurred no later than 18 July at 05:40. Records provided indicated some of the first verbal interviews were inaccurate or not conducted for some of the immediate contacts. For example, Bartenders and Bar Waiters had their initial interview on 17 July at 13:00 (prior to the symptomatic crew member reporting to the medical center), and Commis and Galley Stewards did not have an initial interview, but records identify a 24-hour follow-up interview on 18 July at 10:00. No immediate contacts experienced AGE symptoms. On the day of the inspection, medical staff and department heads received training on the requirements of the variance.
Potable Water-Tank Maintenance
Since the last inspection, approximately 12 fresh water tanks were painted. On 16 June, tank #2 was painted and chlorinated. No records could be located to indicate the halogen level prior to placing the tank back into service.
Inspection on Jan 24, 2014 | Score: 95
Galley-Forward Automatic Dishwasher
The temperature of the rinse tank on the automatic dishwasher was 149°F when measured by the inspector. The affixed data plate on the machine indicated a minimum wash temperature of 160°F.
Galley-Center Galley
The light intensity was less than 110 lux on the side of the Lang oven.
The technical hatches on the deckhead above the clean storage rack and the soiled storage area were loose and not flush against the deckhead creating a gap. A significant amount of dust was accumulated in these gaps.
Buffet-Port/Aft Beverage Station
A total of 4 light fixtures had non-shatter resistant light bulbs and were not shielded.
Buffet-Cold Salad Bar & Pastry Islands
The light intensity at these customer self-service areas was less than 220 lux.
Galley-Lido Pizza
The light intensity behind the CTX machine was less than 110 lux.
Bar-Brasserie Bar
Two light fixtures had non-shatter resistant light bulbs and were not shielded.
Galley-Forward Port Warewashing
When the inspector arrived in this area the dishwash machine was running but no plates were being sent through. Staff was in the area pre-rinsing plates on the soiled area of the dishmachine. The temperature of the final rinse when measured by the inspector three separate times was 156°F, 150°F, and 154°F, respectively. The inspector also placed a 180°F thermolabel on the final rinse manifold during this time and it did not change color to indicate that temperature was met. After staff assessed the machine and made adjustment the final rinse temperature reached 164°F on the plate surface and changed the color on the 180°F thermolabel.
Galley-Forward Port Ice Machine #499
The exterior side of the interior white deflector panels were soiled around the corners of the raised design.
Food Service General-Lang Range Grills
The drip tray housings are not easily cleanable and had a significant amount of food debris accumulated in them. Lang range grills were present in the main galley and crew galley.
Food Service General-Lang Range Grills
The drip tray housings are not easily cleanable and had a significant amount of food debris accumulated in them. Lang range grills were found in the main galley and crew galley.
Galley-Single Salamander Port/Aft
The technical space for the level was not easily cleanable and had a significant amount of food debris accumulated.
Galley-Single Salamander Port/Aft
The technical space for the level was not easily cleanable and had a significant amount of food debris accumulated.
Galley-Pot Wash
Several deck tiles were cracked and chipped, especially around the scupper drains, in the walkway of the soiled drop-off station.
Galley-Room Service
The nozzles on the juice machine were soiled beyond a normal day's use.
Galley-Room Service
The light intensity behind the coffee machine was less than 110 lux.
Provisions-Liquor Store Room
Five boxes of mineral water were stored on the deck and used to prop open the store room door.
Galley-Center Soup Kettle
The water fill line pipe was leaking causing water to pool on the deck.
Preparation Room-Potato Peeler
Two slotted fasteners were inside the potato peeler closest to the door.
Buffet-Time Control Plan
The time control plan for the crew mess, petty officer mess, and officer mess listed a lunch discard time on embarkation days at 2:30PM. However, during the inspection it was determined the normal discard time for these areas was at 1:00PM.
Housekeeping-Shower Head Disinfection
The last documented disinfection for the three shower heads in the medical center was June 2013.
Potable Water-Monthly Microbiologic Representative Samples
For October, November and December, 2013, one of the sampling locations was in same area of the ship, the crew bar/lounge/gym. The other 3 samples for the month did show the proper variation to be representative of those other areas of the ship's potable water distribution system.
Potable Water-Bunker Records
No bunker records were available for two days, November 9 and 10, 2013, while the ship was in dry dock.
Potable Water-Far Point Halogenation Record
The far point chart for October 31, 2013, had no value recorded for 9 PM to 9 AM. A notation on the chart indicated 'Fwd shut off due to maintenance' which the crew thought to mean fresh water was shut off.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automatic Monitoring Records
The charts did not indicate calibration on over half the charts reviewed for the pools and spas since the last inspection.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automatic Monitoring Records
The charts were not initialed by the person who changed the charts on a large number of charts reviewed for the pools and spas since the last inspection.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automatic Monitoring Records
The charts indicated chlorine and/or pH monitoring system malfunctions for most days for pools, spas, and interactive recreational water facilities during the period from December 8, 2013 to January 9, 2014. Notes such as 'pH/Cl in manual reading values in range' and 'Manual reading all day long' were provided without values on the chart. Some charts did have hourly values recorded. An examination of the Housekeeping staff's records for recreational water facility monitoring showed the values that were missing from the engineering records.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automatic Monitoring Equipment
The automatic monitoring equipment showed failures for most of the systems during the period of December 8, 2013 to January 9, 2014.
