Deleted Tweets From Josh Mandel, R-Ohio
Josh Mandel's accounts: JoshMandelOhio
Tracked Between: October 10, 2012-May 04, 2022
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Pelosi lapdog @timryan may be afraid to debate @mm4oh, but I’m not. QT @AndrewJTobias: Ohio U.S. Senate candidates Josh Mandel, Morgan Harper to debate in Columbus
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
We are in a fight for the soul of the conservative movement. There is no room in our party for squishy establishment Republicans. And make no mistake about it, the America First wave is coming. Glad to be alongside fellow America First Champions Joe Kent and Mike Collins.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
ORRVILLE, OH — Great to be with this group of Christian leaders at Faith Harvest Fellowship Church in Wayne County. Thanks to by brother Pastor JC Church for inviting me and to the incredible Pastor Jerry O’Brien for hosting. No such thing as separation of Church and State!
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
✅ Ends mask mandates ✅ Bans Critical Race Theory in schools ✅ Investigates county officials who covered up rape because the rapist was trans Great Day One @GlennYounkin!
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
HUDSON, OH — My friend Craig Shubert was the courageous Mayor who took on the school board pushing sexuality on kids. Proud to speak to his Republican club last night about important issues: - Requiring photo ID to vote - No boys in girls’ sports - Eradicating RINOs from office
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Entering the United States illegally is a crime and should be treated as such.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Natural gas is reliable, affordable, clean and American. This is idiotic leftistism on steroids. QT @badler: N.Y. governor proposes first-ever statewide ban on gas hookups in new buildings
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
RT @JoshDavidArnold: Tim Ryan would rather sit at his desk in DC and make CCP-controlled TikTok videos instead of understand why he’s been… QT @TimRyan: Can you help us FLIP Ohio blue? 😎
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Democrats want everyone to think we’re still living under the Jim Crow laws they created.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
It’s 2021 but @clevelanddotcom going full anti-Jew propaganda from 1941. The cartoonist @darcyartoon is literally mimicking anti-semitic tropes used by the Nazis.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
RT @ChuckCallesto: BREAKING REPORT: Ted Cruz Proposes ‘Win-Win’ Way to Give Every Illegal Immigrant $450,000, suggests giving them HUN…
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Defund Planned Parenthood and use the funding to finish the wall.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Bravo @VoteJenaPowell for standing up against Joe Biden’s draconian vaccine mandate. Ohioans don’t want mandates, we want freedom! No Ohioan should be discriminated against because of their vaccine status. It’s past time for the legislature and governor to fix and fight this!
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Why are working people being told “get vaccinated or you’ll lose your job” — while welfare people are not being told “get vaccinated or you’ll lose your welfare?”
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
I encourage my followers and fellow patriots to support Laura Loomer for Congress! Laura is a friend and courageous fighter for the Constitution and Trump America First Agenda. She’s running against a total squish RINO and we should all have her back!
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Gia Marie @GiaMMacool, I don’t know where you live but would love to fly you to Ohio to speak to Patriots across the Buckeye State! QT @GiaMMacool: I think I scared my friends this year after showing up to their Halloween party as a unvaccinated, married, heteros…
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
ASHLAND, OH — Great meeting Levi, Austin & Monique at South Street Grille. Awesome food and people. Levi is waiting tables now and he promised that his next step is to own a restaurant of his own. They even let me jimmyrig the hallway to do a TV interview from there
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
Pastor Lawrence Bishop of Solid Rock Church understands that nowhere in the Constitution do we read about separation of church & state. Every time the left attacks us we will schedule more and more rallies at churches.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
When your liberal friends try to tell you that the media is not an arm of the Democrat party, show them this video.
JoshMandelOhio (R-Ohio)
@JoshMandelOhio QT @JoshMandelOhio: Police are the good guys. Colin Kaepernick is the bad guy.