Deleted Tweets From Josh Mandel, R-Ohio
Josh Mandel's accounts: JoshMandelOhio
Tracked Between: October 10, 2012-May 04, 2022
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
RT @fox8news: When asked about the role the U.S. should play in the Ukrainian conflict, Josh Mandel says we need to send help.…
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
I’m going to Washington to fight for you fight for your family. No one is going to push me around.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
RT @JuliaManch: .@JoshMandelOhio says he would support a no-fly zone only if the Europeans supported one, but says at the end of th…
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
RT @palumbov1: And millions feel the same way. We know our enemy. QT @ACTBrigitte: This is amazing. Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel calls a fake news journalist out straight to his face. “I’m no…
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Joe Biden is waving $10 billion in sanctions on Russia so they can build nuclear plants in IRAN. Is this guy the President of the United States or the President of Iran?
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
WESTERVILLE, OH — Lauren at First Watch spreading positive vibes and showing the definition of sweat and HARD WORK. American economy carried on the backs of the Laurens of the world, while Biden is cynically paying lazy people to stay home, eat Cheetos and play Call of Duty.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
America was founded and grew strong on a bedrock of Judeo-Christian values. These biblical values are under an all-out assault from the secular left – now is the time to elect FIGHTERS. Fighters for Life, Fighters for Liberty, Fighters for our Children. #BigFamily QT @Schilling1776: Another #BigFamily Pledge signer! Thank you for your support @JoshMandelOhio!)
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
You know you’re hovering over the target when Politifact comes at you.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
The #ProphetMuhammad preaches in Koran 9:5: “Kill the non-Muslims wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.” Should we depend on these people for our oil & gas or depend on America?
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Putin used a KGB-style misinformation campaign to flame the American Left’s war against American energy resources. Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and Liberal Media are all useful idiots in Putin’s quest to bring down America and establish energy dominance in Europe.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Putin set out to show the world how tough he is. But instead, it’s Zelenskyy who’s showing it. #PrayForUkraine
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
“With Biden you get a war in Europe and a war on American energy.” Trump on@CPAC QT @TheInsiderPaper: JUST IN 🚨 Trump speech at CPAC: “With Biden you get a war in Europe”
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
The answer to “why do you need an AR-15?" is on every news channel today.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Proud to call Pastor Jeff Tauring and @KristinaRoegner friends and patriots. Have never heard of this Weinstein guy but he sounds like a weakling and a crybaby.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
“I’m a traitor” - Evan McMullin QT @EvanMcMullin: I’ve risked my life for the nation more times than I can remember, yet to you and the far-right, I’m a traitor beca…
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Petitions filed. Thanks to our church-based grassroots army of patriots who circulated these in every corner of Ohio to officially put me on the ballot. Onward to victory!
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
The Second Amendment was written to combat tyranny from the government.