Deleted Tweets From Josh Mandel, R-Ohio
Josh Mandel's accounts: JoshMandelOhio
Tracked Between: October 10, 2012-May 04, 2022
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
CLEVELAND, OH — Loud and proud about: ✅ Trump America First Agenda ✅ Taking on squishy establishment Republicans ✅ Making decisions with Bible in one hand and Constitution in the other
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Fauci has been on all sides of every debate for his entire career! Always tries to be the hero, IT NEVER WORKS!
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Above exchange from friend who has family-owned restaurant. I’m hearing this in every corner of the state. @JoeBiden is paying people to stay home and not work. This is a quiet crisis that could bring down our economy.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
My statement on Hamas terror attacks on innocent Christians, Jews and Muslims in Israel:
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
I’d never heard of this @MaxBoot guy until today... But boy do I take pride in getting attacked by a pro-abortion, Hillary Clinton voter who said he’d "sooner vote for Josef Stalin than Donald Trump". I guess it’s time to turn up the heat on these Stalin-loving never-Trumpers!
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Grateful to earn the support of Christian leader, author and warrior @KellyKullberg! Kelly is a trailblazer who runs She’s also a scholar, patriot and worst nightmare of the secular left. I’m so proud to have her at my side!