Galley-Forward Service Line
A pan of liquid pasteurized eggs on the countertop next to the omelet station did not have a 4-hour discard label.
Inspection on Aug 19, 2013 | Score: 93
Potable Water-Production Records
The person in charge of the production system did not maintain accurate records while using the reverse osmosis system to produce water for several months. For example, the free residual halogen was 2.2 PPM and the pH was 7.7 for every entry documented during production between January 13 - June 3, 2013
Galley-Pot Wash
Three pans in the clean storage area had small pieces of dried food or grease, especially in the corners.
Potable Water-Starboard Aft Bunker Station
A drum of hydroxy oil was pushed up against the second from the left potable water fill line connection. The cap of the drum was over the potable water connection.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Log
The cross-connection control log had two entries for the steam room and there were two different backflow prevention devices indicated. Upon inspection, there was one steam room for men and one for women, but this was not indicated on the log and no other information was provided to distinguish these areas.
Potable Water-Starboard Forward Bunker Station
The top potable water hose in active use during bunkering was not labeled 'Potable Water Only' at the connecting end. Also, the second potable water hose from the top in active use during bunkering was labeled, but the label was worn and not all the words 'Potable Water Only' could be read.
Potable Water-Tank Disinfection
Several potable water tanks were painted and then cleaned, rinsed, and properly disinfected, but the actual chlorine residual values were not recorded before the tanks were put back into service. The paperwork for all of the potable water tanks stated the chlorine residual levels were less than 5.0 ppm. The painted tanks included: forward #2 on June 9, forward #3 and #4 on April 14, forward #32 on April 28, forward #5, #6, and #7 on May 5, forward #1 on July 3, forward #8 on March 23, forward #9 on March 16, forward #12 on March 27, forward #11 on May 21, and forward #14 on July 22.
Recreational Water Facilities-Forward Whirlpool
On July 15 and 16, 2013, the chlorine sensor on the analyzer was not working and it could not be determined what the readings were on the chart paper. Staff did not take manual readings during this time to ensure the free residual chlorine was in an acceptable range. The housekeeping staff took a manual reading of the facility before the whirlpool was opened, but not hourly after the spa was open.
Recreational Water Facilities-Serenity Whirlpool
The chart paper used to record monitoring values from July 10-12, 2013 was scaled from 0 to 5.0 PPM.
Medical-Crew 3-day Assessment
The public health questionnaire given to crew boarding the ship only asked crew members regarding their symptoms in the previous 2 days or 48 hours. Also, according to staff, the questionnaires for acute gastroenteritis were only kept on board for six months even if a crew member had a positive questionnaire indicating they had symptoms in the past 2 days.
Potable Water-Incubator
The thermometer used to measure the temperature of the incubator for testing water samples for microbiolgicals had no visible numbers or values recorded on the probe. There was no way to ensure the thermometer had the correct reading. According to staff, the temperature read 35°C. During the inspection, the casing for the thermometer was found with the visible values and it was placed in the incubator.
Potable Water-Production Records
The manual readings for the reverse osmosis system between January 13 - June 3, 2013 were the exact same for every entry. For example, all of the free residual halogen levels read 2.2 PPM and all of the pH readings indicated 7.7.
Potable Water-Distant Point
The manual readings for the free residual halogen at the far point were 0.84 and 0.83, and 0.99 for the inspector and 0.97 and 0.98, and 1.09 for the ship's staff. The analyzer read 1.54 during these three tests. According to the staff, the analyzer was calibrated the previous night and had been within range. The analyzer was re-calibrated.
Three half-gallons of ice cream mix were 45°-46°F in reach-in cooler #4319-553. Ice buildup was noted on the evaporator transfer coil minimizing the cooling capacity of this unit. The ice cream mix was discarded.
There was dried food soil on a knife in the clean knife storage locker.
Galley-Hot Line
The installed, integral thermometer for chest reach-in freezer #4319-552 showed an incorrect reading of -40°F and was pegged at the end of its range. No other thermometer had been placed in the freezer.
Food Service General-Food Preparation Areas
There were cracked and missing deck tiles and recessed grout with standing water observed throughout the food operations. A full deck replacement plan was in place for the November dry dock to install completely new decks.
Food Service General-All Food Preparation Areas
Many of the light intensities in several food preparation and service areas were less than the required levels. A full replacement plan was in place for the November dry dock to raise the light intensities to 110 lux and 220 lux as required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Heavy condensate was noted on the bulkheads and deckheads at the soiled end of the dishwasher.
Galley-Time as A Public Health Control
The posted time control plan showed set up time for the food in cabinet 9 as 10:45 AM on embarkation day. Thirteen large pans of rice were found in the cabinet at 8:45 AM that were labeled with 8:30 - 12:00 set up and discard times, respectively. The rice was discarded immediately by the ship staff. They also changed the time control plan to reflect the current two batch operation that was in use, contrary to the original time control plan.
Preparation Room-Time Labeling
A pan of boiled potatoes was labeled with a preparation date of 8/18/2013. Staff determined the potatoes had been originally cooked on 8/17/2013 when the preparation time and date on the blast chiller log did not correspond to the labeling found on the potatoes.
