Deleted Tweets From Logan David Howard, D-Pa.
Logan David Howard's accounts: LoganDHoward
Tracked Between: October 10, 2019-August 31, 2020
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Amateur - everybody starts as an amateur. If you take the first step, I want you to know that I’m proud of you. #courage #confidence #fear #pride #mentality #mindset #motivation
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
@Cody @CJ_Johnson17th You can deduct mortgage interest on rental properties. You can only deduct mortgage interest on your personal residence if you itemize.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
@MooreFinancialM ♂️
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
If I knew then what I know now. I believe it’s our duty share our mistakes so others can learn from them. History repeats itself. Teach others the valuable lessons we’ve learned. Share our wisdom.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
If you’re not seeing results immediately, keep going. Keep your head up. Keep pushing forward. Stay positive. Stay encouraged. Stay disciplined. Stay motivated. Stay consistent. Results take time. It takes time to achieve our goals. If it was easy everybody would do it.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
We rush to the destination, but what we fail to realize is the climb is more rewarding. Rather than living for one moment in time in the future, enjoy the adventurous journey.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
To whom much is given, much is required.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
One of life’s greatest advantages is having nothing to lose.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
I want to help everybody in this world. I have a heart. I #care . #love people.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Put first things, first. By the end of the day, we’re tired. We may get tied up at work. We may go to dinner or happy hour. We may be busy and have other commitments, obligations, and responsibilities. That’s why I believe in working out first thing in the morning.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
@KaylaBraxtonWWE @meghoward1313 is team Velveeta.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
We don’t care about certain issues because they don’t personally affect us and our daily lives. The same issues we don’t care about deeply affect others and their daily lives. Open our eyes and ears. Open our minds and hearts. #empathy
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
We don’t care about certain issues because they don’t personally affect us and our daily lives. The same issues we don’t care about deeply affect others and their daily lives. Open our eyes and ears. Open our minds and hearts. Be empathetic.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Who we are inside makes us beautiful. Our personality makes us beautiful. Our heart, mind, and soul makes us beautiful. We all are naturally beautiful in our own way. Be beautifully you.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Others can’t control you unless you let them and enable it. Don’t give them permission. Say no. If you let it continue, it’s your own fault and you’re the one to blame.
LoganDHoward (D-Pa.)
Your time is yours. Your money is yours. You control how you use your time. You control how you spend your money. Don’t let others tell you how to use your time and spend your money. You are in control of yourself and your life.