Deleted Tweets From Rebecca Holcombe, D-Vt.
Rebecca Holcombe's accounts: RHolcombeVT
Tracked Between: September 17, 2019-November 21, 2022
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @jonlevyBU: If you don’t support measures to reduce community #COVID19 spread, to vaccinate kids and teachers, to invest $ in v…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @JeffSharlet: Media practice of presenting 7-day average of covid cases has become misleading during omicron. Today, says NYT, av…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @DaveSilberman: In addition to everything else @GovPhilScott has handed control of the State Board of Ed to people who prefer private sc… QT @vtdigger: Members of the public, and at least one member of the state Board of Education, are concerned that new rules being…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @waltshaub: I think you’re all being too hard on the White House’s Democracy Summit. After all, if you can’t learn how to do de…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @marceldirsus: Merkel visited a bird zoo today and the photos are everything. This isn't photoshop, it actually happened
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @LifeSciKES: I started watching #VT death data because I was concerned we were losing younger Vermonters, but at the end of Augu…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @LifeSciKES: Thank you for the higher-ed communities that MANDATE MASKS INDOORS and recognize that a multi-layer approach is what is nec… QT @bhrenton: Thank you to the 27,000+ Vermont college students (95%) who are fully vaccinated and have helped protect their comm…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @buitengebieden_: In a world where you can be anything, be kind.. �
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
CA proposes to create a "right of action” under which people can seek damages from those who manufacture, distribute or sell an assault weapon or ghost gun kit in CA. This is a response to the #SCOTUS ruling in the TX abortion case. QT @CAgovernor: If states can shield their laws from review by federal courts, then CA will use that authority to help protect live…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @asosin: Policymakers frequent cite lack of public support for public health measures as a reason for inaction. New polling…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
Responsible budgeting would include applying unexpected surplus in VT's education fund to items already bought and used, but not paid for, including unfunded pension liabilities. #vtpoli #vted
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
#vted, I can't help myself: imagine Dr. Levine and Gov. Scott as 8th grade teachers.....
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
Like many who work in & with schools, I'm grateful for comment Dr. Harry Chen, who always put health first in all policies. Bringing the vitriol of the mask debate to VT’s selectboards & city councils IS passing the buck. We need to work together.
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @LifeSciKES: @RHolcombeVT @troublesometots And 9/2 went up to 168 today from 96.
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
VT now leads the nation in #Delta case growth and is 5th in case incidence. @GovPhilScott needs to manage #Delta w/evidence-based policies, NOT ask legislators to use the same failed approach that displaced risk and burden onto local municipalities. #vted QT @RHolcombeVT: By leaving public health to local boards, VT's gov left school leaders & unvaccinated/immunocompromised people at t…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
2/2 ...Farm-to_School & school meals to small state minimums & equity provisions in federal programs. Thank you, @SenatorLeahy for showing up for children, not just when people & the press were looking, but even more importantly, when they weren’t. We will miss you. Thank you.❤️
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
1/2 The political actions that make the biggest difference for kids often go unseen & make for bad slogans. I am grateful for the behind-the-scenes hard work & care @SenatorLeahy and his team gave to tiny phrasings in law that made a big difference for VT & our children, from...
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @RowFn: Attention, #vted! Who is ready to join this incredible group of educators changing education from the ground up? Ap…
RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)
RT @AnandWrites: Note to Washington reporters: coalition politics isn’t chaos. It’s democracy in action. Especially if you spent th…