Provisions-Dry Stores
The 4 inches of the deck in Provisions Room #23 under the shelves next to the bulkhead was soiled with dust and old food debris. The area was cleaned while the inspection team was still in the area.
Other-Food Lift
A food worker was observed in a food lift sliding a stack of plastic bins with soiled utensils along the lift and galley deck instead of using a trolley.
Galley-Beverage Station - Starboard / Aft
The grey water manifold pipes in the ice maker were soiled with mold in one of two ice machines checked in the area.
Galley-Beverage Station - Starboard / Aft
A crew member was seen washing or placing the soiled ice machine manifold in an adjacent handwash sink.
Galley-Hot Galley
The reach-in cooler #4319-461 door did not seal tightly.
Galley-Hot Galley
The deck scupper collar behind tilting skillet #3 where the hood wash drain lines discharge was heavily soiled on the bulkhead side of the collar.
A deckhead leak was observed above the preparation counter over undercounter cooler #4319-505 and also coming from the light fixture above the open steam kettle between the deck mounted mixer and adjacent deck oven stack. Rust stains were noted in the light shield indicating that the leak had been possibly occurring for a long time. No food was impacted by this leak. The leak was repaired while the inspection team was in the area.
Buffet-Preparation Area Forward / Port (Mongolian Grill)
The hoodwash backflow preventer had a slight water leak in the air relief vent indicating a possible failure.
Buffet-Center Galley
A preparation station neutral cabinet handle was heavily soiled with grease.
Recreational Water Facilities-Operation and Maintenance
Staff in charge of maintaining the recreational water facilities had a difficult time describing the operational components of these systems. The documentation for all of the RWF requirements were difficult to read and understand. When the analyzer probe for the pH in the main pool was not functioning correctly, staff did not take manual readings of the pH. Also, when the analyzer probe for the free residual chlorine in the forward whirlpool was not properly functioning, staff did not take manual readings of the free residual chlorine. The inspector later learned the housekeeping department was recording manual readings of the pH at the main pool and manual readings of the free residual chlorine at the forward whirlpool before opening, but the staff in charge of the RWFs did not seek this information.
Inspection on Dec 07, 2012 | Score: 94
Pantry-Deck 7 Ice Pantry
There was a gap between the deck-mounted table and the bulkhead along the counter surface and the backsplash. The table was recently repositioned to add a handwashing station. Staff stated that the same modification was done in similar ice pantries on the ship.
Recreational Water Facilities-Waterpark
The sample line for the analyzer-chart recorder for the water park was a single line from the collection tank and not from the individual return lines before the tank. Documentation was available to show that additional analyzer-chart recorders were on order.
Recreational Water Facilities-Analyzer Calibration Records
The calibration check of the analyzer-chart recorder was not always documented at the beginning of RWF operations each day. Staff stated that the analyzer calibration of each RWF was checked multiple times per day, but only recorded if the analyzer was calibrated.
Potable Water-Spa - Men's Sauna
The backflow prevention device was fully covered with an insulation material. During the inspection, the insulation around the device was removed.
Potable Water-Mineralizer
The backwash discharge line for the mineralizers was striped blue/gray/blue, an indication of distillate water.
There was a galley steward who reported to medical on 12/1/12 who had one episode of diarrhea, 2 episodes of vomiting and stomach cramps, but was not marked as a reportable acute gastroenteritis case in STARDOCS or reported to CDC as a case.
Buffet-Deli Station
Approximately 8 previously cleaned and sanitized hotel pans at this outlet were soiled with dried food residue and grease deposits. The pans were sent to be re-cleaned.
Buffet-Deli Station
The counter area behind the starboard side deli slicer was soiled with old food deposits and dust buildup.
Buffet-Aft Lido
Open containers of peanut butter and jellies out for passenger self-service were not adequately protected by the sneeze guard.
Buffet-Aft Lido
Self-service serving tongs located at both bakery outlets were not positioned in such a way that they were protected from contamination by the sneeze guards. There were approximately 8 self-service tongs at each location. The utensils were moved so that the sneeze guards provided adequate protection.
Galley-Starboard Cleaning Locker
A wet mop was stored in a mop bucket in this locker.
Galley-Center galley
The top surface of a stored portable bread toaster was soiled with a brown sticky residue.
Buffet-Fwd Pantry
The hood cleaning system was activated and there was a constant water drip coming from a seam in the hood system above the starboard side flat grill. The water was landing on the back right surface of the grill. No food was being cooked on the grill at the time, however, the grill remained hot from breakfast service. According to the staff, the water leak was not occurring when the grill was in use. The water leak was isolated and corrected during the inspection.
Buffet-Aft Lido
The circular recessed deckhead lights located above the buffet serving line were heavily coated with a layer of dust. There were approximately 20 deckhead lights in this area.
Two crew members were hand drying dishes coming out of the flight-type dishwash machine with wiping cloths.
Cleaned and sanitized plates were being hand dried with wiping cloths instead of being allowed to air dry.
Buffet-Aft Port Pantry
There was no soap at the handwashing station.
Galley-Garde Manger Walk-in #8-328
The metal fan guard for the condenser unit was soiled with a heavy buildup of dust.
Pantry-Cafe De Artistes
A previously cleaned and sanitized serving tong was visibly soiled with dried food residue.
