Deleted Tweets From Logan David Howard, D-Pa.
Logan David Howard's accounts: LoganDHoward
Tracked Between: October 10, 2019-August 31, 2020
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
I don’t not know exactly what I want, but I have a long list of things I know I don’t want.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
A list of things we don’t want will help us get closer to knowing what we do want. Eliminate what we don’t want, what we don’t like, and what doesn’t make us happy. That’s the process we must endure to figure out what we do want, what we do like, and what makes us happy.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Make good decisions in the morning. I’ve learned when I make good decisions early in the day, I tend to make good decisions the rest of the day.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Be ruthless with our time and energy. Protect them like we’ll never get them them back, because we won’t. #time #energy #valuable #opportunitycost
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
The less commitments, obligations, and responsibilities we have, the more free we are. I am not saying not to commit. I am saying not to over commit. Be extremely selective with our commitments. Learn when to say yes and when to say no.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
We have some control over our bodies and physical health. A lot is out of our hands. We are at the mercy of nature. If you are experiencing a high, enjoy it. If you are at a low, remember, another high is right around the corner.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
I say this because I know when I’m happy, I’m a better person and fellow human. #happy
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
We bank our money, our time, and things we want to do for days that we may never live see. #time
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
We bank our money, our time, and things we want to do for days that we may never live to see.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
I don’t have enough money to just hand it out to everybody everywhere. I can help people in others ways. We all have different resources. Find a way to give back using yours. Some of us may have money to give. Others may have time.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Through lose and pain, I’ve learned what’s important and who’s important. Health, family, and time are at the top of the list. Once we’ve experienced life shattering circumstances, we learn to shrug off things that don’t really matter.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Once we lose somebody close to us, other losses in life lose significance. The other losses in life are not as painful and are more tolerable. Losing somebody close to us puts life into perspective. Things we thought were important are not nearly as important.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Some things are out of our hands and out of our control. Sometimes we are powerless. In trying times, remember: Whatever will be, will be.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Realize it, accept it, and be at peace with it. Surrender to nature.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
There are two ways to lose weight and fat. 1. Cut calories -Restrict and deprive 2. Increase physical activity -More food -More exercise and moving -More fuel and energy for workouts -Eat delicious foods Here’s my take:
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Life is not us versus others. Life is us versus ourselves and us versus our minds. Win the battles in our minds so we can win in our lives.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
What works for one may not work for another. What works for me may not work for you. What works for me today may not work for me tomorrow. #personaltrainer
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
@LHAOF1 Check our the money and personal finance books.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Looking for an ab burn? Try these ab workouts. Start slow. Build up. Feel the burn! #abs #core #burn