Food Service General-Lighting
Lighting could not be raised to the required 110 lux of light behind and around counter and deck mounted equipment located at the following areas: Lido center galley, lido beverages stations, crew mess beverage stations, and between the espresso machines at the Cafe De Artistes bar. Also, there was less than the required 220 lux of light at the lido aft beverage station and at the Brasserie Bar coffee grinder station. A comprehensive lighting plan was observed to correct the lighting issues.
Food Service General-Decks
There was missing and recessed grouting between the deck tiles throughout the food service areas. This was particularly evident in the lido aft pantry, lido aft buffet, soup and tilting pan stations of the main galley, and the lido preparation room.
Inspection on Apr 24, 2012 | Score: 96
Recreational Water Facilities-Halogen and pH Dosing System
The existing halogen and pH control was performed manually. According to the ship's staff, the system will be replaced in June. (2011 VSP Operations Manual)
Recreational Water Facilities-Halogen and pH Monitoring
Chart recorders or data loggers with security features that measure pH and free halogen residual were not installed from the body or return line of each Recreational Water Facility (RWF). (2011 VSP Operations Manual)
Recreational Water Facilities-Signs
Safety signs did not contain all the required information, such as: 'Do not use these facilities if you are experiencing diarrhea, vomiting or fever;' and 'bather load.' (2011 VSP Operations Manual)
Children Area-Camp Carnival
Stacks of plastic cups out for service at the water station were visibly wet. According to the youth staff, the cups were just brought in from the room service galley.
Housekeeping-Ice Pantries
The Deck 7 forward ice pantry and Deck 6 ice pantry did not have hand wash stations installed or otherwise accessible. The pantries were used to dispense ice and had stainless steel counter-tops for storing soiled items.
Food Service General-Bar Handwash Stations
The artificial illumination at handwash stations where there was ambient background light may not be adequate in low ambient light conditions. This potential condition was noted in the Brasserie Bar, Pool Bar and the Lobby Bar. (2011 VSP Operations Manual)
Recreational Water Facilities-Gravity Drain Covers
There was no secondary alarm system installed for the gravity drains for the pool. The shipyard installed gravity drain covers for the pool did not meet the requirements of ASME A112.19.8.
Buffet-Lido Pantry #2
The handles of the two fryer baskets were cracked and not easily cleanable.
Buffet-Lido Pantry #2
The left light fixture above the flat grill was inoperable, resulting in the light intensity being less than 220 lux.
Buffet-Port Beverage Station
A tray of numerous plastic cups out for service were stacked wet.
Pantry-Brasserie Bar
Six racks of previously cleaned plastic glasses were stored on the dirty storage shelves.
Pantry-Brasserie Bar
Six racks of previously cleaned plastic glasses were stored on the dirty storage shelves. Staff stated the glasses were washed and sanitized shortly after the bar closed in the early morning hours.
Galley-Aft Dishware Area
There was one fly in the grey bin used to soak bowls below the prewash station.
Galley-Aft Beverage Station
The inside of the plastic panel immediately in front of the left ice cuber was soiled with a pink substance.
Galley-Aft and Forward Hot Service Lines
The left and right sides of the hot plates were soiled with dried grease residue.
Galley-Lang Ranges
In the main and crew galley, the grease pan housings of the Lang model range units were deep and narrow, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Lang Ranges
In the main and crew galley, the grease pan housings of the Lang model range units were soiled with old grease residue.
Food Service General-Lighting
The light intensity was below 110 lux behind and around many pieces of deck- and counter-mounted equipment. (2011 VSP Operations Manual)
Galley-Mid Galley
The bulkhead below the fire blanket to the right of the handwash station was damaged at the deck coving juncture, resulting in a large gap.
A bundle of electrical cords near the deck below the pulper was unprotected and exposed to splash.
Galley-Hood Cleaning System
There were gaps where each of the pipes penetrated the deckhead. The gaps were sealed with a smooth material.
Galley-Forward Hot Galley
The light intensity was less than 220 lux at the flat grill next to the combination oven.
Galley-Forward Hot Galley
There was condensation on the deckhead above the combination oven. The condensation was dripping onto the oven. Not food items were impacted.
Galley-Forward Dishwash Area
The wash tank of the flight-type dishwash machine was measured at 171°F and 172°F using the inspector's and staff's thermometers. The utensil surface temperature of the machine was measured at 171°F and 170.9°F. The manufacturer's data plate indicated the wash temperature should be 150°F.
Dining Room-Mardi Gras
The light intensity at the waiter stations could not be raised to 220 lux.
The top surface of the candy display cases were soiled with dust.
The drain line from the clean landing of the potwash machine was not directed to the scupper. The drain line was repositioned appropriately.
Buffet-Crew Mess Soiled Drop-Off Area
A plastic hanger was on the prewash hose. The hanger was removed.
Buffet-Staff Mess
A bucket of chlorine sanitizing solution was measured at less than 10 ppm.
Buffet-Officer Mess
Two plates of fruit in the upper display cases were missing a serving utensil. The utensils were replaced.
Inspection on Oct 08, 2011 | Score: 88
Medical-Crew Gastrointestinal Illness Reporting
The review of the gastrointestinal illness (GI) logs for the last 5 cruises revealed that there was a gift shop sales person who experienced GI symptoms and continued to work after those symptoms began. Specifically, he reported 7 diarrhea episodes, stomach cramps, muscle aches, and loss of appetite with an onset of symptoms on 28 September 2011 at 0900 but reported to the medical center at 1554 that day. He worked until 1230 and reported going next to the crew mess for lunch. His whereabouts after lunch and the time he reported to the medical center were unknown.
Housekeeping-Public Toilets
There were no signs advising users of the men and women toilet facilities to use a hand towel, paper towel, or tissue to open the door. However, there were paper tissue dispensers on the bulkhead next to the exit doors.
Integrated Pest Management-Flower Loading Inspections
The staff stated that flower shipments were received by the Formality Sales Assistant through the gangway, but she had no training on inspecting incoming goods for evidence of pests. In addition, there were no records documenting these inspections. The staff explained that all other incoming goods were inspected by the vessel sanitation personnel in the general loading area.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automated Free Halogen Residual and pH Testing
There were no chart recorders or electronic data loggers with security features that record pH and halogen measurements for each individual recreational water facility.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The safety signs for recreational water facilities did not include the following words: 'do not use these facilities if you are experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or fever' and 'bather load #'.
Children Area-
The height of the handwashing sink in the toilet room was 33 inches above the deck and the height of the child-size toilet was 17 inches. No step stools were provided. In addition, there was no airtight, washable waste receptacle.
Ventilation-Air Handling Units
The water used for the cleaning of air handling units was technical water.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Strainer Cleaning Records
There were no records for the cleaning, rinsing, and disinfection of hair and lint strainers and lint strainer housing for recreational water facilities.
Dining Room-Mardis Gras Waiter Station #7 Aft
There was a heavy dust layer between the deckhead panels directly above the clean plates, water pitchers and utensils at the aft bulkhead.
Dining Room-Mardis Gras Waiter Station #7 Aft
One live fruit fly was observed in this waiter station area during the active breakfast service.
Dining Room-Time as Public Health Control Plans
The soup stations at waiter stations 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the Mardis Gras dining room were not labeled as time control units. There were no time control plans posted in the Mardis Gras and Carnivale dining rooms detailing the management of potentially hazardous foods on the soup stations or the cold basins with undercounter reach-in refrigerators. A partial plan for these areas was posted in the main galley, but it was unclear in that only some galley and dining room units labeled as being on time control were listed in the plan.
Dining Room-Mardis Gras and Carnivale
There was no advisory on the menu indicating that consuming raw or undercooked animal-derived foods may increase the risk for foodborne illness, especially to consumers with certain medical conditions.
Dining Room-Mardis Gras Waiter Station #4
Clean beverage pitchers were stored inverted on top of inverted dishware racks on the overshelf of waiter station #4. One of the racks was visibly soiled with a brown drink residue throughout the exterior bottom surface which made contact with the food-contact edge of the inverted pitchers stored on top. All the pitchers were immediately removed along with this rack for washing.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Forward Beverage Station
The top exterior surfaces of the two juice dispensers were heavily soiled with dust. On top of the right juice dispenser was a clear plastic lid of a water pitcher. The juice dispensers were cleaned immediately.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Forward Beverage Station
In the right juice dispenser, the interior wells for two of the four juice concentrate containers were soiled with old juice residue. In the left juice dispenser, the interior well for the orange juice concentrate container was heavily soiled with old orange juice residue.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Forward Beverage Station
There was black mold residue in the upper ice maker compartment for ice machine #4319/499 on the exterior surfaces of the cuber and at the side panel. There was a heavier mold residue below the transfer tube between the two cubers along the stainless steel edge. The machine was cleaned and reinspected during the inspection.
Galley-Time as Public Health Control Plan
None of the crew or main galley time as a public health control plans had set-up or discard times listed for the various galley outlets. They listed only the meal service periods. Additionally, the appetizer pantry time control plan was confusing in that three separate reach-in refrigerators used for holding foods in back-up were listed as both 41°F with a thermometer photo and under time control. The three refrigerators had time control labels on them.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Locker F.S.D. 825
Several covered and uncovered pots, pans, food equipment and non-food items were stacked on dishware racks and some deck stands throughout this locker. Several coverall sets were stacked on top of clean pots and hotel pans. Three large floor mixer blades were stored directly on the deck as were a number of oven racks. The food equipment on the deck was written in the June 2011 VSP inspection.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Locker F.S.D. 825
Several covered and uncovered pots, pans, food equipment and non-food items were stacked on dishware racks. Three large floor mixer blades and a number of oven racks were stored directly on the deck.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Locker F.S.D. 825
There were 8 live fruit flies circulating in this closed locker where uncovered food equipment and utensils were stored.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Appetizer Pantry
All potentially hazardous foods inside walk-in refrigerator #30 had temperatures of 45°F to 50°F, including various cheeses, 3 five gallon bag-in-box milks, and several individually wrapped butter servings in boxes and food bins. All foods were immediately discarded, as the temperature logs revealed the last temperature checks were conducted over 4 hours prior.
Food Service General-Food Probe Thermometers
None of the staff were equipped with tip-sensitive food thermometers.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Dishwash
The in-use flight-type conveyor dishwasher had a wash tank temperature of 142°F and a rinse tank temperature of 156°F. The data plate on the machine required a 150°F wash and 160°F rinse tank temperature. The machine was repaired during the inspection.
Galley-Mardis Gras - Pastry
There was a heavy, layered food debris on the control knobs and panels on both of the five door stack ovens.
Galley-Carnivale Coffee Station
Several of the white plastic cake platters stored in the undercounter cabinet as clean were heavily soiled with old and recent food residue.
Galley-Lang Ranges
The main and crew galley Lang model range units had grease pan housings which were deep and narrow, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Lang Ranges
The main and crew galley Lang model range units were soiled at the grease housings with old food and grease residue.
Galley-Carnivale - Hot Galley
There was recessed deck tile grout in various areas of the hot galley.
Galley-Center Galley
Eight live fruit flies were on the deckhead during active lunch service.
Preparation Room-Potato
Six live fruit flies were on the deckhead in this room. One trolley of potatoes was exposed in this area.
Preparation Room-Buffet
Seven live fruit flies were on the deckhead during active preparation of ready-to-eat foods.
Buffet-Lido Forward Pantry
The deck was not coved on the passenger side where it joined the lower buffet counter foundation.
Bar-Lobby Bar
There were large open voids in the undercounter technical compartment below the utility sink. This was written in the June 2011 VSP inspection.
Bar-Casino Bar
There was heavy dust between the decorative deckhead panels throughout the front bar area. This same violation was also written in the last two VSP inspection reports.
Inspection on Jun 18, 2011 | Score: 95
Other-Mooring Lines
The rat guards on the ship's mooring lines were installed in the most open position possible with the two half circle pieces on every line, tied in that open position with ropes. Staff corrected these during the inspection.
Pantry-Veranda Forward
The in-use ice machine had a continuous water leak from the exterior of the potable water feed tube where the connecting pieces formed just over the water bath. Staff repaired the leak during the inspection.
Pantry-Veranda Forward
The plastic pieces below the potable water feed tube inside the ice machine were heavily soiled, and the leaking water was passing over these soiled pieces and into the water bath immediately below. Staff cleaned the pieces during the inspection.
Bar-Lobby Bar
Large open voids were noted in both the left and right inside stainless steel panels in the undercounter technical compartment below the utility sink.
Bar-Casino Bar
There was heavy dust debris between the decorative deckhead panels throughout the front bar area. This same violation was also noted in the November 2010 VSP inspection.
Bar-Casino Bar
There were large open holes in the stainless steel side interior panels of the undercounter technical compartments in the front bar counter.
Bar-Cafe Des Artistes
There was dust soil present in the gaps between the deckhead panels, some of which was heavy.
Pantry-Casino Bar
There was an accumulation of a black granular material in the right side water bath beneath the right cuber in the bar pantry.
Galley-Hot Galley
The steam kettle adjacent to the bulkhead and farthest from the entrance had a leaking valve. This was corrected.
Galley-Carnival Service Line
There was a leak in the technical compartment under the Baine Marie #4319/893. This was corrected.
Galley-Carnival Beverage Station
There were both missing screws and corroded threads protruding from the right panels of all four bread toasting ovens.
Galley-Mardi Gras Toast Station
There were both missing screws and corroded threads protruding from the right panels of all four bread toasting ovens.
Two slotted screws were found in the splash zone of the Hobart Legacy mixer on the counter. This was corrected.
Galley-Appetizer Preparation Room
Sliced honeydew melon was found on a tray with other fruit such as strawberries, pinneaple, and catelope, to be at a temperature of 46.1 °F in the walk-in cooler. The fruit had been in the cooler overnight and was discarded.
Galley-Appetizer Preparation Room
The Evaporative condensor in the walk-in cooler was significantly frozen over.
Other-Mardi Gras Entrance to Main Galley
Several bins of clean dishware and equipment was stored on the deck in a fire locker. The locker was very full and could not be inspected properly due to several pieces of dishes and equipment stacked from the deck up until the deckhead. The door was barely able to close.
Galley-Warewashing Machine
The most left spray nozzle for the sanitizer rinse on the conveyor warewashing machine was sporatically working and was not operating at full pressure..
Provisions-Beverage Storage
Recessed tile and grout were in the deck juncture of both sides of the entrance. Reportedly, this area needs to be cleaned and repaired frequently due to heavy use.
Provisions-Bread Freezer
The back right corner near the evaporative condensor had tile that was mis-placed and there were two tiles that were chipped and mis-placed under the evaoporative condensor in the middle of the room.
Provisions-Poultry Prep
A corroded non-smooth entry ramp was in the entrance way to the prep area and continued into the walk-in cooler.
Galley-Ladies Crew Restroom
There was a leak on the faucet of the ladies handwashing sink.
Galley-Mongolian Outside Buffet
There were more than 10 live house flies found in the outside buffet area. The flies were seen on several previously clean plates ready for self-service and on top of hot holding equipment in the food preparation area. It was reported that the flies had been present in this area for at least 2 hours. Some food items were not covered upon first inspection.
Galley-Inside entrance from Outside Lido area
A dark grey powder and a screw were found in the drip tray pan of the Cornelius #4319/435 ice machine.
Galley-Pizza Prep
One cutting board being used was significantly scored, dirty, and stained.
Inspection on Nov 20, 2010 | Score: 100
Pantry-Lido - Starboard Aft Beverage Station
Several areas of the sealant along the counter top/bulkhead juncture were peeling and soiled underneath. This was corrected.
A few areas on the front edge of the counter top on the starboard side clean waiter station were chipped.
The sealant along the front edge and the splash shields on the port side clean waiter station counter top was peeling. This was corrected.
There was debris in technical compartment #4319/445 along the top near the door. This was corrected.
A milk carton was in the handwash station waste receptacle near the entrance. The milk carton was properly discarded.
The door gasket inside the lower cabinet of Alto-Sham unit #3 was torn and unable to be completely realigned. The entire unit was immediately removed from service.
Pantry-Lido - Starboard Aft Beverage Station
Several areas of the sealant along the counter top/bulkhead juncture were peeling and soiled underneath. This was corrected.
Provisions-Potato Room
The gasket on the inside of the potato peeler around the chute was peeling. This was corrected.
Buffet-Officer and Crew Mess Beverage Stations
Electrical cords from the coffee machines were draped across the counter top, making cleaning difficult. This was corrected.
Potable Water-Midship Port Bunker Station
The in-use filling line screw cap was not attached to the chain and was on the deck. This was corrected.
Potable Water-Midship Starboard Bunker Station
One of the filling lines did not have the ends capped or the ends coupled together. This station was not in use.
Potable Water-Spa
The cross-connection control program indicated the backflow prevention devices on the Turkish bath and sauna steam generators were Oras units. The devices installed were Watts 9DB. The program was corrected.
Bar-Pool - Starboard Side
The deck, deck cove tiles, and the small drain line below the right side speed rail were soiled with a black material.
Bar-Pool - Port Side
The deck below the front bar counter was soiled with a black material and some broken glass. The area was not open at the time of the inspection and was previously cleaned.
Pantry-Pool - Port Side
There was an open seam along the pantry door threshold. The seam was heavily soiled with debris.
Bar-Atrium Bar Storage Room
One of the deck stands containing cases of canned soda was less than six inches above the deck.
Bar-Atrium Bar Storage Room
Pieces of cardboard were used as liners on the storage shelves. This material was absorbent and not cleanable.
There were gaps between the deckhead slats above the bar. The area above and between the gaps was heavily soiled.
Inspection on May 17, 2010 | Score: 99
*General Comment-Asymptomatic Cabin Mate Interviews
In reviewing the crew gastrointestinal illness cases over the last few months there was a wide range of periods from the immediate notification from medical to the department head and the cabin mate/immediate contact actually reporting to medical to confirm they were asymptomatic. In several cases this was 24 hours or more from the time medical requested the verbal interview with the cabin mate. In one case on the current cruise a food worker reported to medical more than 24 hours after their GI illness onset on 14 May.
Pantry-Deck 11 Deck Pantry
The upright reach-in refrigerator was in disrepair and posted not in use for over a year.
Potable Water-Engine Room Drinking Fountain
The potable water feed pipe to the drinking fountain in the engine room was not striped blue.
Potable Water-Engine Room Tap at Fire Station #17
The non-continuous pressure backflow preventer was installed between two valves on the deck tap hose.
Potable Water-Engine Changing Room
The two backflow preventers on the hot and cold water supply to the clothes washing machine were non-continuous pressure models and located between two valves (continuous pressure).
The lighting in the service area of the pizzeria could not be increased to facilitate proper cleaning and serving operations.
The deckhead above the service line for the pizzeria was constructed of a ruffled metal surface with small holes that is difficult to clean. A white substance was noted in the small holes immediately above the hot holding display case.
Two small flies were observed in the technical space below the hot holding display case. A pest sighting was submitted to the pest control officer.
Galley-Aft Beverage
A small refrigerator thermometer and supply hose for the espresso machine were stored inside the previously cleaned metal milk container. This item was corrected.
A rubber gasket in the food contact surface, protecting the gears of the clean-in-place mixer was cracked.
Galley-Forward Service Line
Two slotted fasteners were observed in the food contact area of oven 4319/852. In addition, the seam held together by the fasteners was buckling. This item was corrected.
Buffet-Crew Mess
A cube-type, open wire-frame shelf, attached to the bulkhead, holding packaged cereal was touching the deck, making cleaning difficult and potentially exposing the packaged cereal to dust and splash from cleaning operations.
Provisions-Potato Room
The food contact surface of the cleaning ring (scrubber) of the potato pleeler, constructed of lexan was cracked and had pieces missing, and had a slotted fastener. This item was corrected.
Galley-Appetizer Preparation
Two small flies were observed in the technical space of the pulper. A pest sighting was submitted to the pest control officer.
A staff member indicated the milk and cream in the undercounter refigerator below the espresso machine was on time-control. A discard log indicated that time as a public health control was used, but no time as a public health control plan was available. In addition, the cafe is in operation from noon until midnight, daily. No time discard labels were found on the milk and cream.
Food Service General-Decks
There were several locations in food preparation and storage areas had recessed grout and damaged deck tiles.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 23 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 23, 2015
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 14, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 01, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 07, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 08, 2014
The condition of the ship and its equipment shall be maintained to conform with the provisions of the present regulations to ensure that the ship will remain fit to proceed to sea without danger to ship or persons on board. Soft patches on water pipe near fire screen door #336 on deck 3 is leaking. 74 SOLAS (09) I-11(a)
The condition of the ship and its equipment shall be maintained to conform with the provisions of the present regulations to ensure that the ship will remain fit to proceed to sea without danger to ship or persons on board. The starboard boiler fuel valves did not close upon securing of the starboard boiler. 74 SOLAS (09) I-11(a) 03MAR14: Sector LA/LB aproved a 30 day extension for this def.
After survey of the ship, no change shall be made to equipment. The door #43-D-1 to electrical locker on deck 4 was missing a closing device. 74 SOLAS (09) I-11(b)
Fire Fighting
Means shall be provided to prevent the operation of the stop valve by any unauthorized person. Access door to section valve #18 does not close or lock. 74 SOLAS (97) II-2, Reg 12.2.2
Inspection on Jan 24, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 05, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 12, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 12, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 29, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 04, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 06, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 06, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 06, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 02, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 28, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 27, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 18, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 22, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 10, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 01, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 20, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Feb 03, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Mar 27, 2013
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 08, 2013
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Investigation (non-casualty)
Source: US Coast GuardJan 17, 2013
Injury Report
No Summary Available
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesDec 17, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On December 17, 2012, a passenger on board the Cruise Ship CARNIVAL INSPIRATION sustained a fracture to her right shoulder. The passenger was walking on the promenade deck when she lost her balance and fell forward onto the deck. She tried to use her right arm to break her fall resulting in the injury. The passenger was taken to the hospital on board for medical evaluation and was diagnosed with a fractured right shoulder.
Source: US Coast GuardAug 14, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On 14 August 2012, a passenger slipped on a set of stairs and injured her foot. The passenger was a 42 YOF and was decending a stair case in the vicinity of the ships water park. the passenger slipped on the wet last step and fracturing her right foot. The physician onboard sent the passenger ashore for further medical treatment.
Source: US Coast GuardMar 15, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
On March 15, 2012 a passenger onboard the CARNIVAL INSPIRATION died as a result of pancreatic cancer.
Source: US Coast GuardNov 04, 2011
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardNov 04, 2011
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardNov 02, 2011
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardNov 02, 2011
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardOct 16, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Rcvd CG-2692 via email, reported a passenger slipped and fell while dancing at the vessels dance club. Ships Medical staff examination determined that the passenger fractured her right wrist attempting to brake her fall.
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 22, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On Feb 22, 2011, onboard Carnival Inspiration, a passenger fell from the top bunk bed in the passenger cabin onto the carpeted deck resulting in a fracture to his left forearm. Passenger is a U.S. citizen.
Source: US Coast GuardJan 21, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger woke up in middle of the night, stepped out of top bunk and fell on floor injuring his left ankle.
Source: US Coast GuardJan 07, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger onboard cruise ship CARNIVAL INSPIRATION was descending stairs when he lost his footing and fell approximately 10 feet onto the deck below. Passenger sustained a fractured left shoulder and fractured three metatarsals in his left foot. Passenger is a U.S. citizen.
Source: US Coast GuardDec 19, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Injured male passenger claimed that while he was using the water slide in the water works on verandah deck-11 aft, he stood up knowing that he already reached the end of the slide, and in the process he accidentally slipped and fell onto his left side on the water slide. The passenger sustained a fractured left upper arm. Passenger was disembarked in Port of Grand Cayman for further medical treatment. Passenger is a U.S. citizen.
Source: US Coast GuardDec 18, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Injured female passenger claimed that while she was walking along with her granddaughter on Promenade deck near the Violin's Bar, midship starboard side, she allegedly tripped and fell, and as she prevented herself from falling she twisted her body and landed on her right side to the marble floor, thus causing injury. Passenger sustained a fracture to her right femur. Passenger was disembarked in the Port of Grand Cayman for further medical treatment. Passenger is a U.S. citizen.
Source: US Coast GuardDec 04, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
A male passenger was walking on the CARNIVAL INSPIRATION verandah Deck-11 aft portside when his foot tripped on the leg of the bottom most chair, which was stacked in the vicinity, and he fell forward hitting his right arm and shoulder on the wooden floor, thus causing him injury. As per the Duty Nurse, the injured guest sustained a fractured right elbow. Injured guest was disembarked in the Port of Cozumel, Mexico on Dec. 7, 2010, for further medical treatment. Injured guest was unable to be located for interview by Sector St. Petersburg Investigating Officer.
Source: US Coast GuardOct 17, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Passenger fell while walking on Lido deck midship portside nearby pool. Injury occurred when passenger tripped on a leg of a lounge chair causing her to fall forward on to her left shoulder, fracturing her left shoulder.
Source: US Coast GuardSep 30, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
Vsl passenger injured themselves while on board cruise ship. Passenger fell while dancing on dancefloor, used her left arm to break fall and subsequently fractured her left wrist.
Source: US Coast GuardApr 10, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On April 10, 2010, passenger on C/S CARNIVAL INSPIRATION fell while walking down a flight of stairs in the main dining room and sustained a broken hip.
Source: US Coast GuardFeb 27, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
A male with a history of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Progressive Respiratory Distress, Diabetes, and Furosemide, with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine use had difficulties breathing on a cruise ship. The subject died prior to reaching shore for further medical treatment.
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.